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GMC puts hold on LaFonte testing team
Posted on Thursday, December 02, 2004 @ 20:11:18 UTC by vlad

Devices neophysicsman writes: GMC which has claimed to have a production ready OU magnetic motor puts a hold on the LaFonte testing team giving no reason for the delay or any access to the inventors on the project. Read the group letter for the speculations and disapointment >>>

Hi all,
I called GMC Tuesday and asked when we could bring the test team in and I was told to call Wednesday afternoon. I just called and was told no one was available to talk today and that information would be posted to the web site with respect to testing. He also told me that all people coming to the tests would have to give their drivers license and social security number before they could attend. Also anyone from out of the country would have to show them their passport. I have worked for weeks day and night putting this team together, borrowed close to ten thousand dollars worth of testing equipment including a 7000 dollar gauss meter and a laptop controlled programmable load controller, thermal imaging equipment, oscilloscopes, multi-testers, and many other test instruments, purchased a laser guided infrared thermometer and have three video cameras ready with tripods and lighting and ran up a 400 dollar phone bill. At this point I can't talk direct to any of the people that welcomed the test team a few weeks ago, Richard and Billy. I was told to check the web site for any information regarding access to the motor. I had a fool proof test procedure in place that would have proved beyond a shadow of a doubt if this was or was not a true overunity motor and we were going to put it on the web through many multiple sites. I will let you all make your own conclusions as to where we stand with this hand picked, very qualified, well equipped, test team and ever getting to conduct our six hour test of the GMC motor.

Thanks for all the support guys,
Butch LaFonte

Group site: http://groups.yahoo.com/group/free-energy/



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"GMC puts hold on LaFonte testing team" | Login/Create an Account | 4 comments | Search Discussion
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Re: GMC puts hold on LaFonte testing team (Score: 1)
by Sigma on Thursday, December 02, 2004 @ 20:17:55 UTC
(User Info | Send a Message)
I am not sure if it matters, but this situation has already been resolved. GMC wasn't not blowing off Bruce and his team, they were taking extra time to make sure that Bruce et al had their credentials approved. They are still planning on testing the device, except that the team maybe somewhat smaller than what was envisioned.

Please read this before everyone gets out the pitchforks and torches! The message from the GMC president>>>

From: Richard Brace
Date: Thu Dec 2, 2004 12:41 am
Subject: Re: [free-energy] Re: GMC puts hold on LaFonte testing team

Gentlemen: Please be informed that we have not in any way just brushed off Mr.
Butch Lafonte and any other members from attending a live demonstration of our
motor technology. It has nothing to do stock prices, dumping or any other theory
any of you all might imagine. We have been advised by our recently employed
security team that all must pass certain background checks. We will be requiring
every and we mean every individual to meet our criteria. As you all know we live
in a very strange world when it comes to new technology and its possible impact
worldwide. Unfortunately I have always lived my life to accept if there is
something better bring it on!!!. But this has gotten the attention of certain
groups and we have taken steps to address these issues. Just be patient. We are
not stalling because we don't want your group to view and test. Just quite the
opposite. We want as many on this planet to understand, accept and support our
efforts. We will be going forward as long as I am
in control of this company. Best Regards. Richard Brace, Pres. GMC Holding

Re: GMC puts hold on LaFonte testing team (Score: 1)
by vlad on Thursday, December 02, 2004 @ 20:40:24 UTC
(User Info | Send a Message) http://www.zpenergy.com
Message: free-energy yahoo group
Date: Thu, 02 Dec 2004 06:13:52 -0000
From: "Frederick Brown"
Subject: Re: GMC puts hold on LaFonte testing team

I have put out my good time, money, and labor in expectation of getting payed for jobs I've agreed to do, only to recieved a bunch of fast talking, more times than I care to think about. I now secure both deposits and written contracts before I do anything, in other words a commitment up front that will protect my investment at least in part from being completely lost.

The really agravating thing about it is that the parties who have been responsible for losses on my part (of course I am ultimately responsible, but you know what I mean) failed to benifiet from those losses making them a complete waste of time, money, and effort for all involved.

You must protect yourself from such things and such people. I humbly suggest that you continue to offer to do the test for free, but secure a written agreement that allows you to recover you expenses
(reasonable things like travel costs, equipment rentals, and the like) if the company backs out of the testing proceedure.

My final words of consolation are: Its hard to get something from those who have nothing. In short, they must be protecting the illusion of their fraud.

Best regards,


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Re: GMC puts hold on LaFonte testing team (Score: 1)
by vlad on Saturday, December 04, 2004 @ 10:21:16 UTC
(User Info | Send a Message) http://www.zpenergy.com
Message: free-energy yahoo group
Date: Fri, 3 Dec 2004 16:30:36 -0800 (PST)
From: Richard Brace
Subject: Re: Re: Will you give out social security number? From Butch

Please understand that we at GMC Holding Corp are in no way interested in understanding anything about your financial status, tax status, etc., etc.. We have been inundated with requests from every part of the globe to view the motor and to test it. We are making certain, with the help of extremely capable security experts, that the technology is not pirated away from us. Surely everyone understands that aspect. We are taking the proper steps to insure that we will be going forward with the manufacture and distribution without alienating those within the political and economic structure. If we do not do this we will encounter the same fate of others with various superb inventions that became shelved for failure to follow proper protocol.

Richard Brace
President, GMC Holding Corp.

nuenergy_scientist wrote:

Giving out your S.S. # is not a very good idea. I smell a rat.

-Bruce P.

--- In free-energy@yahoogroups.com, "Butch LaFonte" wrote:

> To all people I have corsponded with about being part of the team going down to Orlando for the GMC motor test.
> Are you willing to give them your drivers license and social security number as they have requested we must do so.
> Thanks so much,
> Butch

Butch LaFonte Intended Independent Test (Score: 1)
by vlad on Friday, December 17, 2004 @ 21:52:39 UTC
(User Info | Send a Message) http://www.zpenergy.com
From neophysicsman: Follow-up:

Butch LaFonte Intended Independent Test

Butch LaFonte intended to assemble a team to independently test the GMC Holdings device. The following messages are in reverse chronological sequence, from the free-energy discussion list at Yahoo!Groups 2004 (membership required to access).

Dropping test plans for GMC motor - Butch cites GMCC inconsideration of answering coordination messages in a timely manner cited as reason for backing down from attempting a test. (Dec. 8)

No response from GMC, still waiting, (From Butch) (Dec. 7)

From Butch LaFonte to Richard Brace - anticipating Dec. 18 test date. (Dec. 4)

Refined test psychology, permanent magnet/Electro-magnetic motors - Dec. 4

How to fool proof test GMC motor, from Butch - Dec. 4 (Correction)

$10,000 worth of equipment prepared to test GMC motor - Dec. 1

My background info. for those interested, from Butch - Dec. 3

Will test GMC, three teams, 2 people each team, Butch - Nov. 26

GMC test team update - Nov. 22

Need 12 people for test teams, 6 teams of 2 each - Nov. 21

cell phone contact - Nov. 21


A TEST STANDARD, overunity selfrunning claims, suggestions please - Nov. 18

GMC Fuelless Motor; $9 Trillion Energy market; Real-time natural gas - Nov. 18, tech. announced to list.


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