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Oblivion - America at the Brink
Posted on Wednesday, November 09, 2005 @ 23:06:56 UTC by vlad

General Anthony Craddock writes: "Oblivion - America at the Brink" is Tom Bearden's most comprehensive overview to date detailing the uses and abuses of scalar electromagnetics. The product of both his deep military experience and his penetrating insight into the realms of advanced physics, this book presents its frightening conclusions in Tom's unique hard-hitting style.

"Oblivion - America at the Brink", published by Tom's Cheniere Press, is now available.


A disturbing new area of psychoenergetics -- "mind wars" -- that completely overturns the strategic landscape, came to Tom Bearden's attention two years ago. Realizing the dreadful implications, he immediately prepared a Very Close Hold briefing for the Head of State and Foreign Minister of the only nation capable of possibly countering this new menace to humanity's survival.

Lavishly illustrated with over 500 slides, "Oblivion" is a must-read for everyone interested in the future of humanity and the survival of the United States, and is equally essential reading for military, scientific and strategic planners. And politicians.

Weather engineering, freezing time, precursor robot wars, the nature of mind, artificial life, mind conversion, EM disease propagation - these are all topics explained in this tour-de-force. It is not sci-fi or speculation, but is what is REALLY going on - today. You will not find this information anywhere else.

Advance orders have been extremely high, so order your copy now while supplies last. Cheniere Press projects that the first printing will sell out rapidly due to the Christmas rush.


Tony Craddock
Website Administrator
The Tom Bearden Website/ Cheniere Press



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"Oblivion - America at the Brink" | Login/Create an Account | 8 comments | Search Discussion
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Re: Oblivion - America at the Brink (Score: 1)
by nanotech on Thursday, November 10, 2005 @ 07:13:43 UTC
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This book is one of Tom Bearden's greatest yet. It lays out everything about psychoenergetics, scalar and zero point power, etc etc etc.

I recommend all of you get a copy if possible.

Re: Oblivion - America at the Brink (Score: 1)
by ElectroDynaCat on Thursday, November 10, 2005 @ 08:09:55 UTC
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Science, science fiction, fiction.

Our illustrious Colonel seems to be a master at blurring the fine line betwen all three.

Great reading, but I still don't know if we should take it seriously. It would make a great "Star Wars" type epic if someone would turn it into a movie.

I'm not as afraid of some purported superweapon devised by our enemies as I am of our own government idiots in charge running the country into the ground.

The national Debt is approaching an asympotic curve, ramping up into infinity in the near future, it looks like the morons in the Beltway will have the goal of infinte energy through debt creation achieved way before we ZPE researchers get out of the gate.


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