ElectroDynaCat writes: This is an example of a technology that demonstrates that Zero Point Energy can be produced within the realms of conventional theory. It does not violate or extend any of the known laws of physics, in fact its mechanism is a well known example of Zero Point Energy thats never been thought of in the context of "Over Unity/ Free Energy".
It's an established principle of solid state physics that all crystalline structures have an inherent zero point energy that comes from the strength of the bonding that holds them together.
This energy depends on the properties of the particular material and is different for each element and alloy. The most important relationship comes between the level of zero point energy and the hardness of the crystalline structure. The harder the material on the Moh scale( a standard metallurgical scale of hardness), the greater the level of zero point energy in the crystal.
A very revealing experiment can be done to demonstrate the electromotive power of the zero point energy within those structures.
You will need:
a beaker of water with neutral ph
Two nails or other forms of ferrous material which should be chemically identical
A microammeter with leads.
Take one nail or piece of ferrous material and deform it, bend it stretch it, beat it with a hammer and then pound it back into its original shape. You are "cold working" the material and raising the zero point energy of the crystal structure by making it harder.
Depending on what you have, take the other nail or ferrous material and anneal it by heating it to 400 °F (204.4 °C) . This will soften the crystal structure and lower the zero point energy within it. Most ferrous material, even some types of nails, may already be annealed as part of their manufacturing. If the material you have is soft to begin with, it has probably been annealed.
Take both pieces and immerse them in the beaker and hook the microammeter leads to each piece. Conventional energy theory says that there should be no current between the two pieces.
Surprise! There is a small but measureable current originating from the cold worked piece to the annealed piece. It will also be accompanied by a plating action from the cold worked piece to the annealed piece.
This reaction is not of chemical origin, it comes from the difference between the zero point energies of the two pieces in the beaker. It is zero point energy doing useful work.
Congratulations! You've just created energy from the vacuum.
[Ed: Interesting experiment. I'd like to add that current should be measured prior to deforming one of the nails, just to make sure the current arises from that action.]