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Posted on Friday, December 16, 2005 @ 22:26:27 UTC by vlad
Leslie Pastor writes to Tom Bearden: "...I believe that it is important to clarify the operation of the MEG so that ALL EE's realize the significant difference between a 'transformer' and the MEG. Obviously, understanding the 'Physics' of the MEG is important, and this needs to be propounded, and expounded to ALL Electrical Engineers worldwide before you can convince ANY of these same of the efficacy of the MEG.
Thus having a PERMANENT demonstrator is absolutely fundamental as verifiable PROOF of the functionality and factuality of the MEG technology."
Leslie R. Pastor
PS: In any event Ken Rauen [Gene Mallove's former lab manager] Source: http://www.greatdreams.com/mallove.htm has stated that: "Through our contacts with Naudin, NEC will try to see the device in action and verify its existance." -------------------
Tom Bearden replies: Les,
Yes, we seem to be having lots of trouble with the phones here - ever since my book Oblivion made it off the press. Apparently some of our own "folks" really did not wish such information available. We've also had strange weather; recently I saw five twin giant radials come across Huntsville in one day. Absolutely a record, as far as I know. So the Yakuza's weather engineering over all North America is in full blast, which means longitudinal interferometry - which often means some electrical interference even though they've got the use of the interferometry down perfectly.
I really don't have time to get involved with all this MEG stuff when the real effect - self-induction of the AB effect by the materials and construction themselves - are ignored. We already explained the full operation of the MEG many times, including in our book and in separate papers. Yet none of these folks even discuss the Aharonov-Bohm effect, which is already widely known in physics and thoroughly proven. There are some 20,000 hard physics papers in the literature on the AB effect, its extension by Berry into the Berry phase (simply check out Michael Berry's website in England for gobs of information and downloadable papers on the Berry phase), and its further extension by Aharonov and Anandan into the geometric phase.
A good, common toroidal coil will produce the AB effect, as discussed in Feynman's three volumes of physics, 1964 vintage. There one must himself pay for (input the energy for) the excess magnetic vector potential energy - which, when perturbed, produces excess fields (and their energy) freely in the "external" region outside the torus, even though all normal fields are zero in that region outside the toroid's field-confinement area (the inside of the toroid).
So the only problem with the ansatz of the MEG is that, in order to show that one indeed has achieved the MEG effect, one must prove and show that the nanocrystalline core materials and the arrangement have freely evoked the AB effect by the nature of the materials themselves, thus freely providing those extra fields (and their extra energy) from the perturbed curl-free magnetic vector potential.
In none of all these discussions by folks on the web do I see the participants discussing or even aware of the AB effect and its implications when it is freely evoked by the materials themselves rather than the operator paying for it.
So again for me it's a total waste of time when only EE language and approach is being mentioned or discussed.
Quite frankly, right now I'm not concerned about anybody's overunity devices. I'm concerned about what is coming down on us in the asymmetric warfare threat already in its final Operations Phase for out total destruction. For that reason, I've done everything I can to try to alert the public, the government, and Israel (which has far better sources than I do, obviously, and already knows the threat and what is happening).
The blunt fact is that we are all already dead meat about a year and a half from now, unless the Israelis can once again save our bacon as they've done several times in the past.
With the looming strategic destruction of the entire U.S. (including every man, woman, child, and baby), and with the serious physical debilitation of my wife and I, I really don't give a hoot what the overunity community thinks or does. There are some good folks in it, of course, and they are certainly much appreciated -- but the vast majority are either crowding everything into standard EE (therefore never succeeding at real overunity EFTV systems), or are playing silly games, calling names, etc.
If someone wishes to understand the MEG, let him start by repeating some of the standard Aharonov-Bohm effect experiments with a toroidal coil, until he is familiar with and understands the exact effect achieved in the conventional manner. Then he should do similar experiments with some of the new nanocrystalline cores and constructions available, to see that he can get the AB effect freely and not have to pay for it. Once he has that effect, then let him ponder and investigate the impact of that difference: whether one has to pay for that extra energy oneself (thus reducing performance to COP<1.0), of the materials give it to him for free (thus enabling performance of COP>1.0). If the material gives it to him for free, then that is a broken symmetry and it strongly violates the Lorentz-symmetrized equations of classical electrodynamics and electrical engineering. At that point, the experimenter has passed completely out of EE and is now into some more modern physics that enables asymmetric COP>1.0 EFTV systems. It's that simple, and that's the scientific approach.
So far, I've not seen any such good discussions of such work with the AB effect, discussion of the impact of getting the materials and construction to do it for free, and of the impact in a device that gets the effect freely from a special core material and construction -- as contrasted to paying to get the AB effect from a toroid.
In the absence of such elementary understanding or work, then all the rest is - to put it mildly - fiddling around. Any EE department or physics department worth a hoot can build a MEG-type apparatus anytime it wishes to take the trouble to do it. The difficulty will come when the unit receives a multiplicity of E-field pulses and their energies, in a multiple-phased dense signal environment. To get a successful MEG, one must then get reasonable addition of those multiphased incoming extra E-field pulses. In that case, overunity is assured. If one does not get reasonable phasing and addition, then one just has "noise energy" and does not have a MEG.
Sorry about the phone difficulties. The interference also seems to arise only for selected folks - so it appears to be deliberate interference with selected communications and people.
Tom -------------------
Eric Krieg's comment: People,
What the MEG info censors won't tell you is that there has been a simple explanation around for years concerning Naudins errors. Just go to: http://www.nuscam.com/pdf/garbage_physics.pdf
It is all there - MEG doesn't work, unless you count bad instrumentation.
Take another look at Bearden's evasion: He tries to evade the lack of evidence with a distraction to crazy conspiracy theory about Japanese gangsters modifying the weather with "scaler" weapons. Then Bearden acts like he's too busy to concern himself with the mundance job of bringing free energy out. As if he has more important things to do than save the world from pollution, trade deficits and middle eastern war. Yeah right. There is a long line of free energy gurus who consider themselves above proving their claims. Bearden has been making a buck steering sincere seekers down blind alleys for decades. He had his book "the final secret of free energy" out 10 years ago, and now he is shamelessly plugging more techno drivel in some new book. I hope people on this list don't fall for such excuses.
In the mean time - I applaud Ken for being willing to try to pin this claim down. Comparing input energy to output energy is tricky business. There are many different ways people have gotten it wrong. I personally feel that anyone actually able to make something OU would have far more talent than needed to do the more simple job of feeding back excess output energy to make all needed input energy. But if you ask for that, you can expect to hear a barage of conspiracy theory or "I'll leave that minor job to others" . . . and then comdemn them for failing.
Eric Krieg
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Re: The MEG (Score: 1) by ElectroDynaCat on Saturday, December 17, 2005 @ 07:53:29 UTC (User Info | Send a Message) | Zero Point researchers and developers should have the same philosophy as the fictional Jedi Knights: You either succeed or fail, there is no try.
When you fail, you have only found another way that doesn't work, admit it and move on to the next project.
The only reason for dwelling on the MEG is that it may be an incomplete technology, something that the government obtained somewhere from someone, or maybe something? Government investigators might have given up on trying to get it to function, and have decided to release it to the great unwashed public in the slim hope that more minds can figure it out.
From my own background in power conversion equipment I can surmise that the MEG was part of an energy generation system, but not the whole thing. It needs something to drive it, and what it looks like is that the driver is a device that produces energy with an extremely leading power factor.
The use for a magnetically biased saturable reactor/transformer like the MEG is in power factor correction, a very leading power factor that a conventional device wouldn't be able to transform.
To make an unwarrantted conjecture, I would say that to make the MEG work properly, we'd have to assume that the zero point device that drives it must have an extremely leading power factor. In other words, the current must preceed the voltage by 45 degrees or more. This might give us a clue as to the design of the driver.
There's very little in generator technology that we know of that can produce that type of skewed power, all conventional generators have a lagging power factor. |
- Re: The MEG by nanotech on Saturday, December 17, 2005 @ 14:54:36 UTC
- Re: The MEG by ElectroDynaCat on Saturday, December 17, 2005 @ 18:32:11 UTC
- Re: The MEG by Kadamose on Sunday, December 18, 2005 @ 13:29:51 UTC
- Re: The MEG by jos on Sunday, December 18, 2005 @ 19:01:16 UTC
Re: The MEG (Score: 1) by Koen on Sunday, December 18, 2005 @ 07:06:36 UTC (User Info | Send a Message) http://no.nl/tesla | Concerning the MEG I'm with Eric Krieg.
There is no evidence that Bearden's claim (an energy surplus) is true. The MEG claim is in fact a scientific claim, because it implies an unknown source of energy. Which academic institute has replicated the MEG and the energy surplus (which must be a transformation of the unknown energy source into electric energy)?
Secondly, the AB (Aharonov Bohm) effect is about a phase shift in an electron beam as caused by an external magnetic potential. This is NOT an energetic effect (the electron beam does not gain in energy, only its wave phase is shifted). So, Bearden's reference to the AB effect does not explain at all the claimed energy surplus.
There are plenty of other examples that Bearden does not understand many aspects of physics ("time reversed signals", confusing potentials with fields, confusing the electric and magnetic fields with "force fields", etc, etc).
I thing it is time that people look for better gurus and better explanations. I don't rule out that there really is an unknown form of energy that we can use, and that some devices are overunity (such as solar panels, and ...).
- Re: The MEG by nanotech on Sunday, December 18, 2005 @ 07:56:30 UTC
- Re: The MEG by Koen on Tuesday, December 20, 2005 @ 11:22:06 UTC
- Re: The MEG by nanotech on Tuesday, December 20, 2005 @ 19:13:55 UTC
Bearden's credentials. (Score: 1) by ericswan on Tuesday, December 20, 2005 @ 10:14:04 UTC (User Info | Send a Message) | I have a copy of America At the Brink. Tom is busy. The Yakusa has been and is modifying weather and the technology from zpe has been extant for decades. Yeah right! Another blog with yet another debunker. I hope readers here don't fall for the one blogger with all the negative responses. He gets paid for what he does. I live in British Columbia. No I don't know Tom. |
Re: The MEG (Score: 1) by deatopmg on Tuesday, December 27, 2005 @ 08:27:12 UTC (User Info | Send a Message) | Beardon stole the design from Flynn, who has at least 2 patents on the device (a patent doesn't mean something works - it's just legal protection for 20 yrs in case it really does work). Over the years I have noticed that Beardon is all talk and never any substance.
About 2 yrs ago, I spent about $35 for magnets, core material, and wire and built the the so called MEG. Testing results: It clearly DOES NOT WORK as postulated, it's only a simple transformer. The magnets partially saturate the core material and only degrade the efficiency of the transformer. The Lenz effect ensures that there is NO FREE LUNCH.
My suggestion to Beardon is that he put up or shut up. Or better; shuts up until he can put up. B A Cullen |
Re: The MEG (Score: 1) by vlad on Sunday, January 01, 2006 @ 14:11:27 UTC (User Info | Send a Message) http://www.zpenergy.com | Message: Date: Fri, 30 Dec 2005 11:20:48 -0800 (PST) From: Ken Rauen Subject: pivotal position
To NEC Members and Leslie Pastor in particular,
Leslie, you are in a pivotal position to assist us in illuminating us about the veracity of Bearden's ideas. So far, no one has been able to comprehend them, although many espouse belief. Many NEC members do not wish to become believers just by wishing so; the world is full of well-wishers who do not have a realistic perspective of the world. Ultimately, whatever NEC supports must be able to heat our cup of coffee or move our cars. Prior to the arrival of such a day, we must be able to say with confidence that it is real. We are not there yet with the MEG.
You are a strong supporter of the MEG. You must know something the rest of us don't. Please share your knowledge. Tom is trying, but the bridge is not complete yet.
I see the present dynamic headed for an unfortunate scenario. Tom gives references freely, but no one has access to them, or if they do, they don't comprehend the material. To say we are just dumb (which has not happened, but I suspect is close to being said) is perilously close to the story of the Emporer's New Clothes. We are not going to be railroaded into peer pressure of "if you are worth your salt, you will understand." I would rather be the clear-headed child who is able to say, "the Emporer wears no clothes." If the clothes do indeed exist, we need to be able to experience them somehow without any arm-twisting. Getting angry or frustrated with us is totally out of place because we are cooperative and willing. We just refuse to compromise the etiquette of the Scientific Method; it is compromised already in other ways I can document.
There has to be a way to comprehend the longitudinal wave idea if indeed it is true. If you know it and the related MEG technology, please share them. The time is now. We are all taking a beating from a lack of understanding.
Message: Date: Fri, 30 Dec 2005 21:49:13 -0500 From: "Leslie R. Pastor" Subject: Re: pivotal position
Good Evening Ken,
As you already know.......from having worked with our beloved Gene Mallove, researching and verifying 'cold fusion' was not an easy process..... in and of itself. It was truly a 'novelty of fact' discovery by Dr. Pons and Dr. Fleischmann, that had to be verified by over 600 labs, including the US Navy and by the brilliant 'engineer' Jean-Louis Naudin. Only after nearly 20 years did it become grudgingly acceptable to the entire physics community....... The DOE was forced to grudgingly accept the 'factuality' of the LENR/CANR process......due to the fact that the nuclear ash [helium] and tritium were the significant byproducts from the process itself. As you know, our strategic weapons require a constant supply of tritium, whose shelf life is approximately 25 years. You may recall Dr. Mallove valiantly defended the efficacy of 'cold fusion' before MIT and ultimately before the entire academic world throughout the planet. The entire globe waited fervently and patiently for the final proof. Those doing the research, literally, did it on a 'shoe-string' budget. If you recall Les Case did it out of his home on a pension. So in a word......PATIENCE.... is very appropriate right now. Tom Bearden and I are working on the appropriate methodology and presentation regarding the MEG procedure and process. This will not be a rushed project. We will provide the appropriate data, when we have completed the work. As you know, Jean-Louis Naudin has replicated the MEG.....
And as you also know the information regarding the MEG is already in the hard literature, if you will take the time to PATIENTLY do your RESEARCH and due diligence. The information is already OUT THERE, please take the time to STUDY the data. Tom has already provided you with the data resource materials. Simply take the time to go to the physics library and read the materials that Tom Bearden mentioned to the NEC Forum and yourself. The MEG is not an EE mechanism......it is governed by a whole new type of physics [OUTSIDE of Electrical Engineering]. You will need to STUDY in order to understand it. And unfortunately STUDYING [as you already know] takes copius amounts of time. Tom and I will be spending a significant amount of time together 'simplifying the explanation,' regarding the MEG process procedure.
Ken.......the answers are coming, please remain patient.......and while you are waiting, there are plenty of physics libraries within your local area. Ask the librarians for the materials. Sorry to be so blunt, since I have the highest esteem for you and the other members of the NEC Forum.
All the Best,
Leslie R. Pastor
Reseaarch: http://www.ensmp.fr/aflb/AFLB-272/aflb272p529.pdf [www.ensmp.fr]
Aharonov-Bohm Effect http://scienceworld.wolfram.com/physics/Aharonov-BohmEffect.html [scienceworld.wolfram.com] http://rugth30.phys.rug.nl/quantummechanics/ab.htm [rugth30.phys.rug.nl] http://www.unusualresearch.com/scalarbib/scalarbib.htm [www.unusualresearch.com] http://www.unusualresearch.com/scalarbib/bib_index.html [www.unusualresearch.com] http://www.sp.phy.cam.ac.uk/SPWeb/research/AB.html [www.sp.phy.cam.ac.uk] http://www.sp.phy.cam.ac.uk/SPWeb/research/ABrng.html [www.sp.phy.cam.ac.uk] http://physicsweb.org/articles/world/13/6/8/1/pw-13-06-08fig5 [physicsweb.org] http://physicsweb.org/articles/world/17/7/3/1 [physicsweb.org] http://www.cheniere.org/references/ab%20effect.htm [www.cheniere.org] http://www.cheniere.org/briefings/energysec/energysec-v4-51.htm [www.cheniere.org] http://www.aias.us/pub/a-bohm.pdf [www.aias.us] http://www.aias.us/Comments/comments02182004.html [www.aias.us] http://www.iop.org/EJ/abstract/0953-8984/6/47/001/ [www.iop.org] http://www.iop.org/EJ/abstract/0953-8984/4/15/009/ [www.iop.org] http://psroc.phys.ntu.edu.tw/cjp/v30/943.pdf [psroc.phys.ntu.edu.tw] http://psroc.phys.ntu.edu.tw/cjp/v41/276.pdf [psroc.phys.ntu.edu.tw] http://www.hqrd.hitachi.co.jp/em/abe.cfm [www.hqrd.hitachi.co.jp] http://www.tau.ac.il/~quantum/publicat/topo-effects.html [www.tau.ac.il] http://abacus.bates.edu/~msemon/The%20Aharonov.pdf [abacus.bates.edu] http://abacus.bates.edu/~msemon/ExperimentalVerification.pdf [abacus.bates.edu] http://www.physics.nmt.edu/~raymond/classes/ph13xbook/node141.html [www.physics.nmt.edu] http://www.accessscience.com/Encyclopedia/0/01/Est_016350_frameset.html?doi http://arxiv.org/abs/hep-th/0503034 [arxiv.org] http://physics.harvard.edu/~dtlarson/tutorial05/lecture6.pdf [physics.harvard.edu]
Phase http://www.kvac.uu.se/swe/utbildning/geometric2005.html [www.kvac.uu.se] http://www.kvac.uu.se/~eriks/peterl.pdf [www.kvac.uu.se] http://philsci-archive.pitt.edu/archive/00000810/00/BerryAB6.pdf [philsci-archive.pitt.edu] http://www.edpsciences.org/articles/epl/abs/1997/03/37302/37302.html [www.edpsciences.org] http://www2.nano.physik.uni-muenchen.de/~karrai/publication/PRB_Theory_Rings.pdf [www2.nano.physik.uni-muenchen.de] http://www.ph.utexas.edu/~jrshi/Berry.pdf [www.ph.utexas.edu] http://arxiv.org/PS_cache/quant-ph/pdf/0005/0005037.pdf [arxiv.org]
Anandan http://www.sciencemag.org/cgi/content/summary/297/5587/1656 [www.sciencemag.org]
--------- Message: Date: Sat, 31 Dec 2005 02:27:55 -0500 From:
"Leslie R. Pastor" Subject:
For Those Who Are Interested: There is an Abundance of Information: This is a
Extracting Energy From The Vacuum:
ZPE: Zero Point Energy: Observable
E. Bearden http://www.cheniere.org/ [www.cheniere.org]
http://www.cheniere.org/techpapers/on_extracting_EM%20energy.htm [www.cheniere.org]
Energetic Vacuum: Implications For Energy Research: H. E. Puthoff
http://www.ldolphin.org/energetic.html [www.ldolphin.org]
Quantum Vacuum Fluctuations: A New Rosetta Stone of Physics: Dr. H. E.
Puthoff http://www.ldolphin.org/zpe.html [www.ldolphin.org]
Everything For Nothing: Dr. H. E. Puthoff http://www.sumeria.net/free/zpe4.html [www.sumeria.net]
The Fierce Energy of The Vacuum: Tom Bearden http://www.spiritofmaat.com/archive/feb2/bearden.htm [www.spiritofmaat.com]
http://www.spiritofmaat.com/archive/mar2/bearden.htm [www.spiritofmaat.com]
List of AIAS Papers [As of October 7, 2001] http://www.aias.us/pub/ref/ref.html [www.aias.us]
Zero Point Energy [Observable] http://www.freeenergynews.com/Directory/ZPE/ [www.freeenergynews.com]
Vacuum Energy Density http://www.bookrags.com/sciences/physics/vacuum-energy-density-wop.html [www.bookrags.com]
Cosmological Constant http://www.astro.ucla.edu/~wright/cosmo_constant.html [www.astro.ucla.edu]
Correspondence: Tom Bearden/Leslie R. Pastor http://pesn.com/2005/07/24/9600128_ZPE_Drop_in_Ocean/ [pesn.com]
Can the Vacuum Be Engineered For Space Flight Considerations: H. E.
Puthoff Ph.D.
http://www.keelynet.com/gravity/putnasa.htm [www.keelynet.com]
Zero Point Energy and The Zero Point Field [Articles] http://www.calphysics.org/zpe.html [www.calphysics.org]
How To Abhor the Void While Loving the Quantum Vacuum [ Haisch &
Rueda] http://www.calphysics.org/articles/merc2000b.html [www.calphysics.org]
Vacuum Energy & Cosmological Constant: G. Volovik http://ltl.tkk.fi/personnel/THEORY/volovik/LT-volovik.pdf [ltl.tkk.fi]
Classical Electrodynamics without the Lorentz Condition: Extracting
EFTV http://www.physica.org/xml/article.asp?article=v061a00513.xml
Quantum Fields LLC [Articles] http://www.quantumfields.com/articles.htm [www.quantumfields.com]
http://www.quantumfields.com/projects.htm [www.quantumfields.com]
is the Energy Density of the Vacuum? John Baez http://math.ucr.edu/home/baez/vacuum.html [math.ucr.edu]
What is the Casimir Effect? Philip Gibbs http://math.ucr.edu/home/baez/physics/Quantum/casimir.html [math.ucr.edu]
MEG: Extracting Energy From A Permanent Magnet With Energy-Replenishing
From the Active Vacuum: http://jnaudin.free.fr/meg/meg.htm [jnaudin.free.fr]
Thomas E. Bearden, Ph.D. James C. Hayes, Ph.D. James L. Kenny, Ph.D. Kenneth D.
Moore, B.S. Stephen L. Patrick, B.S.