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U.S. and Australia OK secret climate pact
Posted on Tuesday, July 26, 2005 @ 19:33:56 UTC by vlad
Australia has reportedly joined the United States, China, India and South Korea in signing a secret agreement concerning greenhouse emissions.
The Australian said the pack would replace the controversial Kyoto climate protocol. The newspaper said the alliance, which is yet to be announced, will include nations that together account for more than 40 percent of the world's greenhouse gas emissions.
Full story: http://www.physorg.com/news5448.html
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Re: U.S. and Australia OK secret climate pact (Score: 1) by malc on Wednesday, July 27, 2005 @ 00:53:01 UTC (User Info | Send a Message) http://web.ukonline.co.uk/mripley | They intend to reduce emissions by implementing new technology. In other words they do not intend to reduce the emissions of current technology!
Bye bye planet.
Look at the glaciers in Greenland, look at the ice shelfs in Antartica. I tell you the US won't do anything until the sea rises towards Central Park in New York ! Of course its too late by then. |
Re: U.S. and Australia OK secret climate pact (Score: 1) by spacedrive on Wednesday, July 27, 2005 @ 15:18:41 UTC (User Info | Send a Message) | Good for them for not falling for the Kyoto scam. |
Re: U.S. and Australia OK secret climate pact (Score: 1) by Kadamose on Wednesday, July 27, 2005 @ 18:10:55 UTC (User Info | Send a Message) | The world is doomed at this rate; the estimations of 20-30 years before a global catastrophe occurs are WAY OFF. The real estimations of 4-5 years is much more realistic, if you take the climate, population problem, and current pollution levels into consideration. People need to fucking wake up - the damage being done now is still reversable, but if something isn't done, and soon, it's going to become irreversable and we will be forced to evacuate this planet. Is that what the people of this world desire?
We have the technology NOW to change ALL of this world's problems overnight. Don't believe me? Watch Free Energy: The Race to Zero Point and Equinox: It Runs on Water - the technologies would not only allow the planet to heal itself, but it would destroy the entire status quo; true freedom would finally be achieved.
So we have the technology to change everything...why isn't it being used? Because scarcity=control; abundance=freedom. The Illuminati shepards do not want any of the free energy technologies being unveiled as they would lose all of their power; the entire infrastructure, that that has taken several thousands of years for them to build, would collapse overnight.
Of course, we could have all these technologies available to us...if only the 'goyim' were a bit more smarter and would stop being in such a vegetative state all the time. Wake the hell up already!
Re: U.S. and Australia OK secret climate pact (Score: 1) by ElectroDynaCat on Wednesday, July 27, 2005 @ 22:21:52 UTC (User Info | Send a Message) | Its just window dressing on the problem in response to public concern. Saying you will use the most efficent energy generation isn't a big step, its being forced by the increasing demand, and price rise for fossil fuels.
The agreement doesn't limit the amount of greenhouse gas emitted by any of the signers, it just states that the signatories won't be using old wasteful technology, something that the marketplace has already ruled out.
Still there is a chance that following this agreement might reduce the total greenhouse gas emitted especially if China quits burning coal, but its not mandated.
As for you critics of the supposed Global Warming hysteria, if you are living in the MidWest right now, stick your nose out the door a realize it might not be hysteria after all. |