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Patent issued for anti gravity device!
Posted on Friday, November 11, 2005 @ 16:09:52 UTC by vlad

Devices Dr Jack Sarfatti writes: He has something like my idea in my 3 books, but I doubt that what he has will actually work. But he is seeing part of what I am seeing.

[Eric Taber] Apparently the USPTO has violated its rules and guidelines, patenting a device that defies the known laws of physics.

Patent Number 6,960,975 was issued to Boris Volfson of Huntington, IN, wherein the device is described: quote: A cooled hollow superconductive shield is energized by an electromagnetic field resulting in the quantized vortices of lattice ions projecting a gravitomagnetic field that forms a spacetime curvature anomaly outside the space vehicle.

[Jack Sarfatti] That has to be shown in detail with the equations of GR. Is there such an effect? And how strong is it?

[Eric Taber] The spacetime curvature imbalance, the spacetime curvature being the same as gravity, provides for the space vehicle's propulsion.

[Jack Sarfatti] Badly said. They are groping for the idea of geodesic warp drive. That is, changing local curvature field at the ship in such a way as to shape the timelike geodesic, with small tidal geodesic deviation over the scale of the ship, as desired.

[Eric Taber] The space vehicle, surrounded by the spacetime anomaly, may move at a speed approaching the light-speed characteristic for the modified locale.

[Jack Sarfatti] Meaningless sentence.

[Eric Taber] Anti-gravity device patent

Wow! What do you think? /Eric

[Jack Sarfatti] Glimmer of correct idea, but wrong implementation. I am pretty sure it won't fly...

[Read all Sarfatti comments on the text of the patent in our Forum ...Vlad]

UPI news: The journal Nature said patent 6,960,975 was granted Nov. 1 to Boris Volfson of Huntington, Ind., for a space vehicle propelled by a superconducting shield that alters the curvature of space-time outside the craft in a way that counteracts gravity.

One of the main theoretical arguments against anti-gravity is that it implies the availability of unlimited energy.

"If you design an anti-gravity machine, you've got a perpetual-motion machine," Robert Park of the American Physical Society told Nature.

Park said the action shows patent examiners are being duped by false science.

Copyright 2005 by United Press International
Bill Alek writes:

"Abstract of US6960975

A space vehicle propelled by the pressure of inflationary vacuum state is provided comprising a hollow superconductive shield, an inner shield, a power source, a support structure, upper and lower means for generating an electromagnetic field, and a flux modulation controller. ..."

"... [0022] By creating a spacetime curvature anomaly associated with lowered pressure of inflationary vacuum state around a space vehicle, with the lowest vacuum pressure density located directly in front of the vehicle, a condition could be created where gravity associated with lowered vacuum pressure density pulls the vehicle forward in modified spacetime.

[0023] By creating a spacetime curvature anomaly associated with elevated pressure of inflationary vacuum state around the space vehicle, with the point of highest vacuum pressure density located directly behind the vehicle, a condition could be created where a repulsion force associated with elevated vacuum pressure density pushes the space vehicle forward in modified spacetime. From the above-mentioned cosmological constant equation, re-written as: [mathematical formula - see original document] it is clear that the increase in the vacuum pressure density could lead to a substantial increase in the light-speed. If the space vehicle is moving in the anomaly where the local light-speed is higher than the light-speed of the ambient vacuum, and if this vehicle approaches this local light-speed, the space vehicle would then possibly exceed the light-speed characteristic for the ambient area. ..."

This sounds like the Alcubierre Warp Drive from the mid '90s.

"... [0025] The levitating and rotating superconductor disk, which Podkletnov used to protect the object of experiment from the attraction produced by the energy of the vacuum, was externally energized by the externally-powered solenoid coils. Thus, Podkletnov's system is stationary by definition and not suitable for travel in air or space. Even if the superconductive disk is made part of the craft, and if it is energized by the energy available on the craft, the resulting anomaly is one-sided, not enveloping, and not providing the variable speed of light (VSL) environment for the craft. ..."

This patent reads more like a paper than a patent.


William S. Alek
FREE ENERGY, Antigravitational, and Time Travel Technologies http://groups.yahoo.com/group/intalek

Garry Voss writes: See Paul Potters UFO Propulsion Drive Ilistrations by clicking on: UFO Physics. I think there is a connection here.

Robert Neil Boyd writes: Dear Sirs,

"Vacuum pressure density" is a contradiction in terms.

In a supposed vacuum, there is nothing existing which can cause pressure, by definition of the term "vacuum". The pressure of nothing is zero. The density of nothing is zero. The term is pure BS.

There is a REAL substance making a REAL pressure and a REAL density, which factors result from the measurable activities of the consituent subquantum particles comprising the aether plenum.

What exactly is this so-called "Inflationary vaccum state"? Where is this term defined? And what causes it? And where is there any reproducable physical evidence for this fictional entity? Why do we need it in the first darn place?

And by what means does a supposed "inflationary vacuum state" create a supposed "lowered pressure" ? Lowered pressure of what?

The expression of "space-time curvature", since it is implied by the expression to be a localized space time curvature, is in direct contradiction to Einstein's Relativity Theory, where Einstein insisted for the last 30 years of his life that any curvature of space, could only occur at cosmological scales. Then, given the additional fact that the universe is infinite in volume, if there were indeed any curvature to space at the cosmological scale, such curvature would be perfectly immeasurable. Thus, this is an unprovable hypothesis, with no more validity than pink elephants.

This is all delusionary gobbledegook designed to confuse and mislead the readers regarding the actual facts of the situation.

There is no "vacuum", by definition of the term. There does exist a plenum filled with subquantum particles, which is inhabited by creatures of all velocities, from zero velocity to infinite velocity, and everything in between.

We can create density gradients in this media by various means, and generate propulsion, by various means. But the descriptions in this document are not at all accurate descriptions of any of any the correct means of attaining propulsion in interstellar space.

The document is purely misleading deception, in my opinion, based on elephants of various colors, rather than on reproducably observable and instrumentable facts.

That being said, there is some grain of truth in it, that can only be discovered when one knows the actual physics involved, which are in fact, aether physics. None of this "inflationary vacuum state pressure density" nonsense.

Get the idea of a plenum of subquantum particles, which can vary in local density and velocity, then look at the text again. Substitute the correct understandings and dispense with the misleading lables created in the text, and you might see something of what they are attemoting to describe.

One more thing. Their evaluation of Podkletnov's super conducting disk propulsion method is perfectly wrong. Such a method can be perfectly well applied and will function perfectly well.

The difficulty with this method is in the hazard resulting from any exposure to the back-acting beam, which results after some delay in time, after the initiating high power electrical impulse. Any organic Life which happens to be in physical contact with any inorganic object, at the time the back-acting beam passes through the vicinity, will find themselves inextricably welded to the inorganic object.

An inconvenience, to say the least. I have brought several suggestions to Podkletnov regarding various means to eliminate this hazard. But until the problem is solved, this means of propulsion will have severely limited applications. It appears to me that two of my suggestions will resolve the problem. The problem is that it requires a lot of money to implement either of them, something which Podkletov's team has a lack of. Give them more money, and I'll bet the problem will be solved shortly.




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Re: Patent issued for anti gravity device! (Score: 1)
by nanotech on Friday, November 11, 2005 @ 17:53:33 UTC
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I agree with what Neil said completely.

For accuracy and consistency we MUST GET RID OF THE TERM VACUUM! The only reason why people such as Bearden and others use terms like "energy from the vacuum" is because vacuum is accepted by the mainstream estalishment. The term PLENUM is FAR more accurate! It is energy from the quantum aether plenum.

Not Antigravity (Score: 1)
by hackwrench on Sunday, November 13, 2005 @ 16:47:29 UTC
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I keep saying that, as it is described, my theory as to how it works is closer to current theory, which is:

Collapse the space between you and a gravitational body far away from you relative to one that is close. This puts you in the shared gravitational well between the two, and decreases the distance you have to travel, to boot.

A problem I see increasingly is that people build devices and come up with poor theories to describe the device's workings, then established scientists come in and say that the theory is unworkable, which it is, but then falsely conclude that the device isn't doing anything significant of study. Then there are the "testers" of devices that come in, find a part that doesn't work like they expect, falsely conclude the part is faulty, repace the part with a conforming part, and of course the device doesn't work like it would if they ran it as it was, and then they declare, "See, the device doesn't work!"

Re: Patent issued for anti gravity device! (Score: 1)
by DoItDontJustWriteAboutIt on Friday, November 18, 2005 @ 16:02:54 UTC
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There are two obvious faults in this patent that render the invention unuseable:  the device has no minibar, and no restrooms.  Personally I'm waiting for version 2 at least.

Re: Patent issued for anti gravity device! (Score: 1)
by vlad on Tuesday, November 22, 2005 @ 19:53:28 UTC
(User Info | Send a Message) http://www.zpenergy.com
Warp-drive spaceman from Indiana opens up a can of wormholes
Tom Spears
Ottawa Citizen

[Extract] ...
And finally, here's Rob Lipson, head of the chemistry department at the Universityu of Western Ontario. Has twin PhDs in chemistry AND physics. Yeesh. Dear Tom, Sorry to take so long to respond to this article. My computer crashed. It strikes me a lot of baloney, but it is so outside the realm of chemistry ( and probably science) that it difficult to know where to begin. I am not an expert on string theory or general relativity. That said, consider the "gravitomagnetic field". Consider the definition from Stuart Shapiro, on the web: http://www.aip.org/pnu/1996/split/pnu295-2.htm [www.aip.org]: "A GRAVITOMAGNETIC FIELD , according to the theory of general relativity, arises from moving matter (matter currents) just as an ordinary magnetic field arises from moving charges (electrical currents). The analogy is so apt that the equations describing this "magnetic" component of gravity can essentially be adapted from Maxwell's equations for electromagnetism by replacing the charge density with the mass density and the charge current with the mass current. The rotating Earth, containing a lot of matter in motion, is the source of such a very weak gravitomagnetic force. Indeed, measuring this field is one of the tasks of the upcoming Gravity Probe B a satellite. Near a rapidly rotating black hole the gravitomagnetic force is much more potent and rivals the static gravitational field in strength. Stuart Shapiro of the University of Illinois asserts that in analogy with the Faraday effect, whereby a changing magnetic force can induce electrical currents, a changing gravitomagnetic force emanating from a rapidly rotating black hole can induce matter currents inside a nearby object---say, a neutron star spiraling in toward the hole. This induced vorticity will influence the spin of the star, its internal structure, and its orbital motion. These effects in turn might be discernible in gravitational waves reaching the future LIGO and VIRGO detectors on Earth. (Phys.Rev. Lett., 18 November; figure available on 11/14 at www.aip.org/png [www.aip.org].) "This definition suggests that the conditions necessary to produce a gravitomagnetic force outside of a black hole would be impossible to generate by an earth made instrument. Hard to believe you can curve space time sufficiently. Even if you could, the tidal forces on an occupant would probably be lethal. This problem has been recognized by many sci-fi writers over the years. "The part that really caught my attention was the author's reference to vacuum fluctuations. In the quantum theory of light the energy (Hamiltonian) operator has the same form as that of quantum harmonic oscillator. This is the standard approximate model for vibrating molecules. One of the interesting non classical results is that even in the lowest energy state of the vibrator there is still a so called zero point energy; that is, even if you could cool the vibrating species to absolute zero, the molecule will never stop vibrating. The analogy to light fields is similar. Even when there are no photons in the light field, there is still a zero point energy. This means that there is energy in the vacuum BUT its average value is zero. What is not zero is the root-mean square deviation of the energy. This means that there is an energy uncertainty around the average value of E =0 . These are referred to as vacuum fluctuations of the electromagnetic field. From a strictly quantum electrodynamical point of view, fluorescence (spontaneous emission) can be viewed as stimulated emission by the vacuum fluctuations. What is proposed here by Mr. Volfson is to capitalize on those fluctuations to produce a gravitomagnetic field that will curve space. I imagine that the energy required would be enormous. What Mr. Volfson forgets is that the energy uncertainty and time duration obey a Heisenberg Uncertainty Principle. This means that the higher the energy you require from the vacuum fluctuations, the shorter the time it will last. "Consider the following trivial calculation. Suppose we need to create the environment of a black hole that corresponds to 10 x mass of the sun. "This corresponds to m = 20 x 10^(13) kg. Since E = mc^(2) (it's the 100th anniversary of Einstein's miracle year), then E = ~ 1.8 x 10^(31) joules. "The Heisenberg Uncertainty Principle states: delta E x delta (time) ~ 1.05 x 10^(-34) joule-sec. This means the uncertainty in time, delta (time) would be ~ 6 x 10^(-66) seconds. This is really very short. Even if there are general relativity effects which I don't know about, this suggests Mr. Volfson is not going anywhere, and neither is his plan for interstellar space travel. "Nevertheless, thanks for the laugh. "Rob"


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