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Why Orbits are Elliptical?
Posted on Tuesday, May 17, 2005 @ 12:15:50 UTC by rob

Science sams writes: Does Earth have Headway Momentum?

Our solar system presents us a wondrous adventure into the unfolding secrets of a star, its planets, comets, asteroids, planetesimals, meteors, dark matter and potential rest energy, as an oasis of motion.

It is understood from the standpoint of our observations that no object in the universe is at rest. Every object is in a state of motion.
The question is what is the functioning agent that initiates an object a process for changing a position in space?

Motion in the universe is comprehensively interrelated through an internet of quantum thermal units (PRE *) and fundamental particle fields.*
Objects with independent momentum are those that the First law of motion applies too.

"Every object in a state of uniform motion tends to remain in that state of motion unless an external force is applied to it". (Newton)

What is this force?

Hypothetically let us consider this unconfirmed force consists of three constituents:
One is potential rest energy the basic constituent that pervades the "greater universe" or the entire space. While #2 and #3 are more complex constituents added to our local universe (a sector of the greater universe) e.g. for this exercise, let's use our solar system.

#2- Is a fundamental negative particle a constituent of dark matter that forms a 3 dimensional geometrical lattice, isometric, homogeneous, that permeates and immerses all matter

#3 -Is a neutral or graviton particle also a constituent of dark matter that permeates, immerses all matter and is instrumental in the construction of a plasma. These graviton particles must rest in an adjacent formation. Sequentially vast quantities of contactual neutral particles are needed to simply fill the volume and implement a route for thermal transference.

Why are orbits elliptical?

A rotating orbital star emersed in "potential rest energy" and "dark matter" establishes elliptical fields entrapping all orbiting planets, comets, asteroids, meteors, planetesimals and including all space dust.
One force is a mild PRE* field and a second sharing conjointly this matrix is a more dynamic DM field. Their rotation inconcert influence the fields to adopt a whirl-like motion, unlike a whirlpool it does not initiate a central coalescence to the whirling or orbiting matter.

I believe the planets permeated and emersed in these plasmas are static buoyant bodies in elliptical whirl pool matrixes.
Following logic we may assume a rotating planet immersed in PRE & DM fields will likewise establish a whirl pool and initiate local drag.
In general planets do not possess forward momentum but rather express a static state.
We may extrapolate that the interaction by the two fields (the sun's and the planet's) will retard the planet's orbital flow and impart the impression of independent motion. In reality due to varying mass and local drag values, the planets project only an illusion of headway momentum.

Our earth is not motionless; it commands one major independent motion, a spin as it orbits the sun (excluding minor motions) The earth's spin propagates a divergent whirl pool in its matrixes and the consequence is resistance and or pressure on the solar MATRIXES* that in turn creates a drag to earth's matrix* fields, imposing the minor axis to elongate and form elliptical fields. I believe the causative varying thermal values to dark matter locate the apogee of the semi - major axis facing the sun and perigee facing away

This may beg a question; Our Sun as a member of the Milky Way is considerably the most dominant whirl pool in our solar system. Commands at least one motion as it spins and orbits around the Milky Way. Assuming the Sun does NOT command independent headway momentum, hence we may extrapolate the same laws that govern the orbits of planets around the Sun, must also govern the motion of stars.

As the Sun orbits', its solar matrixes** exert pressure onto the "local universal" MATRIX* fields, the consequential result once again is resistance and or pressure to the solar matrixes** with the "minor axis" forming elliptical fields to the solar matrixes**.
While the Sun's apogee of the semi - major axis will maintain facing the galactic center (or the higher thermal value) as the Sun advances in its orbit around the Milky Way.
Assuming these same laws that govern the orbits of planets around the Sun also must govern the motion of stars. Based on this hypothesis, we may extrapolate the Sun to be buoyant and static is logical. The Sun must adopt the galactic orbit.

To postulate that a planet commands orbital independent headway motion implies the planet's speed is variable as it continuously orbits the sun. We than may presume in the process of its orbital progress it will encounter the need at least once to increase velocity as it tries to catch up to the sun's orbit.
This hypothesis is stressing logic and begs for a myriad of gravitational and mathematical inferences

The origin of some of our (if not all) planets might be fragments hurling through space with just enough velocity to enter the sun's elliptical QTU fields and not sufficient enough energy to escape and are captured in this eccentrically elliptical field
The fragments crashing into the sun may extrapolate any number of theories as to the origins of " planets and other matter".
If a fragment with sufficient velocity can pass through the elliptical QTU field it will continue into space never to return. (Never is not an infallible term but close)
PRE * --- potential rest energy
QTU *---quantum thermal units
MATRIX----PRE & DM galactic fields.
Matrix** ----PRE & DM solar fields
Matrix * ----PRE & DM earth fields.

More on "Dark Matter" by Sam Sade --- http://ca.geocities.com/Samsade@rogers.com/



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