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The perpetual motion magnetic machine (PM3)
Posted on Saturday, November 13, 2004 @ 17:59:47 UTC by vlad

Devices by K. Pullo: INTRODUCTION :

The making of a PERPETUAL MOTION MACHINE has always been a fantastic dream. There are many attempts along history, but always the same ending: PERPETUAL MOTION continues being a legend.

On another hand, the amazing properties of magnetic materials have always astonished boys and intuitive men. They can see a mysterious secret inside these materials. I think these properties are not being used properly enough yet...

... Here is the last attempt...


Some time ago I found a fantastic program called FEMM: http://femm.berlios.de/
This program makes analysis of all parameter types on magnetic systems, so I decided to analyze all the configurations of magnetic systems in the JLN LABS magnetic motors research.

I found that some systems definitively didn't work, others were difficult to repeat, and a few others contained good ideas.

Then I found the Stewart Harris TOMI theory: www.fortunecity.com/greenfield/bp/16/magnetic.htm

Then, I decided to analyze the system, and see the force profile on the MOVING MAGNET:

Let's begin with the picture below:..."

Visit the very interesting site: http://mmmgroup.altervista.org/e-magnet.html

Stefan Hartmann writes:

Dear Mr. Pullo,
the PM3 ist just great !
many thanks for this hard and genious work !

I agree, that it will work in a closed loop.
This is a good idea to also test again my old PM^2

What do you think ?
in the PM^2 you need less stator magnets, cause you just need only a static permanent magnetic field from the top plate to the buttom plate,
which also could be iron plates with backside permanent magnets.
It is just an static airgap and could also be built with electromagnets to control the power and speed of the runner stack magnets !

A cloosed loop rotating version must be built differently than this:
This idea by JL Naudin does not work as Olaf Berens and me already tried out.
But the Linear version DOES WORK and if you put the linear version in a circle this would probably also work as in your PM3 !


Message: (free-energy yahoo group)
Date: Sat, 13 Nov 2004 13:28:54 +0100
From: "Stefan Hartmann"
Subject: Closed loop PMSquare magnet motor !

Hi All,
here is the new version of a closed loop PMSquare (permanent magnet powered motor) motor.

I was inspired by the great work of Mr. Pullo at:

and I think the PMSquare is a bit easier to build and you donĀ“t need as many stator magnets and the torque will be higher.
Also the stator field for the airgap can be produced by electromagnets to control the torque.

But I guess, both concepts are very interesting !


Dipl. Ing. Stefan Hartmann
Hartmann Multimedia Service www.harti.com
Keplerstr. 11 B, 10589 Berlin, Germany
email: harti@harti.com



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"The perpetual motion magnetic machine (PM3)" | Login/Create an Account | 3 comments | Search Discussion
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Re: The perpetual motion magnetic machine (PM3) (Score: 1)
by Zanstel on Sunday, November 14, 2004 @ 04:00:16 UTC
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The problem of all these "magnetic powered" machines is... "where energy come from?".

Some people means that energy come (directly) from the magnetic field of the magnet. This is erroneous. Magnetic fields creates only a potencial but do not generates energy.

Although some people means that is zero point energy I propose more simple and based classic physical response.

Please, read carefully these link

You could see that the superposition of static electric field and static magnetic field is a interesant configuration that converts random movement of charged particles into movement in one only direction. (not random)

This could be violates the second law of thermodynamics.

It could be possible that magnetic fields in movement generates a similar effect because a charged particles are moved by a variable (dynamic) magnetic field.

Then, when the magnet is moving, a part of the entropy of the electrons of the high permeability metals surrounding the moving magnet is converted into extra flux that generates a magnetic field not normally considered. If the alignment of the machine is correct and uses this effect to feedback the movement of the magnet then that the surrounding metal gets colder and the transferring the energy to the movement of the magnet. (violating the second law of thermodynamics)

This produces certain effects in magnetic only motors.

1- Certain parts of the magnetic motor gets colder. Other (a cause of the friction) gets heater.
2- In a closed enviroment, although the motor is in permanent movement, the entropy don't increases or decreases. (This reinforce my hypothesis of the origin of energy in contrast to ZPE)

I hope you understand me. I don't write English very well as you can see.

Re: The perpetual motion magnetic machine (PM3) (Score: 1)
by vlad on Monday, November 15, 2004 @ 22:58:55 UTC
(User Info | Send a Message) http://www.zpenergy.com
Message: free-energy yahoo group
Date: Mon, 15 Nov 2004 14:00:03 +0100
From: "Stefan Hartmann"
Subject: Linear motor input force tested...

Hi All,
I am also working also again at the linear version
of the PMSquare. The linear version could also
be used for an easier to build RMOG ( From JL Naudin) or simular !

I am currently testing, how I can vary the needed input force onto the runner magnet stack.
Here is a first simulation, where you can see, that at the input of the linear version I have a repelling force of about -5 Newton.

So I need now to modify the input track by guiding the flux away there, so the input will be actually an attracting force onto the runner stack and not a negative repelling force in x-direction !
This can all be done by adding the right flux-core iron pieces and the right magnet structure.
It all depends on the relationsships of the setup.
With FEMM you can really SEE , what is going on in magnet fields and their relationship to other elements inside the fields...
If somebody want to tests this also, I have put all the FEMM files into:

You can download them there.

Jason just emailed me, that he also tried the PMSquareloop design and it also works in his simulation !

Regards, Stefan

Dipl. Ing. Stefan Hartmann
Hartmann Multimedia Service www.harti.com
Keplerstr. 11 B, 10589 Berlin, Germany
email: harti@harti.com


Re: The perpetual motion magnetic machine (PM3) (Score: 1)
by mojo on Tuesday, November 16, 2004 @ 10:59:25 UTC
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These ideas sound a lot like Howard Johnson's original ideas on magnetic motors and generators.



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