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Hurry Up & Wait
Posted on Tuesday, November 22, 2005 @ 19:07:32 UTC by vlad

Testimonials William Aleck writes: "... The Office of Strategic Studies merged with exiled factions of German intelligence to form the Central Intelligence Agency. In 1947 the National Security Act was signed into law, making all energy conversion research subject to classification, nuclear or otherwise! Paranoia ran rampant. ..."

"... Sony recently bought all the rights to the EV Confidential documentary chronicling GM's staged intentional EV1 debacle, and already in its PR materials announcing the wide release of the film in theaters, the electric car is mentioned as something of the past, a failed idea whose time has come and gone. ..."

"... Right now all electric vehicles on the road are either prototypes, or failed experiments, using inadequate technology. All this because battery companies have stumbled to produce affordable, powerful batteries to meet the needs of electric transportation. Lithium Ion innovation languishes at University licensing offices, companies go into business with partial protocols, doomed to fail, as if their funding was intentionally green lit toward that intent. Other companies misappropriate funds and then file for bankruptcy, assembly line idle. ..."

I have a distinct impression we're being deliberately limited with technology by the powers that be?

"... While governments and industry have lavished immense investment capital on fuel cell research, a pricey, complicated, still chemically-based technology, requiring an entirely new hydrogen fuel distribution infrastructure, the ..."

Its my argument that the so-called "Hydrogen Economy" will bankrupt our system. Its way too expensive.

"... Larry Elliott says it best in this commentary, found on the NiMH Pelican Brief blog: "When Glenn Curtiss decided to ignore the Wright's patent on wing warping by using the far superior technology of ailerons he helped advance the state of the art in aircraft control. The Wright's sued him yet he still persisted. European aircraft manufacturers also ignored the patents. When the United States got involved in World War 1 we were far behind in aircraft technology in many ways due to the constant lawsuits over wing warping. We were so backward that American airmen had to fly British or French planes since all we had was the Curtiss Jenny trainer. The war quickly forced everyone to get serious about advancing the state of the art and soon the law suits became history and Orville backed off and left future aircraft design to others." ..."

Perfecting FREE ENERGY could leapfrog these battery technology limitations.


William S. Alek
FREE ENERGY, Antigravitational, and Time Travel Technologies

Source: http://www.electrifyingtimes.com/hurryupandwait.html



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Re: Hurry Up & Wait (Score: 1)
by malc on Wednesday, November 23, 2005 @ 05:10:38 UTC
(User Info | Send a Message) http://web.ukonline.co.uk/mripley
I have a sneaking suspicion that governments have an answer to the energy problem but the time (according to them) is not right for disclosure.  The reason I have come to this conclusion is in observing what is happening in Britain.

Irrespective of your personal feelings about PM Blair he is most definitely not stupid. Now we can all see that there is an energy crisis looming. We are building wind turbines, but not enough, more of a gesture giving the impression that we are active in that field. We are making noises that nuclear is an answer and yet if it was we would be building plants right now (and would have to) but we aren't.  In fact the whole energy picture is one of lots of talk, apparent actions but yet no concrete solution.  There is also no sense of urgency either. Its as if they know the answer but have to keep the public fumbling along for now........

Try observe ministers behaviour the next time energy is talked about, they are as cool as the proverbial cucumber....most odd.


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