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Experimental Indications of Electro-Gravity
Posted on Wednesday, September 14, 2005 @ 07:09:47 UTC by vlad

Science koen writes: Very short abstract:
A force on several test objects has been measured that is caused (triggered) by electrostatic fields, and that is proportional to the mass of the test objects.

URL: http://xxx.lanl.gov/abs/physics/0509068

Authors: T. Datta, Ming Yin, Andreea Dimofte, M. C. Bleiweiss, Zhihua Cai
Comments: 17 pages including 1 table and 4 figures with captions
Subj-class: General Physics

Recent results from our on going experimental investigation of the influence of space dependant electric fields on the weight of test particles are reported. Test particles were gold coated metal spheres of same size but of different masses. Data collected from a number of runs over several years continue to indicate an intriguing effect. For experimental parameters in question this effect is manifested as a ppm level sample mass dependent force additional to expected electrostatic forces. A force that is proportional to mass is the unique signature of gravity furthermore it is non-zero only when the field is applied; hence these observations may be further evidence in support of electro-gravity.

For the full text of this paper, see



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Re: Experimental Indications of Electro-Gravity (Score: 1)
by vlad on Friday, January 30, 2009 @ 23:28:35 UTC
(User Info | Send a Message) http://www.zpenergy.com
(Sent through feedback):     Did you over look in your experiments for (Indications of Electro-Gravity) the ion wind created by the high voltage used ? I did not see any refrences or precautions taken from this effect in the pdf file. Also did anyone watch for aircraft or even humans walking directly over the testing area ?  This would have also had some bearing on the results.
    But ion flow in the container would have had a definate effect on the measured weight , also putting energy into a bottle always results in some heat generation.  You may have created a warm area above the test weight and cold below ,was the temps and air flow checked there ?

   Another non controll in the experiment was the amperage used by the diffrent masses involved in the test ,you stated the voltage but not
amperage ?      You would have to do the experiment  with the source of voltage (and unknown amperage )in the center of all the individual test chambers and perform the tests at the same time .   I would also use a very stable voltage supply then measure the amperage used by each chamber to see if the mass of the test object used or needed more current than any other in the test.

     I thought you did very good as a start for this but overlooked some stuff.  More testing and a diffrent apparatus would be necessary to really prove anti gravity.

Probably have to immerse the object in conductive fluid to short out any direct wind effects as well as temperature variations .

    Email me if you want some more inputs or ideas for a functional set up .

David Gronczniak



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