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A three-lead Hall chip can serve as control switch without a power transistor.
Posted on Tuesday, November 01, 2005 @ 22:55:56 UTC by vlad

Devices techmac writes: http://www.geocities.com/mgmlab04/
Marv McEntire

A Hall effect magnetic sensor switch has been enabled to serve as a motor control and current switch.
This makes all of the elaborate electronics for low power pulse motors unnecessary. Therfore we have an access to motor systems without large cash outlays.
The only other component is an LED to direct excess energy from the coil voltage collapse back to the battery. Which saves 10 to 20 percent of energy use.

The circuit works with a 12 volt lead acid battery.
This will work only with 15 miliamp or less motors with eight poles in the rotor disk.
My other main project is a transistor switched coil that has no moving mechanical parts. The output over input wattage ratio is 20 to 1. My goal is to place that circuit on one of my pulse motor circuits to see what happens.
I have been trying to get my camera avi video of a motor running to play on my webpage without success.



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"A three-lead Hall chip can serve as control switch without a power transistor." | Login/Create an Account | 1 comment | Search Discussion
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Re: A three-lead Hall chip can serve as control switch without a power transistor. (Score: 1)
by Koen on Wednesday, November 02, 2005 @ 04:44:02 UTC
(User Info | Send a Message) http://no.nl/tesla
At http://www.mouser.com/catalog/623/269.pdf there is a datasheet of ANACHIPS Hall Effect sensors. I have a similar permanent magnet motor running by means of a small hall sensor and N-channel power FET. In case the ANAChip can switch enough current, I can leave out the FET.

The feedback of the back EMF pulse to the battery is an interesting issue,
since one might get some extra power in the form of P = Q dV/dt were P is
power, Q is static charge in battery, and dV/dt is the change in coil voltage
per second.

Usually, electric power is defined P = I V = dQ/dt V,
but this is only half of the story:
Electric potential energy is E = QV,
the time differential of energy (dE/dt) is energy per second,
dE/dt = d(QV)/dt = dQ/dt V + Q dV/dt = I V + Q dV/dt.

Scientists and engineers never take into account the power factor Q dV/dt.
Several inventors claimed the induction of extra power by means of
devices with static charge and very dynamical voltages.
Energy conversion by means of Q dV/dt is also strongly related to
longitudinal electric waves and a scalar field, which I proved mathematically.


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