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To Butch, and all Inventors
Posted on Monday, December 20, 2004 @ 22:14:03 UTC by vlad

Testimonials In the free-energy yahoo group Paul (metalspiderkiller) writes: Butch,

I am a little insulted you make it sound as if I don't want to get my device out to the world. I have spent 700k and will spend 500K to insure just that. It took me 35 million to bring my insecticide to market with wonderful results. You and everyone else who is working on some type of "free energy device" needs to relies the unit cost to produce the device compared to the already existing price of the KW will determine the success.

In other words, If it costs 50K to produce the device it will take 62yrs at average electric consumption to recoup your investment. And during that time as the demand for Nd rises so will the price. Example, our calculations show that we need 800Lbs of Nd to produce a 1Kw machine at a cost of 78K. As it stands even though we have a device that works, it is not possible to mass manufacture it yet. We will work on securing the mines and the rights to production of Nd. That will ensure that we can keep the price low and can compete with price of the current Kw. All I'm saying to you and all inventors don't think that just because you have "the holy grail" the world will change don't underestimate the power of the free market. If they can't beat you they will make it so expensive to produce that you can't compete. I speak from experience, the three big insecticide companies tried to stop Ecosmart. But because we secured the rights to the production and materials we can compete directly with them. Now we are growing and their on the run. How can they compete with a completely safe insect killer? They can't, now they want to team up with us. And that is the ONLY way you will get a device out to the world is to make it impossible for them to compete then they have no other choice but to join you.

No hard feelings Butch.

I still want you to test E.M.I.L.I.E. once we receive the rotating torque sensor.


Date: Sun, 19 Dec 2004 15:47:26 -0600
From: "Butch LaFonte"
Subject: Re: To Paul, Chris, Mark, and all Inventors


What I meant by my post to you is that I don't want to hand over control of my device to anyone. I don't want to have any control over it either. I want to world to have it. The way I see it is this, the technology will be improved on and new patents will be granted, plus I feel there may be 1000 different ways of doing it (ou) and any device is going to be obsolete in a short time anyway. The Wright brothers tried to take anyone to court who build anything that flew for many years because they were the first to fly. The court battles killed one of them early in life from the strain of being in court for 8 straight years. They felt that if it flew it violated their patent. I just want people who use a fundamental operating principle based on someone's past work should have the character to admit it even if they have improved on it to get it to work right. So many of us stand on the shoulders of giants but take the credit all for ourselves. None of this is directed at you Paul or Chris or Mark. You know who I am talking about.

If I get a device to operate self sustaining, I am going to tell the world all the people, inventors, who's work, operating principles, influenced me to get me to my success People use the lists to learn, but when they are successful never admit where they got the inspiration from.

If it's ok with them, I will disclose who gave money to get me there also.


Date: Mon, 20 Dec 2004 07:04:08 +1100
From: "Mark Dansie"
Subject: Re: To Butch, and all Inventors

I wish to add a little to this....I follow many technologies..solar thermal..solar pv...battery development..even compressed air devices. So far after exhaustive research I have only seen evidence one OU device that has been built, that I can comprehend. (sorry Chris I cant get my head around plasma...so I cant comment on your developments).

I intend to travel around the globe next year and see many other devices that claim overunity and will report back not only to investors but to this group as well.

The existence of such a device and the economic reality is what will make or break it. In Solar we are rapidly heading where solar power will be reduced from $3-$4 US per Watt to below 50 cents. Windpower already is already below $1per watt.

In the example of Paul's device..its not at this stage a viable proposition to bring it to the market this stage.

However I am sure Paul will eventually achieve that goal.

As for other devices such as the gmcc example..I will keep an open mind as I have an invitation to view it. As for testing it I will cross that hurdle when I come to it. Without testing it is of no value.

I encourage the experimenters and inventors to continue. But unless you have something on the table..that not only works but has been independently tested..I would refrain from saying to much.

My aim is to help bring any device to market that will bennefit the enviroment and assist in the right of humanity to free energy. But unless it has the potential to be commercially viable...then its as useful as an ashtray on a motorcycle.

Kind Regards



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