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Tapping Magnetic Energy ? ZPE from the free-energy group
Posted on Thursday, November 04, 2004 @ 20:26:47 UTC by vlad

Science neophysicsman writes: I thought this was some good food for thought.

It argues that the magnetic field is acting as a valve for energy from higher dimensional spaces. (Or tapping ZPE: we simply do not know yet.)

Date: Tue, 02 Nov 2004 09:19:39 -0500
From: Louis
Subject: Tapping Magnetic Energy

Which should show you that the magnetic field is acting as a valve for energy from higher dimensional spaces. (Or tapping ZPE: we simply do not know yet.) But the fact that an energized SCM coil behaves in this fashion simply solidifies my point: you can put a given amount of energy into the system, and then cause it to expend energy indefinitely without additional energy input? You know there is no free lunch: just think about this for a moment. You can put a finite amount of energy into the SCM coil, and then levitate a 5 lb. weight above it indefinitely. Do you see the problem here?
It obviously requires the expenditure of energy to keep a 5 lb. weight plate hovering in mid-air. The earth is pulling down on the weight plate at 9.82 m/sec^2, and yet it remains there. In order to keep the weight plate aloft, the magnetic field must exert 5 lbs. of pressure upward against the weight plate. Whence comes the energy to accomplish this, day in and day out?
There must be a source: the magnetic field is acting as a conduit, tapping SOME sort of energy!

If you were to go back before the advent of the solar cell, and show someone a small motor being driven by an attached black plastic square, and claim that the black square held all of the energy to power the motor, they might believe you -- thinking the black square to be a battery of some sort -- up until said "battery" had been running the motor in a brightly lit room for weeks on end: someone would realize that the black square, rather than CONTAINING the energy in some stored chemical form, must be acting as a conduit for external energy of some kind. (If they were to switch off the lights, they would quickly realize whence came the energy! ; ->

In our case, the magnet is acting in the same fashion, but rather than converting photons into electricity, magnetic fields are tapping something else, and unfortunately, finding that "something" has not been as easy as simply switching off the room lights. If we look, we will eventually discover the source. But if we believe that "the energy is in the magnet, and that's that", we shall never look, and thus, shall never discover the true source of this energy. It is there. Heavy weights simply do not hover in the air without energy being expended: period. We KNOW that energy is being expended: our job is to discover the "how" and the "why" of it.


On 11/1/04 9:58 PM, "Gary S." wrote:

> Actually, levitating heavy objects is easy IF you have
> a source of a steady magnetic field. For that you have
> two choices: a permanent magnet or a superconducting
> coil previously energized to make such a field. No
> "new" energy has to be added to either if to suspend a
> weight above them (or attract one that's suspended
> beneath it).



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"Tapping Magnetic Energy ? ZPE from the free-energy group" | Login/Create an Account | 3 comments | Search Discussion
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Re: Tapping Magnetic Energy ? ZPE from the free-energy group (Score: 1)
by Marv on Thursday, November 04, 2004 @ 21:02:23 UTC
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Much as a permanent magnet keeps its power. My electronic circuits have been self-sustaining. Capable of continuing to hold voltage with the battery disconnected. A nine volt battery voltage is temporarily applied between the positive pin of any bare 4000 series CMOS chip and negative lead of a 10 uf tantulum electrolytic capacitor that has its positive lead connected to the ground pin of the chip. The circuit will drop a couple of volts within 48 hours then stabilize at around 7 volts DC.

Re: Tapping Magnetic Energy ? ZPE from the free-energy group (Score: 1)
by ryandinan on Friday, November 05, 2004 @ 12:18:56 UTC
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I have always thought the same thing. I never understood how a magnet could continuously do all this work, without ever needing to be recharged somehow (when talking about a permanent magnet).
I was always fascinated with the repelling force one felt when bringing two like poles near one another - and the stronger the force felt the nearer you pushed them together. Something is causing them to work against my applied force. I'm sure as hell expending energy pushing them together. Somehow those magnets are drawing power from somewhere. Even if you break it down to the atomic level, you have to wonder what keeps electrons zipping around the neucleous...


Re: Tapping Magnetic Energy ? ZPE from the free-energy group (Score: 1)
by mojo on Friday, November 05, 2004 @ 12:36:31 UTC
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The magnetic field is in itself a potential field. It arises from changing symmetries in the underlying potential energy/momentum field of the continuum, caused by the structures that create the magnetic field.due to their arrangement.

This allows a magnetic force to arise which transfers energy and momentum from the underlying field potentials.



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