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Discovery Channel MythBusters take on FE
Posted on Monday, December 13, 2004 @ 22:33:57 UTC by vlad
In the yahoo free-energy group, Lawrence Rayburn writes: This past weekend Mythbusters did a piece on 'free energy' devices. They proved a Bedini motor does not work, the Mento wheel develops no power...just barely moves with no torque, and the free oscillator charging battery charging circuit is just a ring oscillator and does no work.
They are drawing a bead on many of your pet devices and mentioned some of the devices, people, and their websites listed on this forum.
Jaime Hynuman, one of the stars of Mythbusters, is on a mission to prove or disprove 'free energy' devices once and for all with documented and video taped experiments they are showing on Wednesday nights on their cable show.
Just thought you'd like to know.
Sounds like this show could be an excellent opportunity to get national coverage for any OU device that actually works...
--- Bert -
Yes, Jaime Hyneman is actively looking for OU devices that actually work. He and his partner do special effects for the movies and have plenty of money to put into projects for their cable show ....and it is quite popular.
They also have a URL:
[Discovery Channel MythBusters.url]
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Re: Discovery Channel MythBusters take on FE (Score: 1) by mlmitton on Tuesday, December 14, 2004 @ 15:13:54 UTC (User Info | Send a Message) | I couldn't figure out why they tested the Mento wheel. As they stated, it wouldn't be a "free energy" device at all, just another solar power device. Am I missing something?
Even as terribly inefficient solar power, it's still a pretty clever design that I can respect for its scientific aesthetics. |
Re: Discovery Channel MythBusters take on FE (Score: 1) by Maor on Tuesday, December 14, 2004 @ 17:05:46 UTC (User Info | Send a Message) | Some one said they proved that "the Mento wheel develops no power...just barely moves with no torque"
I can hardly can imagine a wheel wich rotates without torque. What about the torque needed to defeat the friction on the shaft?
Re: Discovery Channel MythBusters take on FE (Score: 1) by ElectroDynaCat on Tuesday, December 14, 2004 @ 20:55:40 UTC (User Info | Send a Message) | My hats off to them, every bogus device presented just detracts from the whole arguement of exploring FE/OU and is a serious waste of time for people trying to research the field. Its getting to the point where any claims are rejected automatically, without exception as being a mistake or a fraud.
To all the shysters out there in FE/OU, just imagine the loss to humanity if there really was a breakthrough that could not be developed because the public had tired of the games that you have been playing? |
JOSEPH PAPP ENGINE "SECRET" OUT! (Score: 1) by nanotech on Friday, December 17, 2004 @ 20:54:52 UTC (User Info | Send a Message) | The secret to Papp's noble gas/helium driven plasma converter engine: Papp was unknowingly using the helium and other atoms as carriers for the quantum zero point radiation aether/ether, hydrogen also acts as an ether carrier.
This also explains some other over unity devices such as the Schauberger and Keely systems that use water and hydrogen in their functioning.
The ether is carried by the hydrogen and can be released, and produce overunity effects.
One excellent example is the ATOMIC HYDROGEN FURNACE built by WILLIAM LYNE, author of OCCULT ETHER PHYSICS. Mr Lyne goes into depth about the technologies of Nikola Tesla, and Tesla's electrodynamic electromotive force, and how hydrogen can act as a carrier (as well as helium and other elements) for the ether.
Tesla's cosmic rays were the zero point radiation, as was Moray's.
Letter to Discovery Channel MythBusters (Score: 1) by vlad on Saturday, December 18, 2004 @ 21:05:56 UTC (User Info | Send a Message) http://www.zpenergy.com | Date: Fri, 17 Dec 2004 18:06:53 -0700
From: "Sterling D. Allan" sterlingda@greaterthings.com
Subject: to Jamie and Adam about Bedini coverage
I've built a Bedini SG, as have several others.
Those of use in this replication project were quite unimpressed with your coverage of Bedini in your recent show on free energy.
Your MIT "expert" did not even put magnets in his rotary device. That is about as blatant an omission as there could be -- showing just how shoddy the attempt was. Your show on this topic was many times more questionable than most of the harebrained ideas that cross my desk on the subject (believe me, I get a lot).
I am expecting that others, even without a trained eye, will see this coverage as a lame attempt to discredit something in the name of humor, but very low on science, and that it will increase interest in free energy, rather than diminish it. "Me thinkest thou protesteth too much" phenomenon.
By "free energy," I mean that we do not have to pay for it. Solar, wind, tide, geothermal, are all free energy. The devices that tap them are not free. Tesla technology is only another genre of free energy, tapping into yet another sea of inexhaustible, ubiquitous, clean energy. No laws of physics are violated -- only discovered, adjusted, and rewritten.
We've created a coverage page for your show, where we are compiling comments about the coverage, including a response from John Bedini, who is a friend of mine.
I've been in John's lab. I've seen around a dozen of his various iterations -- all working.
In the past 43 hours, I have seen three cycles of rotation of my batteries through the Bedini SG increase in battery capacity, as measured by a BK Precision 600 ($300) Battery Capacity Analyzer.
Report: http://tinyurl.com/7x65c
There is something going on there, and it doesn't involve garbles on treadmills.
Sterling D. Allan
Executive Director, PES Network Inc
Re: Discovery Channel MythBusters take on FE (Score: 1) by vlad on Sunday, December 19, 2004 @ 22:40:22 UTC (User Info | Send a Message) http://www.zpenergy.com | Message: free-energy yahoo group
Date: Tue, 14 Dec 2004 09:18:57 -0700
From: "Steve Elswick"
Subject: RE: Mythbusters on Discovery Channel
What a wasted effort by a couple of lazy guys trying to cash in on other people's hopes and dreams. The challenge is in building something that will work... consistently. That search requires real effort and thought processes. It requires "thinking outside of the box" and a keen sense of observation as many breakthroughs start off as miniscule events.
History is replete with examples. Fuel cells could barely develop power a hundred years ago, now they power spacecraft... ac motors were considered impractical toys in the mid-1800s... it a took Tesla's vision to make them prime movers of industry! Literally every breakthrough was impossible until it was done.
Bottom line: an idiot could prove an automobile engine doesn't work if it isn't built right or something is missing!
At TeslaTech, we aren't afraid to take up the search for the ever elusive goal of "free energy". We invite those brave souls who are up to the challenge to join us. Everything hasn't been invented yet!
Steve Elswick -- steve@teslatech.info
Publisher/Editor - ExtraOrdinary Technology
520-463-1994 - http://www.teslatech.info |
Re: Discovery Channel MythBusters take on FE (Score: 1) by vlad on Tuesday, December 21, 2004 @ 20:58:53 UTC (User Info | Send a Message) http://www.zpenergy.com | In the yahoo free_energy group Phil Karn writes: Just in case somebody here hasn't seen the recent Mythbusters show on free energy on the Discovery Channel, here's another mini review: Don't miss it!!
They tested a bunch of claimed free energy machines, built from plans and kits off the Internet. Every one failed to work.
It was especially fun to watch the Holy Grail of free energy crankdom, the Bedini motor, audibly slow down as the camera rolled.
They point out that the only device that actually sort-of worked (the heat engine that uses propane tanks) isn't really free energy at all since it required energy to produce the heat that drives it.
To quote just some of the juicy phrases from the hosts: "Free energy, across the board: Busted! Busted! Busted! And I *don't* want to get an email about it!"
Great show. Don't miss it.
I was rather disappointed with the show, which exhibited some the sloppiest science I have ever seen. I have heard on other discussion boards that the MythBuster guys completely forgot to include the magnets in one of the devices that that they "tested". Now I agree that the device probably would not have worked anyway, but if someone wants to truthfully say that they have tested and busted a claim, they need to actually build the device! So one sloppy test with a negative result, and presto!, the device has been officially "debunked". Not convincing at all. Face it, these MythBuster guys are there to entertain the scientifically illiterate public, not do serious research (educational television loves to air such pseudo-science shows these days). And by presenting such a sloppy, incomplete, and NON-REPRODUCED "test" as the practice of science, they create a erroneous impression of how science really works. It seems like those two guys are more about making their "test" results match preconceived conclusions (ever wonder how many myths they *failed* to debunk?).
Note their intellectual dishonesty in presenting the Minto Wheel as a "free energy" device. As anyone who has made a minimal effort to learn about this device knows, it is simply a heat engine powered by a temperature difference. No one claims or has claimed that the Minto Wheel violates thermodynamic law. As has been known for about 40 years, the Minto Wheel definitely works (though with low carnot efficiency). They might as well have tested the "myth" of the Drinking Bird toy. I wonder how often the MythBuster team attacks straw men like this.
Phil, perhaps you approve of the MythBusters' conclusions regarding "free energy" devices. But do you really consider their approach to be scientific? Please do not encourage the acceptance of pseudo science, even when it is used to attack pseudo-science.
Leo C. |
Mythbusters now available on Eric Krieg's server (Score: 1) by vlad on Saturday, December 25, 2004 @ 17:35:00 UTC (User Info | Send a Message) http://www.zpenergy.com | Eric Krieg writes: For people like me who don't have cable, the following are some of the parts of the show that dealt with free energy.
I have had many people tell me, "you're an engineer, just get plans for FE and make it yourself". I'm sure were I to try - people would just fault me. That is why I agree that it would have been better if mythbusters could have tried to get people to bring in devices. I was glad they did admit that mintowheel wouldn't have been true FE - it would only cost orders of magnitude more energy to build than it would ever produce.
I'm working on a story about attempts to suppress skeptics who speak out about free energy con men - more on that later.
Eric Krieg