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Giant Aluminium batteries are for real
Posted on Wednesday, March 23, 2005 @ 20:13:31 UTC by vlad

Devices pieter writes: Frost & Sullivan Award for Europositrons Technology Innovation in Battery Technology

Date Published: 22 Mar 2005

Press Release

London, 22. March 2005 - Ab Europositron Oy has been conferred the prestigious 2005 Frost & Sullivan Technology Innovation of the Year Award in the field of battery technologies.

"The company is lauded for its overall excellence in technology development, and in particular, its design and development of aluminium rechargeable batteries using innovative nanoscale electrochemistry technology," comments Frost & Sullivan Research Analyst Viswanathan Krishnan. "Moreover, this patent pending technology provides up to 20 times higher capacity than existing batteries and is set to revolutionise the global battery market."

Cutting-edge materials research has underpinned the development of ‘Europositron’ nanoscale electrochemistry technology, which tackles key battery challenges such as recharging, energy density and environmental profile.

"For years my intention was to develop a battery which could give a better change to increase the use of electric vehicles" says Finnish inventor Rainer Partanen. "The problem has been insufficient source of power. When I finally found out the solution, it surprised even me because materials are harmless and recycleable. Now we have arranged a global issue of shares to finance completion of the prototypes, international patenting and groundwork for license business."

Europositron-based batteries are capable of being manufactured with minimal changes in existing manufacturing processes. With a theoretical energy density of 2,100 Wh/litre, cycle time of more than 3,000, an operating temperature range of minus 40 to 70 degrees centigrade, life expectancy of 10 to 30 years and the use of abundantly available aluminium, this technology promises to transform the global battery market.

"The company’s achievement of having detailed specifications on cell construction and electrochemistry and of having applied several patents in Finland (and intentions filing across the globe) reflects its commitment to research and technology innovation," notes Mr. Krishnan. "Once prototype development is successful, Europositron plans to license its technology to automotive and auto component companies globally."

Already, Europositron’s technology is being considered across a wide spectrum of applications ranging from tiny button batteries to high capacity standby power supplies. The earliest large-scale applications of Europositron’s technology are expected to be for electric vehicles. Data reveals that low weight, high performance batteries based on Europositron’s technology would offer a considerable advantage over conventional lead batteries in terms of reducing the weight of the vehicle and in facilitating greater mileage.

Ab Europositron Oy

In 1989, Ab Europositron Oy, a private company from Finland, was founded to continue and register inventor Rainer Partanen’s 12-years research work to develop aluminium battery. At the beginning of nineties the solution was found and then began 10-years development period. Rainer Partanen has progressed the theory to the point of detailed specifications of cell construction, the nano electrochemistry involved and has applied patents in Finland covering all the necessary areas. In spring 2005 at the beginning of April company arranges globally a special issue of 1 600 shares to finance prototype program, global patenting and groundwork for license business. When scheduled prototype program is completed and the results verified, company starts to sell manufacturing licenses financing the future with initial licensing fees and royalties. Sales estimate for years 2007-2011 is approximately 162 Million Euros.

More about Ab Europositron Oy at http://www.europositron.com/en/index.html.

About Frost & Sullivan

Frost & Sullivan, a global growth consulting company founded in 1961, partners with clients to create value through innovative growth strategies. The foundation of this partnership approach is our Growth Partnership Services platform, whereby we provide industry research, marketing strategies, consulting and training to our clients to help grow their business. A key benefit that Frost & Sullivan brings to its clients is a global perspective on a broad range of industries, markets, technologies, econometrics and demographics. With a client list that includes Global 1000 companies, emerging companies, as well as the investment community, Frost & Sullivan has evolved into one of the premier growth consulting companies in the world.

For original publication see:




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"Giant Aluminium batteries are for real" | Login/Create an Account | 7 comments | Search Discussion
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Re: Giant Aluminium batteries are for real (Score: 1)
by Shanjaq on Thursday, March 24, 2005 @ 02:11:48 UTC
(User Info | Send a Message) http://shanjaq.narod.ru
Amazing! I'll definitly keep an eye out for these, at least they don't explode at random!

Re: Giant Aluminium batteries are for real (Score: 1)
by ElectroDynaCat on Thursday, March 24, 2005 @ 07:53:44 UTC
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Ordinarily an aluminum air battery needs to have the aluminum plate replaced and the solution of potassium hydroxide replaced for the cell to be recharged, then the aluminum can be recovered from the spent hydroxide solution in a separate and rather complex process.
In this process, the aluminum can be reconstituted in place by simply plugging into an outlet, which is the breakthrough of this technology.
As of yet no details are available except to state that nanoscale technology is used.
The greatest barrier to in situ aluminum battery recharging is the oxide coating that forms on the surface of aluminum when is comes into contact with any oxygen containing substance.

Without this barrier, aluminum would dissolve quickly in water , imagine flying in an airplane if this happened!

A simple experiment if you can find the chemicals, is to immerse a piece of aluminum into a solution of mercuric chloride, which is a fluxing agent and removes the oxide coating from aluminum, then quickly immerse that same piece of aluminum foil into water and it will disappear almost instantly.

I imagine that the developers have come up with some type of material that fluxes the existing plate and allows the aluminum to be replated from the spent solution directly.

If this process is valid, these developers could defintely be in line for a Nobel Prize in Chemistry, if they would disclose the full process to the public.
I am for one, fascinated with how they have accomplished this process, and still have no inkling of how its done.

Europositron Rechargeable Aluminum Batteries Alleged as Fraud (Score: 1)
by vlad on Sunday, November 11, 2007 @ 15:47:11 UTC
(User Info | Send a Message) http://www.zpenergy.com
The "inventor" of the battery, Rainer Partanen, is being held in custody for fraud. Europositron Ab has sold stocks to hundreds of Finns for at least 1.3 million Euro, but police say there is no actual product. ( PESWiki [peswiki.com]; Nov. 6)

Re: Giant Aluminium batteries are for real (Score: 1)
by mikebrisbin on Monday, January 28, 2008 @ 15:09:28 UTC
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Here is an update on the so called "rechargeable Aluminum battery technology".
http://peswiki.com/index.php/Directory:Europositron_Rechargeable_Aluminum_Batteries#Alleged_Fraud [peswiki.com]
Alleged Fraud
On Nov. 5, 2007, the following message was received:
I was searching for information about Europositron and besides your page about it I found a number of newspaper articles, unfortunatly none in English, that states the inventor of the battery, Rainer Partanen, is held in custody for fraud. Apparantly there is no invention or research, only stock issues.
Here are some links, first one in Swedish which I do understand. The following two are in Finnish which I don't understand but I get the picture, and I can spot the word "police" and "1.3 million Euro" (the Swedish paper is also referring to one of the Finnish). Last one is from a forum in English, but it is not that informative.
  • Link 1 [www.jakobstadstidning.fi] (http://www.jakobstadstidning.fi/wirestory.aspx?storyID=7148)
  • Link 2 [www.hs.fi] (http://www.hs.fi/talous/artikkeli/Oikeus+vangitsi+osakeannilla+rahaa+ker%C3%A4nneen+keksij%C3%A4n/1135231383144)
  • Link 3 [www.kauppalehti.fi] (http://www.kauppalehti.fi/4/i/uutiset/etusivu/uutinen.jsp?oid=6742&ls=talentum)
  • Link 4 [groups.google.com] (http://groups.google.com/group/sci.energy.hydrogen/browse_thread/thread/ce72438646f3aa22/48c51c2cf74bf5c1)

On Nov. 6, 2007, the same source wrote:
I took the time and translated the article (from the first link [www.jakobstadstidning.fi] (http://www.jakobstadstidning.fi/wirestory.aspx?storyID=7148)) and this is what it says:
[P.S. The article is not dated but link number two [www.hs.fi] (http://www.hs.fi/talous/artikkeli/Oikeus+vangitsi+osakeannilla+rahaa+ker%C3%A4nneen+keksij%C3%A4n/1135231383144) is the newspaper "Helsingin Sanomat" and there the article was published on october 29.]
District court finds fake inventor
The Helsinki district court has taken an inventor, who for years has been collecting money by issuing stocks, under custody, the newspaper Helsingin Sanomat says.
Europositron Ab has sold stocks to hundreds of Finns for at least 1.3 million Euro despite the invention the company is marketing is a pure "product of imagination" according to the police.
The company have had large advertisements in newspapers during the the years 2001-2007 and has sold stocks in three issues. Europositron has been collecting money from investors for a aluminum battery which was supposed to be developed with the help of "nano chemistry" and which promised to be 20 times lighter and with a much longer durability than today's batteries.
According to testimonies the police has collected, the inventor is not real and Europositron has had no other business than issuing stocks.
Helsingin Sanomat says six investors finally got tired with the inventor and reported him to the police.
[ edit [peswiki.com]]
Related Coverage
  • Ab Europositron Oy -- Profile [www.nanovip.com] (http://www.nanovip.com/directory/Detailed/1682.php) - Ab Europositron is researching and developping aluminium battery. The new technology based on nanoscale electrochemistry will allow production of rechargeable aluminium batteries providing up to 20 times more capacity than current batteries.
[ edit [peswiki.com]]
http://www.europositron.com/en/contact.html [www.europositron.com] - online form for query submission
Ab Europositron Oy
Pertunpellonraitti 2 00740 Helsinki FINLAND
Tel. +358 9 673 224
Fax. +358 9 389 7183
email: contact@europositron.com (mailto:contact@europositron.com?subject=Europositron_featured_at_PESWiki)
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Re: Giant Aluminium batteries are for real (Score: 1)
by allodia on Tuesday, November 16, 2010 @ 07:17:26 UTC
(User Info | Send a Message)
This is great. I'm looking forward to this.

NJ solar [njsolarpanelscost.blogspot.com]


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