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Important message:

Starting this summer most of our original team members and field correspondents will graduate to join the “work force” and/or change family status, and will no longer be available to support ZPEnergy.com on a regular basis. Unfortunately, personal and family issues would only allow Vlad and Rob to moderate the postings, maintain the site and keep up with the correspondence, and very little time (if any) for news (re)search. 

So far, we failed to find committed people to act as reliable and stable correspondents to monitor various active sites and discussion lists dealing with advanced energy topics. This was quite a surprise to us, given the number of people and organizations visiting our site on regular basis. We had the false impression that there are many passionate people about this subject out there who would be more than happy and eager to get directly involved with ZPEnergy.com. But even if they exist, they obviously do not subscribe to our idea of freely sharing important information with others in an altruistic, truthful and unbiased manner. 

You probably have noticed that for the past two months we have added a menu item "Support ZPEnergy" to the "Modules" left side block. As expected, even those who might be able to support with small donations those here who volunteer their own free time to provide this service to others, are not willing to do it. Indeed, we intended this service to be free and open to everybody but the assumption was that there would be plenty of people who would get involved, just because they see the usefulness and timeliness of this idea behind ZPEnergy.com. So far no contributions, so this attempt has failed as well.

Consequently, this site will soon rely exclusively on its users to supply it with information. From past experience, most of our published material came from our correspondents and only a small percentage from the registered or anonymous users. This is not to say we don’t have regular and very active patrons (that are not our “listed” correspondents - and we thank them for their important contribution), but they alone cannot keep this site alive. 

Monitoring the many “New Energy” related discussion groups on the Internet is very important but also very time consuming. Since the only efficient way to do it is to have correspondents from among the regular members of these lists (which we failed to secure as mentioned above), we’re making a last attempt, this time appealing to the moderators of these discussion groups to act as our correspondents and select, for the general public information, the type of news/articles ZPEnergy.com is specialized in providing. We think this would be to their benefit and only attract more people to the respective lists. They would want to follow the highlighted threads and eventually discover other interesting ones (on subjects we do not cover but still very interesting, as there are so many and diverse topics discussed on these lists). Please pass this appeal to the moderators of your favorite list(s) and ask them to contact us directly, if they want to collaborate with us.

If this appeal to the moderators fails as well, we’re contemplating passing the operating responsibility of this site to some other entity or group that would want to continue to maintain ZPEnergy.com alive, in the same spirit we have done it so far, and can prove to have the means (resources/know-how) to do it. This is not selling it (yet); just an attempt to keep it alive, if somebody finds it worthwhile doing that. Vlad and Rob may continue to be moderators, but we'll have to negotiate the “authority” and “responsibility” the new "operational owner" will have. If we do not find any satisfactory offer, we're afraid with our little available time to dedicate to supplying ZPEnergy.com with "fuel", this site will eventually die a “natural” death (diagnostic? … human apathy and lack of vision - according to us - or a “false hope” from the start - according to others).

Sad indeed, but on the other hand, there are other sites now that have copied our idea of a FE dedicated News site for the general audience (THE people) and are doing it well (of course, none in our opinion is currently able to fill the gap ZPEnergy.com will leave behind). 

We sincerely appreciate the passion and commitment to a better future through a revolution in science - in general, and energy science - in particular, that many of you strongly believe in and fight for. For people like you, we feel most sorry and want to apologize if you consider this as letting you down. As somebody well said: “A Person Is Only As Valuable As She/He Can Be Of Help To Others”.

ZPEnergy.com team
April 2005


All logos and trademarks in this site are property of their respective owner. The comments are property of their posters, all the rest © 2002-2016 by ZPEnergy. Disclaimer: No content, on or affiliated with ZPEnergy should be construed as or relied upon as investment advice. While every effort is made to ensure that the information contained on ZPEnergy is correct, the operators of ZPEnergy make no warranties as to its accuracy. In all respects visitors should seek independent verification and investment advice.
Keywords: ZPE, ZPF, Zero Point Energy, Zero Point Fluctuations, ZPEnergy, New Energy Technology, Small Scale Implementation, Energy Storage Technology, Space-Energy, Space Energy, Natural Potential, Investors, Investing, Vacuum Energy, Electromagnetic, Over Unity, Overunity, Over-Unity, Free Energy, Free-Energy, Ether, Aether, Cold Fusion, Cold-Fusion, Fuel Cell, Quantum Mechanics, Van der Waals, Casimir, Advanced Physics, Vibrations, Advanced Energy Conversion, Rotational Magnetics, Vortex Mechanics, Rotational Electromagnetics, Earth Electromagnetics, Gyroscopes, Gyroscopic Effects

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