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The Theocracy of Quantum Mechanics
Posted on Monday, March 28, 2005 @ 19:17:40 UTC by vlad

Science In the hydrino yahoo group John B writes: On the Basic Philosophy page of E. Paul J. de Haas' Physis Project http://home.tiscali.nl/physis/Basic/BasicIdea.html he states:

"In the shape of Quantum Gravity, where GR and QM join their forces, science has become very speculative and meta-physical and it can be no surprise that it is transforming itself into a mere Belief among many of its participating scientists."

Given that there is no experimental evidence for Higgs' particles, quarks, string theory (and it's many offshoots), superposition, and spooky action at a distance, contrary to their stated policy of full dependence on experiment, quantum mechanics has become a belief system. And, it is becoming very clear; this belief system will tolerate no heresy. The dependence on experiment has been replaced by concurrence among the high priests. As illustrated by the many experimental threads started by Dehmelt, the high priests are quite willing to ignore experimental evidence (against Heisenberg uncertainty) when needed to support their theology. It was no accident that Dehmelt did not challenge Heisenberg uncertainty until *after* he had his Nobel in hand.

De Haas goes on to say: "But if we ask the same physicists for comprehensible models of physical reality in which those particles have their place, they say its impossible to construct a realist picture. All we have, they claim, are the experiments and the mathematics, reality itself has been banned from the theories. But the experiments and the mathematics have become so complex that the physical community has become a kind of theosophical society.

We have to believe them on their word, because they can't explain it to us any more. The physics of Röntgen, Curie, Einstein, Rutherford and Bohr can be explained at a high school level or in a first year of university college but modern physics since the second half of the twentieth century has chosen a direction of theosophical complexity that exceeds the explainable. In their perspective this post-realist characteristic is caused by the impossibility to apply realism to the quantum-world of sub-atomic particles and to the four- dimensional space-time continuum of the cosmos of General Relativity. As a critical natural philosopher, I have developed a tendency to disbelieve. I want to be convinced by arguments and not by being declared, by a new sect of high priests, to be a "realist" and as such identified as outdated."

The bottom line here is that nothing will change until the high priests believe that their well-being depends on change. You do not have to be an Einstein to see that the current flurry of mystical baloney will not save quantum mechanics. Fiction writers are having a heyday with the mysticism, but I fail to see how physicists will profit. I guess you could stand outside the Dean Koontz house with a tin cup - I'm sure he is very grateful. The power of quantum computing depends on the mythical concept of superposition - just how long will that spigot last? The message within the failure of the Texas supercollider should have been the handwriting on the wall. We shall see.

All the best
John B.



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Re: The Theocracy of Quantum Mechanics (Score: 1)
by dabacon on Tuesday, March 29, 2005 @ 14:14:26 UTC
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Given that there is no experimental evidence for Higgs' particles, quarks, string theory (and it's many offshoots), superposition, and spooky action at a distance, contrary to their stated policy of full dependence on experiment, quantum mechanics has become a belief system.

I must object. There is no experimental evidence for the Higgs particle and string theory, but there is certainly a lot of good evidence for quarks, the superposition principle and entanglement (your spooky action at a distance). If you want, I can post numerous examples of such experiments (the experiments that test quantum theory are becoming more and more impressive in large part because of the promise of quantum computers.)

I do agree that a lot of modern physics is not well founded because it is not based on experiments (in particular I am thinking of string theory), but to throw all of physics, and in particular the greatly misunderstood quantum theory, out with this modern speculation just seems a bit overboard to me.


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