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Dirac Sea
Posted on Saturday, August 13, 2005 @ 18:57:24 UTC by vlad

Science Alex Kaivarainen writes: Dear All,

My theory of overunity consider the both sign of Bivacuum energy: positive and negative, as the additional source of energy.

The forced resonant interaction of elementary particles, pulsing between the Corpuscular and Wave phase, with Bivacuum high frequency positive and negative Virtual Pressure Waves (VPW+/-) accelerate the particles and increase their kinetic energy, providing overunity effect:


The excitation of high frequency VPW+/- can be stimulated by strong pulsing/alternating EM fields. The VPW+/- represent the density oscillation of positive and negative sub-quantum particles.
It is a consequence of Bivacuum dipoles transitions between the excited and ground states.

Neil Boyd is right, speaking about a huge role of sub-quantum in Nature.

My Bivacuum theory is the extended Dirac theory of vacuum.

Best wishes.
Alex Kaivarainen

-----Original Message-----
From: Doctor Whodini
Sent: Thursday, August 11, 2005 6:43 PM
Subject: [intalek] RE: [tapten] Mike sorry if my post was offensive,,, doctor_whodini Dirac Sea

I have two very good, but NOT perfect, papers posted on my website: http://www.intalek.com/Index/Projects/Library/Library.htm

They're marked new. I've been carefully reading them myself and discovering a few errors made by Hotson.

Also, I have a FREE ENERGY - overunity device on my workbench, and its called the ZPOD. It operates on this principle of NEGATIVE energy - energy below the zero point. My last measuement down in Mesa a few weeks indicated between 110% to 120% excess energy. My method is crude, but effective, and is shown on page 6: http://intalek.com/Index/Projects/SmartPAK/Projects/ZPOD/head01.pdf

One could hem-and-howler all they want, but Dirac's Sea of Negative Energy is apparently the "correct" model, once all the imaginary components are placed back into his equations. This also includes relativity and I go into detail about this in my GMF paper (book). Once the imaginary components are included, everything starts to make sense, even at our macro scale. The simple electron is simply a "complex" particle, and the ZPOD is the evidence - I don't have a problem with that.

I suspect you'll have to back to school again and learn all about this stuff that originally appeared, then through what I call, "conspiracy of ignorance", was REMOVED. We should have had FREE ENERGY and Antigravity many many years ago! I shouldn't have to do this work.

So, you can say whatever you want, it is what it is. The proverbial "cat is out of the bag". Your precious bubble is busted... :-)

Bill Alek



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UPDATE: Excess energy (overunity) shown in latest GMF release (Score: 1)
by vlad on Saturday, August 13, 2005 @ 18:59:29 UTC
(User Info | Send a Message) http://www.zpenergy.com
Hello all,

I uploaded another release 3.6 of GMF: http://www.intalek.com/Papers/GMF.pdf

On page 105, I show N. Zaev's reported results and Fig. 1 showing excess energy production in his device. Keep in mind the diagram ONLY shows the excess energy, and he's NOT necessarily harvesting this energy in any practical manner. The key is that he just shows it exists. I'm actually harvesting this energy in the ZPOD device, and I will quantify these results using the SmartPAK control system. The SmartPAK/ZPOD system will actually harvest and provide this excess energy as a working source, which will power a real load. This is the point I'm trying to get across here.

So, during the development of the ZPOD, I had to overcome certain engineering challenges to get the device to work correctly, or as intended.

I also uploaded Alex Kaivarainen very interesting papers about the Bivacuum Universe, which augments Paul Dirac's work and the Sea of Negative Energy. Leaving out the imaginary component effectively removes what I call, "all the cool stuff" (pun intended) such as FREE ENERGY, Antigravity and Time Travel from having any theoretical basis. Put the imaginary component back in, and guess what???

What I'm personally calling into question in regards to Dirac's work is this notion of "time-reversal". At the moment, I don't see any evidence, and quite the contrary, it isn't time-reversal, but just the opposite, or "time-future" and "time-advanced". In other words, poistive imaginary functions result in "time-future" magnetic and electric fields. Imagine yourself being a tiny electron moving at time-future velocities. The universe would appear to be slowing down or red shifting. The electron is "time traveling" into the future, in this case. Then, what about the case of negative imaginary functions???

Comments welcome?


William S. Alek
FREE ENERGY, Antigravitational, and Time Travel Technologies

INTALEK, INC. PHONE/FAX: 219.924.2742
3506-43rd. Place EMAIL: mailto:wsalek01@intalek.com
Highland, IN 46322 USA HOME PAGE: http://www.intalek.com/

Harvesting the Dirac Sea of (Score: 1)
by vlad on Sunday, August 14, 2005 @ 11:16:00 UTC
(User Info | Send a Message) http://www.zpenergy.com
Hello all,

I just uploaded a excerpt from a translated Russian textbook written by V. Fock called, "The Theory of Space, Time and Gravitation", 1964: http://www.intalek.com/Index/Projects/Research/Fock1964.pdf

I stated in an earlier email: Leaving out the imaginary component effectively removes what I call, "all the cool stuff" (pun intended) such as FREE ENERGY, Antigravity and Time Travel from having any theoretical basis. Put the imaginary component back in, and guess what???

So, did I find a "smoking gun", as they say??? Referring to Fock's book beginning on page 117 (p.2), he describes the (gradient of omega) squared being less than zero tells me that if omega was an "imaginary" number, then he describes a hypersurface as being "time-like" - I find this quite interesting because I generally refer to this as a temporal effect - critical for "antigravity" theory. On the other hand, on page 118 (p.3), he describes the (gradient of omega) squared being greater than zero tells me that if omega was a "real" number, then he describes a hypersurface as being "space-like" - again, I find this quite fascinating, and therefore critical for "gravity" theory. On page 119 (p.4), he then "effectively" removes the imaginary component from ANY further consideration as indicated, and of course, getting rid of "all the cool stuff". I think this is why ONLY gravity is taught today because antigravity has been removed systematically from ALL our textbooks - the complete story is NOT being told!

You know that strange light you saw zig-zaging across the sky the other night - you didn't see what you saw...

Bill Alek

Re: Dirac Sea (Score: 1)
by vlad on Thursday, September 01, 2005 @ 21:07:24 UTC
(User Info | Send a Message) http://www.zpenergy.com
Dear All,

The improved version of my Unified theory, including deeper analysis of suggested earlier dynamic mechanism of duality, gravitation and antigravitation, mechanism of overunity and extraction of the excessive energy from Bivacuum is just placed to the arXiv:

Best wishes.
Alex Kaivarainen


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