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Bush acknowledges the collapsing US economy
Posted on Sunday, August 14, 2005 @ 11:03:28 UTC by vlad

General 08/12/2005 14:23 - english.pravda.ru The US administration aims to spend $286 billion on the development of the American transport system

US President George W. Bush released a remarkable statement a short time ago. The remark has not been highlighted in the world media yet, although there is every reason to do so. Bush virtually acknowledged that the USA was experiencing a serious economic crisis. Moreover, the US government was taking immense efforts to avoid a massive outbreak of social uneasiness, the American president believes.

One may come to this conclusion from the newly-signed law about the development of the US transport system. The implementation of the law will cost tax-payers too much money. The US government plans to spend $286 billion on the implementation of the law during the forthcoming six years. Furthermore, Bush had to cut the costs of the law, which originally made up $400 billion. The US Treasury, however, will have to spend only $12.3 billion during ten years to guarantee the energy security and independence within the scope of the recently passed energy policy law. NASA's annual budget makes up $16 billion. Therefore, the sum of $400 billion makes a huge sum of money even from the point of view of American financial standards.

Read the whole article here: http://english.pravda.ru/world/20/91/368/15972_economy.html



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"Bush acknowledges the collapsing US economy" | Login/Create an Account | 4 comments | Search Discussion
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Oh yeah, Pravda knows the real truth-if your a moonbat. (Score: 1)
by spacedrive on Monday, August 15, 2005 @ 15:52:28 UTC
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Re: Bush acknowledges the collapsing US economy (Score: 1)
by Kadamose on Sunday, August 14, 2005 @ 15:10:14 UTC
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Uh, the plan of the Bush Adminstration and the Illuminati has ALWAYS been to use America to destroy America. Things will just continue to get worse...especially with the coming wars with Iran and North Korea...which basically are just fronts disguising the real threat: The coming war with China.

Sorry, but the United States will fall; it's being used as a vehicle to establish a New World Order (an Orwelian state) - the coming war with China will be the final straw for the NWO to create a permanent foundation across the globe.

Don't believe me? Fine. But these events are already occuring, as we speak.

Re: Bush acknowledges the collapsing US economy (Score: 1)
by ElectroDynaCat on Monday, August 15, 2005 @ 08:25:38 UTC
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Whether the President acknowledges it or not, an economy that creates no added value and is dependent on outside producers to stock its shelves is in trouble. Eventually the Chinese and Saudis will recognise the value of the money we issue in exchange for items of real value for what it is, paper.

As H.L. Hunt Jr.said, "Any damn fool can run a printing press" . Then he almost cornered the Silver Market.

At least this 400 billion will be spent to create items of real value in the US, bridges, roads and infrastructure that is badly needed.


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