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Zero Point Energy, Quantum Physics, Zeno paradox and Fermat theorem.
Posted on Sunday, November 13, 2005 @ 15:53:30 UTC by vlad

Science Anonymous writes:

More and more people are aware of ideas from pioneering scientists about a "vacuum not empty" and the seething energy contained in space. What would happen if they are right ?

The enthusiasm of Physicists and Testers which lead them to announce (hastily) succeeds in making over-unity equipment while laymen are short of fundamental knowledges to believe such possibility- and if no such equipment work- is understandable to ZPE supporters. Nevertheless, each failure in working of any piece of equipment will be a target for bull 's eye shots from critics of ZPE and Vacuum Engineering.

While sound and simple theories -with tangible results tested by experiments- are still lacking to construct such equipment, it is hard to persuade ZPE and Vacuum Engineering opponents to listen to and read works of those pioneers. Why are they protecting "classical theories" so strongly? They can work out equipment and get results from such theories, even sometimes they are not so sure-I believe that- why the theories are working that way.

Quantum Physics is an example

It is strange that many things, looking unconnected at first glance, may well hide systematical structure underneath. Mathematics and Physics are divided to be "pure" and "applied". But the "pure mathematics" may contain in it the structure for Physics, even strange as ZPE and "Vacuum Engineering"
Many people do not link Quantum Physics with Zeno paradox. Classical electromagnetism have been working flawlessly until failures in explanations of phenomena that can be explained only by Quantum Physics- Physics of discrete amounts.

Zeno paradox makes one puzzled at the structure of space (and even time), but we can see the parity between Classical Electromagnetism-Quantum Physics and continuous-discrete points in Zeno paradox.

If space is full of energy and the discrete characteristic of space is possible, is energy also stored in such discrete structure of space.

And the release-transmission of power-energy is characterized by the continuous structure of space that was forwarded by Zeno thousands of years ago.

Another problem is Fermat theorem. This simple mathematical problem has not been solved until a thousand page solution was forwarded by a mathematician spending seven painstakingly working years.

Nature may well hide the solution of such simple problem. Just imagine that the seething energy of space is stored in discrete Rubik- like cubes. Any degeneration from a larger Fermat cube to a smaller Fermat cube requires and creates a continuous parameter that may well link to E-M and gravity wave transmission and energy radiation !

With the work of Maxwell, continuous E-M wave theory allows physicists to toy with energy of Megawatts and Gigawatts. Works of Harold E. Puthoff and others predict that energy stored in discrete- quantized space may be so large that the energy contained in a coffee cup sized space volume may be enough to boil the oceans many times over.

The way to solve Fermat theorem may be the hint to tap such energy. But what if such solution is so easy to find and to toy with?

Euler has solved Fermat theorem with the case n=3. Since our space is a three dimensional structure, Euler algorithm may be a must to study ZPE and Vacuum Engineering. Einstein has added another extra dimension of time to space, now we have a fourth-order equation of Fermat problem with n=4. Fermat himself has solved the problem with n=4.

Now we return to Newton. The simple movement of an object in Newton equation is :
x = a.t^2 + v.t + x0. (a=acceleration, t =time, v= velocity, x0 =intitial departure point)

Newton has since long added a fifth dimension into space with the parameter t^2 in his simple equation. By this way he has assumed that the value d^2 x/dt^2 is a constant. The solution of Fermat theorem for the case n=5 has also been solved by another distinguished mathematician.

If we can make the derivative d^ix/dt^i to the i-th order, then we will have the Fermat problem for n= 3+i.

The Theory of ZPE and Vacuum may have been set up for us by those mathematicians from the time of Zeno up to now.




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"Zero Point Energy, Quantum Physics, Zeno paradox and Fermat theorem." | Login/Create an Account | 4 comments | Search Discussion
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Re: Zero Point Energy, Quantum Physics, Zeno paradox and Fermat theorem. (Score: 1)
by ElectroDynaCat on Sunday, November 13, 2005 @ 17:21:59 UTC
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Making researchers aware of the ZPE might be the best way to unravel its potential.  There's a possibility that some researcher may have already stumbled onto the secret by accident and disregaded his results becuase they didn't make sense.

The only reason we are aware of the ZPE is for exactly that reason. Henrik Casimir, working at Phillips Electronics   was having problems coating the electrodes of CRTs and vacuum tubes with colloidial solutions of metal particles. He had calculated the exact deposition rate of his solutions while taking into account the attractive Van der Vaals forces, but it turned those solutions were depositing much slower than predicted, something was slowing down the process.

He mentioned the problem to Neils Bohr during a stroll in the park. Bohr suggested that the vacuum flux might be causing the problem. Casimir began researching the effect that bears his name and confirmed what Bohr had suggested.

The rest is history.....

Lets hope one of you reading this will have another lucky accident.

Re: Zero Point Energy, Quantum Physics, Zeno paradox and Fermat theorem. (Score: 1)
by guest on Tuesday, November 15, 2005 @ 10:52:38 UTC
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Just be careful! I wonder whether the ones who had first made explosive powders or some new medicines, or other adventurers were intact from dangerous accidents (if we do not want to say deadly). I have read a story that several hundred years from now in the past, in a monastery, the monks who were studying chemistry got contacts with antimony and died from unknown strange diseases. Then they coined the substance with the name antimony (that means anti-monk!) . I do not know if the story is true. But if the expected energy is so large, one should be extremely careful in experiments as well as theoretical calculations.

One may laugh at an early warning about dangers while there is just a dim possibility of practical (who knows what the power range is?) energy tapping! The force in Casimir effect is so small that it may be deceptive that an energy radiation (once done) would be small to be unharmful.

I would just want to say that you should be extremely careful.


Re: Zero Point Energy, Quantum Physics, Zeno paradox and Fermat theorem. (Score: 1)
by tsh on Saturday, November 19, 2005 @ 07:28:57 UTC
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I’ve read what you had to say about Zeno of Elea (495-430). “Zeno paradox makes one puzzled at the structure of space (and even time)…”

I’ve done considerable research on Zeno and must concede that what you say is mostly true. Zeno is the Father of Relativity. And, yes, I also agree that his work on the few remaining paradoxes (eight survived out of about forty) falls into line with Niels Henrik Bohr’s Quantum physics. In fact, I have worked out Zeno’s paradox on “The Stadium,” and found that, indeed, one-half time does equal the whole time. True to form, also, three of his other paradoxes do explain relativity much better than Einstein did.

If there are others our there in Web-Land who would like to know more on the subject, just let me know. My research on Zeno’s work led to the discover of a mathematical procedure for obtaining the dimensions of absolute space, which helps explain what zero energy actually is.


Re: Zero Point Energy, Quantum Physics, Zeno paradox and Fermat theorem. (Score: 1)
by xela26 on Tuesday, November 16, 2010 @ 06:02:10 UTC
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I liked reading the part of Quantum physics example. thanks for making this article.

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