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New Book - Secrets of the Aether
Posted on Thursday, December 09, 2004 @ 19:22:19 UTC by vlad

Science Anonymous writes: Secrets of the Aether is now available at http://www.16pi2.com. Secrets of the Aether explains the Aether Physics Model. It includes a mathematically correct Unified Force Theory and precisely quantifies the Aether in which all visible matter exists. Also explained is dark matter, and even consciousness is quantified.

If you want to tap the ZPE, you'll need the technology outlined in this book. Many new physics discoveries are presented, too numerous to list. Chapter summaries and a table of contents are available online at the web address above.



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"New Book - Secrets of the Aether" | Login/Create an Account | 2 comments | Search Discussion
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Re: New Book - Secrets of the Aether (Score: 1)
by vlad on Monday, December 13, 2004 @ 20:48:55 UTC
(User Info | Send a Message) http://www.zpenergy.com
Tom Schum writes: All,

I ordered a copy of secrets of the aether, Dave's book. It was about $55 including shipping. It arrived a couple days later, surprisingly quickly.

Physical quality of the product is excellent. It appears to be xerox printed in color, but like I said the quality is excellent, textbook grade so far as I can tell. And, I haven't found any grammatical errors yet! This means the authors value their own work enough to make sure it is presented in good english.

I'm easy to impress, and anybody who will go to the very great trouble to write and print a whole book about their ideas earns my respect. Joseph Newman is to blame for this book-producing, having set a sort of standard when he published. Newman is an inventor, and inventors usually seek a patent. Scientists merely publish. If this is any criterion, Dave is taking the scientist approach. Right at the beginning is a statement placing all the ideas into the public domain, something Newman might never do.

I think the following is attributed to Einstein: "Make it as simple as possible, but no simpler."

It looks like Dave is trying to do just that. I did not get past the first chapter yet, so cannot comment on the theory. I did see later in the book a write-up of the experiment in which a magnet is dropped down a copper tube (see "definition of resistance" thread, in free_energy group's email archives, December 2004).

I think it is hard to convey the subtleties of any serious theory in an email, or two, or several. I think I need to read the whole book before determining for myself the validity of any of Dave's theories. I recommend that anyone who is inclined to dispute Dave's theories ought to buy his book and read the whole thing carefully. Then dispute, if you like.

If you want to debunk the bible, or any book, theory, or whatever, just take a few lines out of context and tear them apart. That sort of debunking makes the debunker himself look dumber than whatever he is debunking. It is especially easy to screw up as a debunker if what you are trying to debunk is a new paradigm, because you unconsciously capitalize on your own ignorance and that of your audience.

Dave's theories of the aether deserve better treatment than that.

Tom Schum


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