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The Final Theory
Posted on Saturday, November 05, 2005 @ 16:29:50 UTC by vlad


A New Scientific Understanding Has Arrived!

There has long been a serious dissatisfaction with our scientific knowledge and beliefs, both from mainstream scientists and science enthusiasts alike. Our scientists' response is to merely invent often wild, abstract, fanciful theories (warped space-time, quantum mechanics, time- dilation, and now "Dark Matter", "Dark Energy", etc.), while amateur enthusiasts often invent their own "alternate theories" that typically end up in the "crank" or "crackpot" category. Either way, both approaches have left us with quite a scientific mess.

The Final Theory is a new science book that breaks the mold entirely. It does not align itself with today's fanciful science, yet is a best-selling science book based on very sound logic and solid scientific principles. It is the first truly viable answer to all the confusion, mysteries, and head-scratching found in today's science.

See the truth for yourself .. read the free first chapter of The Final Theory and finally begin to understand your world.

Read more: http://www.thefinaltheory.com/pages/6/index.htm



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"The Final Theory" | Login/Create an Account | 3 comments | Search Discussion
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Re: The Final Theory (Score: 1)
by Cold_Steel on Monday, November 07, 2005 @ 09:03:50 UTC
(User Info | Send a Message)
I began an attempt to read this book thinking perhaps it would be illuminating. It was not, however. This book is filled with egregious errors and omissions. The author shows a severe lack of understanding of even the most basic phsyics. His thought examples are seriously flawed. He provides no citations. He provides no solid evidence that his theory is superior to existing theories. In fact, he does not show that existing accepted theories are wrong.

Examples of major problems: He has an issue with Newton's graviational explanation. He claims that if gravity were analagous to swinging a weight around on a string, it would require an infinite amount of energy and energy would need to be expended constantly to hold objects in orbit. His defense is that if a person swings a weight around, the person's muscles burn energy to keep the weight spinning, therefore gravity would necessarily use energy if it were analagous. The problem is, this is a terrible analogy. The correct analogy is one of a weight on a string (that does not stretch at all) connected to a frictionless privot in a vacuum in the absence of all other forces. In this case, when spun, the weight would spin forever, and would also expend no energy. This simple example deflates his entire theory.

I also take issue with the fact that he argues agains Newton's theory of gravity instead of Einstein's relativty. Newton's laws of gravity are already obsolete and are not the modern model for gravity, so trying to debunk them is really a moot point. Instead, he says relativty is wrong because, to paraphrase, "it's confusing and hard to understand". Right...
That's one of the dumbest arguments I have ever seen. This book is trash. Completely pathetic. I do not know how you can write a supposedly scientific work and attempt to revise science as we know it without having a single citation to prove your point. Complete garbage.

Re: The Final Theory (Score: 1)
by malc on Tuesday, November 08, 2005 @ 00:26:48 UTC
(User Info | Send a Message) http://web.ukonline.co.uk/mripley
This book has been around for a while. In fact I'm sure it has been "advertised" here at zpenergy a couple of years ago.

Sales must be faltering !


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