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Government showdown could break up Internet, experts warn
Posted on Monday, November 14, 2005 @ 22:19:03 UTC by vlad

A tense dispute over US control of the Internet in the run-up to the World Summit on the Information Society (WSIS) could eventually lead to the break-up of the global network and hamper seamless browsing, officials warned Monday.

The warning came as the United States told EU participants at negotiations on Internet governance that it was determined to maintain its oversight over the technical and administrative infrastructure at the root of the network.

In a letter seen by AFP, US Secretary of State Condoleeza Rice and Commerce Secretary Carlos Gutierrez called on the British presidency of the European Union to drop its proposal for an international alternative.

"We ask the EU to reconsider its new position on Internet governance and work together with us to bring the benefits of the information society to all," the United States wrote.

A European diplomat, who declined to be named, said the letter was tantamount to "an attempt at intimidation".

Robert Shaw of the UN's International Telecommunication Union, said: "Since the positions are so polarised we may end up with a fractured Internet."

Either the search for a "democratic" international solution prevails, or the Internet could fragment into a multitude of networks before an eventual international coordination mechanism sticks them back together, he added.

Late Monday, the chairman of the negotiations, Janis Karklins of Finland, asked government negotiators to examine a new draft compromise to try to resolve their three-year deadlock before the summit, which begins on Wednesday.

The outcome could determine who eventually controls the Internet's technical and administrative infrastructure, which allows the computer network to function worldwide...

Read the rest of the article here: http://www.physorg.com/news8159.html

As the United States and Europe prepare to slug it out over the ownership of the Internet at the upcoming United Nations conference on information technology, there is growing concern that the World Wide Web is being excessively politicized, and that might hamper its innovative driving force.
Full story at http://www.physorg.com/news8168.html



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"Government showdown could break up Internet, experts warn" | Login/Create an Account | 7 comments | Search Discussion
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Re: Government showdown could break up Internet, experts warn (Score: 1)
by malc on Tuesday, November 15, 2005 @ 02:05:59 UTC
(User Info | Send a Message) http://web.ukonline.co.uk/mripley
I'm curious why the author thinks this is new energy related ?

That aside imagine if the US had to rely on a russian company for the internet to function.......hmmm I don't think so. If that company swore blind it is independant of the government would you trust it then....of course not. 

The internet is international and as such the administration has to be international. The US does not want this because at the moment it can pull the plug. Oh and if its truly independant why on earth is Condoleeza Rice involved ? 

Re: Government showdown could break up Internet, experts warn (Score: 1)
by irjsi on Tuesday, November 15, 2005 @ 08:40:24 UTC
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Prior to our 'no-longer supreme' court's decision to 'Outlaw' Private Property, the USA was a relatively stable for entities such as ICANN. The Internet "www", is 'World Wide'! The Internet is functioning very well! I have read that the Next Generation Internet is under 'Beta' testing. Domain names were/are "first come, first served!", and can be freely traded and/or sold. China restricts cyber freedom! Do we want more of that? The UN would be a horrible overseer: re. Oil for Food, for Money, cover-up ? No Officials were involved! Internet functions best with as little input from bureaucrats/government as possible. If the World wants to rule cyberspace, let them introduce another 'parallel?' system. Having done such a nice job on the first one, Al Gore can invent another for those demanding to be "Guardians of Content"! Roy Stewart Phoenix AZ irjsiq@gmail.com

Re: Government showdown could break up Internet, experts warn (Score: 1)
by guest on Tuesday, November 15, 2005 @ 22:45:11 UTC
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Neither the US nor the UN is interested whatsoever in protecting the internet as we know it. This is a battle over sovereignty, power, and control. This is a battle over sovereignty of ‘control of information’.

They are extremely concerned about the ‘free flow’ of information, which has been both good and bad, but has allowed sharing and networking of information (particularly in our forum – free energy) that has advanced such century old ‘suppressed’ information as well as current information that the powers that be have worked extremely hard to lock down.

In this discussion, it is important to understand, that the ‘power’ of this world that determines the cost of everything, is not money, is not gold, and is not military strength, but it is the ‘hard cost’ of the production of energy. Unfortunately, this has been firmly rooted and controlled via the petroleum / hydrocarbon industry. If some group or nation was able to reduce the cost of energy to zero using such free energy technology, it would completely upset and alter the current power / control structure in this world, and in actually would created the greatest economic expansion and personal growth of wealth the world has ever seen. However, this would mean a ‘redistribution’ of the wealth (and therefore power) between the ‘haves’ and ‘have nots’, which (in their view) must be avoided at all costs.

by vlad on Wednesday, November 16, 2005 @ 21:20:07 UTC
(User Info | Send a Message) http://www.zpenergy.com

An 11th-hour deal has avoided a potentially damaging split between the United States and the rest of the world over control of the Internet after diplomats agreed to work towards enhanced international cooperation.

Full story at http://www.physorg.com/news8216.html [www.physorg.com]

Re: Government showdown could break up Internet, experts warn (Score: 1)
by guest on Sunday, November 20, 2005 @ 18:36:06 UTC
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Don't let the UN fool you.  The only reason they don't want the US to have control of the Internet is that they don't like free speech.  The goverments that want to take control are goverments like China that want to control the information people have access too.  They also want to be able to tax every e-mail you send someone.  How would you like it if the next time you sent an e-mail to somone in Europe that your ISP had to charge you to cover the tax on it so they can have free health care?  Here is another article below I found.

San Antonio Express-News
The people who gave you the corruption of the oil-for-food program want to run the Internet.

The organization that routinely puts such stellar international citizens as China, Cuba, Saudi Arabia and Sudan on its Human Rights Commission wants to manage the information superhighway. The United Nations wants to operate the World Wide Web.

No, this is not a joke.

Last week, the U.N.-sponsored World Summit on the Information Society convened in Tunis to advance this goal. The ostensible purpose of the WSIS is to make information and communication technologies accessible to all citizens of planet Earth.

That noble effort, however, has morphed into a subsidiary struggle to wrest oversight of the Web from the Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers, ICANN, the nonprofit group that renders the critical decisions that make the virtual world turn.

The grievance of some nations is that although ICANN has an international advisory body, the U.S. government retains veto power. A historical note about why that is so:

Four decades ago, the Pentagon called for the creation of a decentralized communications network that would allow it to maintain command and control in case of Soviet attack.

To withstand nuclear war, the network needed to contain multiple nodes and connections so that if some locations and databases were destroyed, surviving locations would retain the ability to communicate and still possess the knowledge of the entire network.

The decentralization of knowledge and research across the Defense Department's ARPANET became the framework for the Internet. That is to say, the Internet is an American creation.

The U.S. government, however, does not today "control" the Internet. The unmistakable trajectory of Internet oversight under U.S. leadership has been toward privatization.

Private industry makes every essential decision affecting the World Wide Web today, from providing service to individual users to running the servers and making the connections that form the backbone of the Internet.

And then there is ICANN, the Internet equivalent of a central processing unit, which approves suffixes for Web addresses, maps uniform resource locators, or URLs, across Internet addresses and maintains a global directory of Web site owners.

Among the 21 members of ICANN's board of directors are citizens of Australia, Brazil, Bulgaria, Canada, China, France, Germany, Ghana, Japan, Kenya, Korea, Mexico, the Netherlands, Portugal, Senegal, Spain, the United Kingdom and the United States — hardly a sign of U.S. domination.

Meanwhile, the U.S. government has committed to complete the process of fully privatizing ICANN. So what's the problem? Resentment of the United States and fear of the free flow of information.

Some members of the WSIS Working Group on Internet Governance that want to halt progress toward Internet privatization and place the Web under the control of U.N. bureaucrats: China, Cuba, Iran, Saudi Arabia.

Knowledge is power. Totalitarian systems are based on the concentration of power. The Internet disseminates knowledge and decentralizes power. If ever there was a weapon that threatened the existence of authoritarian regimes, it is the Internet.

The World Summit on the Information Society is a digital Trojan horse. Under the guise of making the Internet more accessible to more people, the leaders of some of the world's most repressive regimes want to limit access and control information.

The current system of Internet oversight is far from perfect. More can and should be done to enhance international cooperation and create measures of public accountability for ICANN. Politicizing the Internet's oversight and creating bureaucratic governance where none currently exists is, however, a monumental step in the wrong direction.


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