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Could the Earth be an Example of a Zero Point Energy System?
Posted on Saturday, July 02, 2005 @ 11:02:43 UTC by vlad

Science randy writes: In the classic British comedy series, “Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy”, two philosophers ask the ultimate computer the answer to the ultimate question of life, the universe, and everything. The computer answers after six and one half million years of deep thought that the answer is forty-two. The philosophers then ask, “Can you tell us what the question is?” “No!” replies the computer. “Only the great computer that will come after me can tell you the question. This computer is the Earth.”

I believe that we have been given a celestial example of a zero point energy system in the Earth. Let us ponder this Earth and zero point energy.

For sake of argument, let us say that zero point energy is the radiation produced when electrons are accelerated and then decelerated by nature’s cyclotrons – atoms, stars, and planets. Outer Space is filled with high frequency radiation and microwave radiation. We are shielded from this radiation by the Van Allen belts, the ionosphere, and the ozone layer. High frequency radiation from space is converted to lower frequencies by these shields.

Let us also assume that the Earth is composed of a molten core of iron, aluminum, and nickel. It has a solid shell around this molten core of something like glass, and it has attached magnetic poles. Let us also assume that the Earth is a cyclotron and the source of the Van Allen radiation belts.

When spheres of nickel are exposed to a strong enough unidirectional magnetic field in a molten matrix the spheres arrange themselves into columns of spheres according to this magnetostatic force. These columns are electrically conductive, and this is the basis of electrically conductive and transparent glass.

From this we can assume that the shell of the Earth’s core is conducting electricity and that electricity passes through the core, then around the surface of the shell in a never ending cycle. There is a capacitance between the core and the shell. The source of this electricity is the high frequency radiation captured by the Van Allen belts, and heat in the core from resistance heating. The Earth uses zero point energy and converts it to electricity, heat, and by virtue of magnetic torque between the field of the shell and the induced field – a type of induction motor but solid state with no field winding. Instead, we have a virtual field winding in the Van Allen belts.

If all this is true, it might be the basis of many inventions and a clue to practical zero point energy conversion.



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"Could the Earth be an Example of a Zero Point Energy System?" | Login/Create an Account | 1 comment | Search Discussion
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Re: Could the Earth be an Example of a Zero Point Energy System? (Score: 1)
by Nexhuntr on Monday, July 04, 2005 @ 11:26:58 UTC
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That's a very good point, however you fail to see that the earth is really slowing down. A few years back it was front page news of Time Magazine. You should read it. Another example is that the earth's polls are going to reverse acording to computer models. It is a very good point but you need to think about it a little further, and know a little bit of history.
If the earth wasn't slowing down, then yes the magnetic feild and cosmic radiation effect would happen on a ZPE level. It is indeed the best example of natural ZPE, I'll give you that one.
A lot of our testing into ZPE is also very inconclusive, probably because of nutrinos that are comeing from the sun. Since nutrino's do not normaly interact with matter, this could be interfearing with our tests with newer forms of matter that would be comeing from duterium plates being smashed together. If we were to do any good cause as far as ZPE goes, we'd try to come up with some sort of exotic matter sheild to repel neutrinos. This would probably give a lot of people results they are wanting and waiting for. Either that we'd all have to sit till 2012 where the two aposeing partical accelerators that is being built to investigate dark matter.
You could test your results yourself by spending a few hundred million of your idea. By takeing a ball of molten Iron, nickel, and aluminum up to space. Spinning it and watching what happens.
I for one, belive that if we were to make a gravity well in heavy water, useing a gravity transducer, could spark a cold fusion reaction. And the same prosess can be used with Helium3. But this site ins't after cold fusion but after ZPE.
Goodluck anyways.


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