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Superconductors in General Relativity and Cosmology
Posted on Friday, December 17, 2004 @ 22:26:21 UTC by vlad

Science neophysicsman writes: -----Mensaje original-----
De: K_loupwarp
Enviado el: Jueves 16 de Diciembre de 2004 05:20
Para: cph_theory@yahoogroups.com
Asunto: [cph_theory] Superconductors in General Relativity and Cosmology

hello i am inviting all of you to read my work on General Relativity and Cosmology of Higher Dimensional Spacetime Geometry..this e-print is at Conseil Nationale de la Recherche Spatiale de France CNRS-National Council of Space Research of France...

i use a abnormal coupling between eletrimagnetism and gravity using rotating superconductors....this is inspired in a research carried out by ESA European Space Agency..ESTEC
European Space technology and Engineering Center...also i am inviting all of you to browse the webpages in my eletronic signature in the end of this email to see my works at CERN-Centre Europeene por la Recherche Nucleaire-European Organization for Nuclear Research

My Works at CERN




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Freedom for Scientific Research (Score: 1)
by vlad on Monday, December 20, 2004 @ 21:44:54 UTC
(User Info | Send a Message) http://www.zpenergy.com
Fernando Loup writes:

(my name is on the list of cientists)
The history of science teaches that the greatest advances in the scientific domain have been achieved by bold thinkers who perceived new and fruitful approaches that others failed to notice. If one had taken the ideas of these scientific geniuses who have been the promoters of modern science and submitted them to committees of specialists, there is no doubt that the latter would have viewed them as extravagant and would have discarded them for the very reason of their originality and profundity. As a matter of fact, the battles waged, for example by Fresnel and by Pasteur suffice to prove that some of these pioneers ran into a lack of understanding from the side of eminent scholars which they had to fight with vigor before emerging as the winners. More recently, in the domain of theoretical physics, of which I can speak with knowledge, the magnificent novel conceptions of Lorentz and Planck, and particularly Einstein also clashed with the incomprehension of eminent scientists. The new ideas here triumphed; but, in proportion as the organization of research becomes more rigid, the danger increases that new and fruitful ideas will be unable to develop freely. Let us state in a few words the conclusion to be drawn from the foregoing. While, by the very force of circumstances, research and teaching are weighted down by administrative structures and financial concerns and by the heavy armature of strict regulations and planning, it becomes more indispensable than ever to preserve the freedom of scientific research and the freedom of initiative for the original investigators, because these freedoms have always been and will always remain the most fertile sources for the grand progress of science.

Nobel Laureate Louis de Broglie, April 25, 1978


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