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Understanding Gravity itself
Posted on Sunday, June 05, 2005 @ 12:16:17 UTC by rob

Science gravity writes: Isaac Newton apparantly said after writing his mementous laws on gravity, that he has now written these laws on gravity, but he actually still does not understand where gravity really comes from - how it really is generated.

I believe the answer to true anti-gravity or ZPE lies within gravity itself. To understand the opposite force we first have to fully understand the original generation of gravity. It is believed that gravity eminates from the core of the earth, where molten metals under great temperatures, rotate within the earth itself. But how that actually happens we still do not yet understand.

Something else that puzzles me is this: We know that the Earths magnetic field is pretty weak. But one must distinguish between magnetic fields and gravity. Gravity is totally different. The reason I say this is where my puzzlement derives from. How is it possible that the sun can "trap" the planet Pluto that is 5,5 billion kms away in a orbit round the sun?

The answer might lie within the zero point field. Up to now scientists have generated immense power through huge generators and found the effect to be only about 2% weight reduction. But what is this anti force really? Is it 100% weight reduction? With that an object will be merely weightless. When negative weight can be achieved - in other words something weighing -5kg - that is when anti-gravity takes effect and the object will experience a force away from the earth, I further believe the answer lies in gravity's own electric field - Static electricity. At zero point static energy is immense and we have to find a way to tap it.

By Gravity - Robbie Schneider Johannesburg South Africa



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Re: Understanding Gravity itself (Score: 1)
by ElectroDynaCat on Sunday, June 05, 2005 @ 16:35:04 UTC
(User Info | Send a Message)
An all pervading force could only be transmitted thru an all pervading medium, and the Zero Point is the medium that permeates all space thru every level of scale.

Many theorists have arrived at the same conclusion, the actual mechanism was suggested at the same time as Newtons Laws, put no valid experimental verification has ever been suggested or performed on LeSages' Corpuscular impact hypothesis.

Exact Relativistic 'Antigravity' Propulsion (Score: 1)
by vlad on Wednesday, June 08, 2005 @ 19:27:57 UTC
(User Info | Send a Message) http://www.zpenergy.com
On Jun 8, 2005, at 10:45 AM, Kim Burrafato wrote:

Exact Relativistic 'Antigravity' Propulsion

Authors: F. S. Felber
Comments: 4 pages, 3 figures, changed format only, attached 5 AVI files (animated exact solutions of black holes incident on initially stationary payloads)
Report-no: SR05-06
The Schwarzschild solution is used to find the exact relativistic motion of a payload in the gravitational field of a mass moving with constant velocity. At radial approach or recession speeds faster than 3^-1/2 times the speed of light, even a small mass gravitationally repels a payload. At relativistic speeds, a suitable mass can quickly propel a heavy payload from rest nearly to the speed of light with negligible stresses on the payload.


Dr. Jack Sarfatti writes:

Thanks. Even if this paper is correct, it is not practical and it is not at all the way THEY actually do it with small amounts of on-board power. This is NOT metric engineering, i.e. where the local space-time geometry of the "saucer" is CONTROLLED by the "saucer" using, maybe, only a few "Energizer Bunny" AAA batteries like in your TV remote. ;-)

With phase modulation you do not need a lot of brute force power to change /zpf. Tuv(Matter) is completely irrelevant, which is why the Eric Davis - Hal Puthoff strategy is a complete non-starter as is the paper above.


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