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Cold Fusion Explosion and Accident Report
Posted on Thursday, March 10, 2005 @ 22:26:32 UTC by vlad

General NEW ENERGY TIMES TM 10 March 2005 -- Issue #9 is out (it is free to subscribe).

Table of Contents:
1. From the Editor: A Conversation About Peak Oil With Colin Campbell
2. To the Editor
3. Notable Quotables
4. Department of Energy Dumps Cold Fusion (Again)
5. The DOE Lies Again
6. Ed Storms Continues Dialogue With U.S. Department of Energy Reviewers
7. Open letter to U.S. Department of Energy and Its Team of 18 Scientists
8. Great, Not-So-Great, and Realistic Expectations from Department of Energy Re-Review
9. Cold Fusion Explosion and Accident Report

10. Mizuno Paper Published
11. ChangChun University, China, Takes up Cold Fusion
12. Italian Physical Society Publishes Cold Fusion Nano-Particle Paper
13. 6th International Workshop on Anomalies in Hydrogen / Deuterium Loaded Metals (Italy)
14. American Physical Society March Meeting
15. Why Is Everybody Waiting For America When It Comes to Research?
16. "Second Chance for Cold Fusion"
17. "Cold Fusion Acceptable For Scientists to Discuss, but Not Media"
18. ArchiveFreedom.org Founded to Fight Scientific Censorship
19. Murder Investigation of Eugene Mallove
20. Department of Shameless Self-Promotion: Cold Fusion Book Review
21. Cold Fusion in the News
22. Speakers Available - Experts on the Subject of Cold Fusion
23. Recent Updates to the New Energy Times (tm) Web Site
24. Support New Energy Times(tm)
25. Appreciation
26. Administrative

9. Cold Fusion Explosion and Accident Report

"...On January 24, 2005, at around 4:00 p.m., an explosion rocked a cold fusion laboratory at Hokkaido University, Japan. The experimental design was the plasma electrolysis method, one of several methods used to perform cold fusion experiments. Physicist Tadahiko Mizuno, one of Japan's most experienced cold fusion scientists and a guest of his were in the laboratory at the time of the explosion...

...A definitive explanation is unknown, though Mizuno suspects that a mixture of hydrogen and oxygen in the headspace of the cell was ignited. Mizuno has performed these experiments hundreds of times, and this apparatus had been well-tested over the last five years....

Mizuno documented the event in his accident report ( http://newenergytimes.com/news/2005mtexplosion/Report.pdf). He listed several possible causes, though he was tentative about any of the prosaic explanations...

...The only other well-known cold fusion explosion was that of Martin Fleischmann and Stanley Pons in 1985, though a source who wishes to remain anonymous states that the Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory had a Fleischmann-Pons-type explosion in 1989, as well....

The big question on everyone's minds is whether this was a chemical explosion - or a nuclear explosion. A physicist who considered the amount of energy required to convey the 800cc of electrolyte a distance of up to 6 meters, was unconvinced that this was a chemical reaction..."

Photographs taken by Mizuno and others are here: http://newenergytimes.com/news/2005mtexplosion/explosion.htm



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Re: Cold Fusion Explosion and Accident Report (Score: 1)
by Rock_nj on Monday, March 14, 2005 @ 13:08:50 UTC
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There was also a well known explosion and death during cold fusion research carried out at SRI in California. That event happened in the early 1990s and caused SRI to do later research with safety glass and other precautions.


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