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Broken promises
Posted on Saturday, November 26, 2005 @ 20:45:05 UTC by vlad

Testimonials From the KeelyNet list: Hola Folks!

Richard H. found the documentary some of us were on (A Machine to Die For), for sale (at what I think is a very high price - $66 for home) at: http://www.abc.net.au/programsales/s1178520.htm

I know it has been shown several times in Canada and is now being shown in Australia. We were told it would be in the US and eventually on worldwide Discovery...whatever... The only one I know who has seen it (on Canadian TV) in our group is Tim M..

We were all PROMISED COPIES of the completed video, on either VHS or DVD by the producer but he never came through with any copies despite NUMEROUS EMAILS asking for them...never even a RESPONSE EMAIL explaining why they couldn't or wouldn't fulfill what they promised.

So in future, WHEN we do get true working systems and all the news media are clamoring for interviews and the chance to document it, I for one will remember this broken promise to the many who helped Eliot Jarvis Productions make the documentary, and we'll choose someone else or have it done ourselves.

None of us ever asked them for one penny in payment, (and they were paid over $200,000 by Discovery to make the documentary)....all we were SUPPOSED to get were a copy for each of us...tsk, tsk...how professional is that? To lie to the people who helped you make your bucks??? Everything...goes...in...circles.
The documentary

Machine to Die For, A

Year of Production: 2004
Duration: 55 mins
(c) Eliot Jarvis Productions Pty. Ltd.

Mark Eliot & Catherine Jarvis

Perpetual motion is the holy grail of science. It has sent many an obsessive and eccentric inventor to madness and suicide. A successful perpetual motion machine would alter the entire social and political balance of the world. It has been described as a "machine to kill for".

Conventional science claims it is impossible, yet generations of inventors have been mesmerised by the promise of an engine that powers itself.

We trace the story of totally sincere and committed inventors like Aldo Costa, who has spent fifty years building a kind of giant Ferris wheel in France, or the American John Bedini, propagating a whole race of electric motors that drive themselves.

We track obsessed oddballs like Canadian David Hemel who is building a huge granite powered spaceship under instructions form aliens who reside in his TV set. We nail frauds like Bill Less, fleecing the foolish with promises of water-powered cars.

We explore the weird edges of the discipline of the Norwegian sculpture that just wont stop rotating or the religious mystic in Switzerland which taps energy from - the aether.

A couple of genial and ingenious polemicists are cental to the story. Bill Beaty is a ne4rd with a sense of humour, a recovering obsessive who understands the seductive power of the quest. Eric Kreig is a compassionate but righteous debunker who has dedicated his life to puncturing folly.

As a recurring centrepiece, we follow Aldo Costa still building his twenty-ton machine, funded only by his pension. WE also follow the 1720 mystery of Johann Bessler who destroyed his perpetual motion machine in a rage after failing to get financial support. Did it work? Was he a fraud?

Great ideas and great inventions are all guesses, all begin in faith and are nurtured by optimism, and advance in the teeth of resistance. And who should tell a crusader when to stop?

After all it was Einstein who said, Great inventions often receive violent opposition from mediocre minds." Prices (Including GST)
Standard $110
Schools $88
Home $66

There is also a .pdf 'study guide'...

Jerry Decker - http://www.keelynet.com



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Don't Get Mad - Get Even (Score: 1)
by Kadamose on Sunday, November 27, 2005 @ 07:52:27 UTC
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If they broke their promise, and betrayed your trust - why in the hell allow them to continue as the parasitic frauds they are?   Why not get a copy of the video, compress it to Mpeg-4, and distribute on the net for free via conspiracy-central's bittorrent tracker? 

Why should you worry about copyright laws etc, when they aren't following their own rules?  Stick it to em', I say.


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