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Off the shelf portable generators, can they be made overunity?
Posted on Saturday, November 26, 2005 @ 21:43:12 UTC by vlad

Testimonials From the KeelyNet list (Jerry Decker): Hola Folks! Consider;

You know John Bedini says his gravity field generator produced in excess of 800% efficiency and would run itself. See; http://www.keelynet.com/tilley/tillBGFG.htm

I have not seen this device in operation but know John and believe him to be an honest guy.
The other device is the Wilson machine which I did see as reported at;


He says the longest time he ran it non-stop under load was 3 days, but the 5-6 foot wooden flywheel with the nails in the V shape (to serve as a pulley for the belt) started flying off the wheel, forcing him to shut it down. The other two devices I've seen were Tilleys as reported at;


One powered his building, the other powered his car.
I'm recounting these observations because of an idea of removing the gas engine from an emergency generator setup, then connecting an electric motor and a battery to power it which has some history.

Using flywheels, heavy weights and batteries (possibly providing an inertial tap from gravity but more likely a desulphation phenomena, possibly a combination of the two) to provide the extra energy.

In Tilleys case, he used a W.W. Grainger off the shelf DC motor that was fed with AC which goes through a DC speed controller. He also uses a 2500watt inverter to convert the 8 parallel battery powers' 12vDC to 120vAC. The spinner output was 12-13vdc which fed into the charge controller which recharged the batteries.

I was very surprised at the prices versus power output of portable generators according to this site; http://www.nextag.com/portable-generators/search-html

$600 for 4kw
$2000 for 15kw

The hitch is the gas engines that power these things are up to 18HP. Electric motors of that size are large, expensive and pull a lot of juice. Of course that is for a FULLY LOADED generator.

To simply trickle charge a battery or batteries, a smaller motor could be used.

My point with this, Tilleys device is very similar to a portable generator....except with batteries added and possibly use of neo magnets in the 'spinner' (his generator).
Bedini had written that the secret is in the batteries.


1) an off the shelf portable generator
2) remove the gas engine, install an electric motor (ideally DC motor for better efficiency), possibly modify the DC controller so that it didn't take AC, only pure DC from the batteries, one more step in lowering resistance) 3) add one or two batteries
4) add a charge and load controller

The motor is powered from the battery(ies).
The generator charges the batteries and provides power taps for outside loads.

The system MIGHT be self-running if the right balance of parts are incorporated.

At Tilleys, when he reduced the speed of the DC motor which fed his spinner box, the lights in his building dimmed.

The 8 batteries fed the 2500 watt inverter which powered the building lights. So the output from the spinner was logically reduced as charge for the batteries decreased.

I can't believe the overall resistance could be overcome sufficiently to make it to provide excess power, let alone self-running. IF IT WORKS as shown, I think there is most definitely modifications of off the shelf components.

Possibly the batteries might greatly extend the runtime but there would come a time when they would be too drained and need an outside source of power to fully recharge.

The nuances which might make such a system work could come from some kind of desulphation which would re-enrich the battery acid while exposing more surface area from the plates, a doped magnetic field (adding neos) for the generator, lowering resistance anywhere possible AND possibly adding a flywheel.

The load would be sustained by the battery(ies) while at the same time being recharged by the output of the generator. Its not like a full load is always being drained, so there would be a peak use period where the batteries would be partially drained, but would recover once the peak period went back to an idle period. --
Jerry Decker - http://www.keelynet.com



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