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Treasury hijacks funds meant for green causes
Posted on Saturday, December 10, 2005 @ 20:26:45 UTC by vlad

Legal yru4 writes: Hundreds of millions of pounds raised from electricity bills to help develop renewable energy are being diverted to the Treasury, creating a new " stealth tax". So far, the Treasury has taken £210m from the so-called NFFO Fund, while only £60m has been spent on renewable energy. By 2010, the fund is expected to have raised as much as £1bn, which is likely to be taken by the Treasury for general spending.

The process is based on the fund being a "hereditary revenue of the Crown" along with income arising from the Crown's traditional rights to treasure trove, swans and sturgeons. The director of Greenpeace, Stephen Tindale, said: "This sounds like a scandal in the making. Money raised from consumers for renewable energy must be spent on renewables - not on general expenditure. This is enough money to make Britain the world leader in offshore wind power, and that is how we believe it should be used." Mike Childs, of Friends of the Earth, said: "This money has been raised for renewables and that's how it should be spent, for example, to bring on a new generation of renewable technologies such as wave and tidal power."

From: http://www.keelynet.com/#whatsnew
Full story: http://news.independent.co.uk/uk/politics/article332163.ece



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Re: Treasury hijacks funds meant for green causes (Score: 1)
by irjsi on Sunday, December 11, 2005 @ 09:20:07 UTC
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Dear yru4, Not to worry, Your Government will come through with a new network of Nuclear Generating Stations; perhaps one in Your neighborhood. Look at it from a positive position: Living near a Nuclear Generating Station, You will be able to read your Newspaper outside, at midnight, and You will not even require a Jacket! Plenty of 'Soft Glowing Light' and abundant 'Radiant Heat'! Why throw money away on 'untested' technologies? The winds could shift! Clouds could obscure and render PV Panels of little use. And Goverment studies indicate that if one defines the terms: Renewable and Permanent as interchangeable, while Nuclear Power is not particularly 'Renewable', studies have proven Nuclear Power to be Quite Permanent! Who knows, Budgetary accruals diverted to other purposes could result in "whole new uses for our Entirely new, 'nuclear induced', Genetic Code"! Roy Stewart Phoenix AZ jrjsjq@gmail.com

Re: Treasury hijacks funds meant for green causes (Score: 1)
by ElectroDynaCat on Sunday, December 11, 2005 @ 11:53:41 UTC
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Looks to me like our British cousins need another Oliver Cromwell. Too bad he didn't live long enough to set the British people completely free of the scourge of the bluebloods.


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