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· 1: Rossi: Quantum Legacy Foundation not the Partner, Only Provisional Contact Point by solaris - (Thursday, January 16, 2025)
· 2: Andrea Rossi is Chief Scientist in New Organization by solaris - (Thursday, December 26, 2024)
· 3: Rossi: Enough of Demonstrations, Time to Focus on Manufacturing and Distribution by vlad - (Friday, November 01, 2024)
· 4: What is an EVO? by yru4 - (Tuesday, October 29, 2024)
· 5: More on virtual particles and Zero Point/Vacuum energies by vlad - (Monday, October 28, 2024)
· 6: Re: Video: The Energy Revolution Has Begun by solaris - (Sunday, October 13, 2024)
· 7: Press Release: Leonardo Corporation Demonstrates On-board E-Cat Technology by vlad - (Saturday, October 05, 2024)
· 8: Re: Rossi: E-Cat EV Demo to be Streamed October 4th, + by solaris - (Tuesday, October 01, 2024)
· 9: "I am Exposing the Whole Damn Thing!" (MIND BLOWING!!!!) | Randall Carlson by yru4 - (Friday, September 13, 2024)
· 10: Re: Patent application to extract useful energy from the ZP field by solaris - (Tuesday, August 06, 2024)
· 11: Re: Exodus Propulsion Technology - Propellantless Propulsion Device by vlad - (Saturday, July 13, 2024)
· 12: Invoking the Inventor Secrecy Act for energy patents by vlad - (Saturday, June 29, 2024)
· 13: Re: How Society Gets Trapped In Limiting Ideas by yru4 - (Friday, June 28, 2024)
· 14: How Society Gets Trapped In Limiting Ideas by yru4 - (Friday, June 28, 2024)
· 15: ChatGTP on Rossi's patent by solaris - (Monday, June 24, 2024)
· 16: 235% Over-Unity Circuit easily analyzable in CircuitLab Simulator by vlad - (Wednesday, May 08, 2024)
· 17: Re: Magnetic Energy Convertor - Sergei Godin by solaris - (Friday, April 12, 2024)
· 18: GB Patent Appln -Quantum Antigravity via Superconduction by vlad - (Saturday, February 24, 2024)
· 19: Re: Maverick Inventors Program by yru4 - (Friday, January 19, 2024)
· 20: Re: Maverick Inventors Program by solaris - (Thursday, January 18, 2024)
· 21: Re: SAFIRE Project 2023 Update by solaris - (Sunday, January 14, 2024)
· 22: Re: Video: Zero-Point Energy (Philip Stott) by solaris - (Wednesday, December 13, 2023)
· 23: Can We Harvest Zero-Point Energy? with Garret Moddel by solaris - (Friday, October 13, 2023)
· 24: Re: New proposed superconductor at room temperature by profraccoon - (Friday, September 01, 2023)
· 25: Experiment confirms that Coulomb's law is incomplete by vlad - (Friday, August 25, 2023)
· 26: Re: New proposed superconductor at room temperature by yru4 - (Sunday, August 06, 2023)
· 27: Electric cars: Does the transition make sense? by yru4 - (Monday, July 24, 2023)
· 28: Re: Vlogger/Influencer Invitation for EV E-Cat Demo by vlad - (Monday, July 24, 2023)
· 29: Vlogger/Influencer Invitation for EV E-Cat Demo by vlad - (Monday, July 24, 2023)
· 30: Updates from Brilliant Light and Power by vlad - (Saturday, June 24, 2023)
· 31: Groundbreaking National Press Club Event! by vlad - (Thursday, June 22, 2023)
· 32: Sorry This Net Energy Gain Does NOT Mean Fusion is Close by yru4 - (Tuesday, April 11, 2023)
· 33: O-Day is Finally Here (Bob Greenyer) by vlad - (Sunday, March 19, 2023)
· 34: GEM Presentation Boston March 7, 2023 by vlad - (Sunday, March 19, 2023)
· 35: Maybe experiment can measure electric charge of quantum vacuum fermions by vlad - (Saturday, March 11, 2023)
· 36: Re: Brillouin Energy begins commercialization of pulsed catalyst electric heating by solaris - (Tuesday, February 14, 2023)
· 37: Re: Informational Reprieve from 2nd Law of Thermodynamics by DMB - (Monday, January 30, 2023)
· 38: Re: Informational Reprieve from 2nd Law of Thermodynamics by DMB - (Saturday, January 28, 2023)
· 39: Re: Informational Reprieve from 2nd Law of Thermodynamics by DMB - (Wednesday, January 25, 2023)
· 40: Re: Calm down. There's no NIF fusion power "breakthrough" by solaris - (Saturday, December 17, 2022)
· 41: Hydrogen cartridges by vlad - (Tuesday, December 06, 2022)
· 42: THE END OF DARK MATTER IS COMING by vlad - (Wednesday, July 13, 2022)
· 43: Re: Geometric Unity - A Theory of Everything (Eric Weinstein) by yru4 - (Monday, July 04, 2022)
· 44: A unifying theory of dark energy and dark matter by vlad - (Monday, July 04, 2022)
· 45: Perpetual Motion From Negative Mass? by solaris - (Monday, June 06, 2022)
· 46: Patent Awarded to Garret Moddel For “Quantum Noise Power Devices”Second Law? by vlad - (Wednesday, June 01, 2022)
· 47: Oxford spinoff demonstrates world-first hypersonic "projectile fusion" by vlad - (Wednesday, April 06, 2022)
· 48: Article: “Zero-Point Energy: Infinite Possibilities” (Medium.com) by vlad - (Sunday, March 06, 2022)
· 49: Production of Ecat SKLeps has Started by solaris - (Sunday, March 06, 2022)
· 50: On the lack of potential in quantum mechanics, pointed out by the Aharonov-Bohm by vlad - (Friday, February 04, 2022)
· 51: NIF: US lab takes further step towards nuclear fusion goal by vlad - (Sunday, January 30, 2022)
· 52: Quantum batteries by vlad - (Thursday, January 27, 2022)
· 53: Re: Survey on Cold Fusion by vlad - (Thursday, January 27, 2022)
· 54: Cold fusion in Researchgate by vlad - (Sunday, January 09, 2022)
· 55: Procedure error in PRL: what repercussion might it have in nUclear physics? by vlad - (Thursday, January 06, 2022)
· 56: Neutrinos- Converting Invisible Radiation Spectrum into Energy by vlad - (Friday, December 17, 2021)
· 57: What is wrong with the time in physics? by vlad - (Sunday, December 12, 2021)
· 58: Re: Understanding Rossi's Ecat through The New Nuclear Physics by WGUGLINSKI - (Monday, November 22, 2021)
· 59: Understanding Rossi's Ecat through The New Nuclear Physics by vlad - (Saturday, November 20, 2021)
· 60: Faster charging and decharging batteries by vlad - (Wednesday, November 17, 2021)
· 61: What is controversial in physics? by vlad - (Monday, November 15, 2021)
· 62: Re: ZPEnergy "censorship" by vlad - (Sunday, November 14, 2021)
· 63: Re: 2022, The Next Revolution in Physics by vlad - (Saturday, November 13, 2021)
· 64: Re: Dr. Zapffe's Flying Interferometer by FDT - (Wednesday, November 10, 2021)
· 65: Re: On why Andrea Rossi' cold fusion theory is wrong by WGUGLINSKI - (Tuesday, November 09, 2021)
· 66: The Scientist That "Discovered Antigravity" Then Disappeared Completely by vlad - (Thursday, November 04, 2021)
· 67: On why Andrea Rossi' cold fusion theory is wrong by vlad - (Thursday, November 04, 2021)
· 68: Re: On why cold fusion is denied by nuclear theorists by vlad - (Friday, October 29, 2021)
· 69: Subtle is the Math by vlad - (Thursday, October 28, 2021)
· 70: Missing of anistropic space in quantum mechanics by vlad - (Monday, October 18, 2021)
· 71: Re: Unlocking Zero-Point Energy (Garret Moddel-YouTube) by solaris - (Wednesday, October 06, 2021)
· 72: Re: Unlocking Zero-Point Energy (Garret Moddel-YouTube) by vlad - (Wednesday, October 06, 2021)
· 73: DVD's or Streaming? by vlad - (Monday, September 20, 2021)
· 74: Ken Shoulders' Exotic Vacuum Objects (EVO) by vlad - (Wednesday, September 08, 2021)
· 75: Remarkable density of new lithium battery promises massive range for EVs by vlad - (Wednesday, August 25, 2021)
· 76: Speed and absorption key to optimizing new type of rechargeable battery by vlad - (Monday, August 09, 2021)
· 77: Lithium strips take next-gen battery into record-breaking territory by vlad - (Thursday, July 01, 2021)
· 78: Porous membrane saves high-density lithium metal batteries from failure by vlad - (Friday, June 18, 2021)
· 79: Re: Noether's theorems by yru4 - (Sunday, June 06, 2021)


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Keywords: ZPE, ZPF, Zero Point Energy, Zero Point Fluctuations, ZPEnergy, New Energy Technology, Small Scale Implementation, Energy Storage Technology, Space-Energy, Space Energy, Natural Potential, Investors, Investing, Vacuum Energy, Electromagnetic, Over Unity, Overunity, Over-Unity, Free Energy, Free-Energy, Ether, Aether, Cold Fusion, Cold-Fusion, Fuel Cell, Quantum Mechanics, Van der Waals, Casimir, Advanced Physics, Vibrations, Advanced Energy Conversion, Rotational Magnetics, Vortex Mechanics, Rotational Electromagnetics, Earth Electromagnetics, Gyroscopes, Gyroscopic Effects

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