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Trashing the Greens
Posted on Thursday, May 05, 2005 @ 21:43:21 UTC by vlad

General Reports of Environmentalism’s “Death” May be Exaggerated
by Jim Motavalli

In 1992, according to Canada-based Environics Research Group, 17 percent of Americans agreed with the statement that “pollution [is] necessary to preserve jobs.” In 2004, a whopping 29 percent agreed with it. In the same time span, there was also a significant increase in the percentage who think that the father of a family “must be master in his own house” (52 percent, compared to 21 percent in Canada), and who agree with the statement that “a widely advertised product is probably good” (45 percent)...

The tragedy, say many green leaders, is that Americans are tuning out the environment at the very time that big-ticket crises—from global warming to endangered species loss and overfishing of the oceans—need immediate attention. Activists who had thought that President Bush couldn’t get away with simply ignoring the clear evidence that climate change was real were stunned to see that he could…and did....
Read article here: http://www.emagazine.com/view/?2475



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"Trashing the Greens" | Login/Create an Account | 2 comments | Search Discussion
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Re: Trashing the Greens (Score: 1)
by Rock_nj on Sunday, May 08, 2005 @ 05:24:57 UTC
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It's too bad that this anti-green trend is flying in the face of other technological trends that make it far easier to eliminate or prevent pollution in 2005 than in 1992.

Nanotechnology and other technological developments are making anti-pollution efforts much more practical and cost-effective. Pollution is inherently wasteful, not just too our environment, but to the bottom line and jobs as well. We have the technology more available today than we did in 1992 to clean up our industrial processes and keep jobs. What we don't have is the vision to implement these technologies.

Hybrid auto technology is an excellent example. No big government mandated anti-pollution effort there. Just a technological advancement that makes autos far less polluting. If adopted industrywide, we see significant drops in tailpipe emissions.

On the power generation end, using modern secondary power generation technologies, we could double our power output, and significantly reduce emissions at the same time as the final waste heat product from power plants would be much cooler and easier to treat with modern anti-pollution technologies.

More so than ever, it is obvious, we can have a clean environment and preserve jobs. Perhaps the Greens need to start hammering away this message, holding out hybrids and other technological innovations as examples.

Too bad the real threat to jobs is trends like outsourcing and the economic principal of profit over all other concerns.

Re: Trashing the Greens (Score: 1)
by sparks35 on Monday, May 09, 2005 @ 00:31:10 UTC
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Public Opinion (in the USA) regarding our Global Environment/Global Warming/Endangered Species/Over Fishing/Overpopulation??????


Hey, the George W. Bushies are in power at this moment in history. If you want to talk about "Jesus or BIG Money"...then you are with the "in crowd".
(by the way...its only certain "brands" of the Jesus talk that will get you "in"...the the Bush Texas Brand...I think).

All you other "non-weenies". By non-weenies I mean something like "real human beings"...people
who have a conscience, shortcomings, a good degree of honor, work and play hard, enjoy life, have a SOUL and a sence of humor, don't mind giving away a couple bucks, don't pretend to have all the frigging answers to life. ETC....JUST REAL PEOPLE....GOOD PEOPLE!!!....

Anyway...Um where was I?....Oh yes....One other thing...Could all U GAY people just please become Repuklicans for say...3 years or so....U dragging us down....or just shut-the-frig-up for a few years.



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