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Claims for huge COP demonstrated devices
Posted on Friday, August 05, 2005 @ 20:54:42 UTC by vlad
Robert Neil Boyd writes: Hi,
Just for your information, I am cognizant of a method which produces energy gains in excess of 1,000,000 to 1. No questions can arise regarding measurement flaws at these kinds of gain magnitudes. The power gain is unmistakably and unquestionably present. However, this apparatus is not small. And it is not very scalable. But it sure the heck works! And it sure beats typical 110% to 300% gains which can be realized by other methods. We're looking at more than a gigawatt arising out of a 15 kilowatt supply.
I have been trying to get funding to build the apparatus, which will cost on the order of $100,000 to fabricate. The results of this construction will not only be the previously mentioned device, but a 1 MegaVolt DC power supply. The power supply alone is worth a minimum of $500,000, when completed. (I challenge you to find a 1 MV DC supply for less than $750,000.) This method was publically demonstrated by Beifield and Brown for audiences numbering several hundred thousand, back in 1925. We have developed three improvements on Brown's methods, using modern technology, as opposed to the technologies available in the 1920s.
I am also cognizant of another method, which is scalable and less expensive to fabricate, but which involves several physical hazards which are directly arising from this approach. This method produces gains of several thousand to one. (This method was first demonstrated by Fritz Paneth and Kurt Peters of Germany in the early 1920s.)
Both these devices operate based on the principles of aether physics. AND they are functional and demonstrated systems, both of which produce immense power gains. However, they both turn the "Standard View" of physics completely on its ear. (That is because the "Standard View" is just a house of cards, a fiction in many of its disparate parts.) So, maybe we can get on about this business of producing generous amounts of power, and then build a REAL house.
Best Wishes,
Note: For a change, I would suggest Neil to disclose here the names of the companies/ organizations /institutions he approached for testing/funding and was rejected.
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Average Score: 3.16 Votes: 6

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Re: Claims for huge COP demonstrated devices (Score: 1) by ElectroDynaCat on Saturday, August 06, 2005 @ 05:22:55 UTC (User Info | Send a Message) | If your device generated a Gigawatt, more than likely your device, and yourself would be vaporised or seriously injured. A Gigawatt is a large amount of power.
Go back and check your measurements, especially the "power factor" relationship between your devices' voltage and current. |
Going about funding the wrong way. (Score: 1) by hackwrench on Saturday, August 06, 2005 @ 13:16:50 UTC (User Info | Send a Message) | If the apparatus and a power supply that alone is worth a minimum of $500,000, can be built for $100,000 by you then you should ask for the money to build the power supply, sell it, then build another power supply and the apparatus. It isn't that hard a thing to understand, which draws doubts on your ability to build the device. |
Re: Claims for huge COP demonstrated devices (Score: 1) by pulsed_ignition on Sunday, August 07, 2005 @ 07:19:33 UTC (User Info | Send a Message) http://diamondlube.com | Neil,
I know that high voltage Pulsed Power does strange and unexpected things - but I have two questions.
1: If 15KW can be cranked up to a Gigawatt, isn't that proof enough? and
2: Would you please notify me when and where the MW input device is to be tested so I can get as far away from there as possible?
Interestingly - Neil says the device amplifies current 66,666.666... times, therefore a MW in would convert into 66,666,666 KW out. Actually, if I get funded I will check this one out, because - if it is strange enough, I am interested. Besides the above number relates to the RFID chip that will track your every move, not a device that will rip a hole in the continuum
In Neil's defense, Just because he can build a $500K PS for $100K doesn't mean anyone else needs one.
Best Regards,
Re: Claims for huge COP demonstrated devices (Score: 1) by Sigma on Monday, August 08, 2005 @ 15:56:40 UTC (User Info | Send a Message) | Interesting claim! That is a lot of power you are getting out of your device! Yes a million times O/U would pretty much rule out measuring errors, unless they were completely off.
If I had a extra hundred thousand I would fund you... but unfortunatly I am still a college student. However don't give up on it, we need these devices! |
Re: Claims for huge COP demonstrated devices (Score: 1) by malc on Tuesday, August 09, 2005 @ 00:31:41 UTC (User Info | Send a Message) http://web.ukonline.co.uk/mripley | Hang on a minute two quotes :
1. "But it sure heck works"
2. "I have been trying to get funding to build the apparatus"
These are contradictory. You cannot say it works if you have not built it yet. Yet another "I really have a device which works and if you give me lots of money up front I'll prove it". Ooops there goes that tumbleweed again..............
Inventors have to do the following:
1. Build it and use it themselves.
2. Demonstrate it to their family and friends and show them the utility bills of zero !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
3. Help those family and friends to build their own devices with their own money.
4. All of those people also demonstrate the device to their family and friends along with the zero utility bills.
Do the math:
1 inventor
10 contacts
6 generations of contact
= 1 million people all with zero utility bills. I think the powers that be all round the world can't ignore nor suppress that !