For those who do not subscribe to the magazine published by the russian Faraday Lab, "New Energy Technologies", here is the chance to read in a book the collection of articles published in NET magazine from #1 (July-August 2001) to #6 (May-June 2002). Over 200 figures and schemes, 300 pages (US$83). See: volume01.htm Two papers by V. V. Roshchin and S. M. Godin from the Institute of High Temperatures, Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow, Russia describe their results with devices based on Searl's SEG technology. More...
"An Experimental Investigation of the Physical Effects In a Dynamic Magnetic System."
"In this article the authors give results of their experiments on conversion of different forms of energy. They demonstrated that a magnetic system (built in 1992), which is based on rare-earth magnets, could be used to produce 7 kWt electrical energy without any fuel. With some critical mode the experimental setup becomes fully energetically autonomous. This is accompanied with 30 % change in the weight of the system, some decrease in the surrounding air temperature and creation of concentric “magnetic walls” around the setup. This work is a development of the known Searl’s effect." You can read the paper at:
"New compact generator (results of testing)."
"The authors go further in the research of possibility to receive free energy from vacuum by means of rotating permanent magnets (Searl’s effect). Nowadays, the aim of generator compact model (GCM) testing was studying of possibility to produce a small and maximum cheap model, which uses ceramic magnets. Laboratory research of this model of generator was aimed on the discovery of self-generation effects and effects of weight change, which were already received on the full-size generator of 7 kWt power in 1992."