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E&M Localization and Vacuum Response
Posted on Sunday, January 15, 2006 @ 11:52:39 UTC by vlad

Science Albersawa writes: Light must exist in wave packets or not much energy would fall on any one atom to complete its absorption. The quantum of energy exchanged is determined by the stable states of the atom, and is the difference between a ground and an exited state. We can use Maxwell's equations and extent them, allowing non-zero charge and current terms on the right-hand side where we used to put zero for what we thought was a vacuum. Simply by stating mathematically that there exists such a packet we imply the existence of what amounts to a diffuse sheath acting like a phased-array antenna to keep the energy from spreading out.

This is what an optical mirror does: it responds in phase and so radiates the incoming light. Also the walls of a waveguide are simply good conductors reflecting energy back inside. “Inhomogeneous fields” comprise such a response accompanying the propagation of a photon, and I investigate their characteristics.

Rather than supporting our current understanding of quanta, it seems that any size of light packet can exist, even fractional values less than the “h-nu” energy required for exchange with a particle. Like pennies in a coin machine that takes only nickels or more, smaller packets cannot be absorbed and so can be called dark energy with respect to electromagnetic interaction. Neither can they be emitted so we cannot yet explain their origin without further theory. This will involve interaction with quantized photons, or creation at an early epoch in the big bang before condensing particles decoupled a more unified field."

Norm Albers

A zip file on the theoretics of E&M field localizations, and new understanding of the vacuum energies is  available in the "Downloads/ZPE_related" section ("New understanding of the vacuum energies").

E-mail: singularities@clab.net



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"E&M Localization and Vacuum Response" | Login/Create an Account | 2 comments | Search Discussion
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Re: E&M Localization and Vacuum Response (Score: 1)
by Albersawa on Tuesday, January 17, 2006 @ 12:21:17 UTC
(User Info | Send a Message) http://laps.noaa.gov/albers/physics/na
Here are better titles and order to read my papers: 4-series on photons: Local, or Charge and Current Sheath in Wave Packets;  pamo or Total Angular Momentum Not Necessarily Planck's Constant;  manifesto or Sorting Out the Origins of Photons; dark energy or Hiding the BODY in the blackbody spectrum/fractional photons.   Then a two-paper series on electrons:  Inhom... or Circular Field Solution for Electrons;  then dielectrics or Circular Solution Realized As Dielectric Field.       This will help!      ALBERS

by vlad on Thursday, January 19, 2006 @ 21:42:59 UTC
(User Info | Send a Message) http://www.zpenergy.com
ALBERSAWA writes: Whatever the detailed nature of a dipole field such as discussed in my electron model, we may draw some tantalizing conclusions. There are forces drawing dipole pairs inward.

Sufficient inward pull of dipole pairs constitutes negative pressure and so is highly significant at the relativistically intense singularity.


Given dipole fields such as discussed in my second electron paper, we may wonder about the nature of the dipole manifestation, as indeed many researchers do. My goal is to say as little as necessary to elucidate what must be so. Mathematically the model posits a smoothly infinitesimal charge response from space, and will show its limitations where higher energies show us further understanding. There are useful explorations which may be taken at this point; they should remain so regardless of the details of what is so.

Using the quantum picture we can imagine little charge pairs popping in and out of existence in the radial electric field assumed to exist. Pairs happening to have the (+) outward will be drawn back together to annihilation, while pairs with the polarization (or flux) vector, facing inward are drawn apart. Also, the (+) is a little bit closer and so feels a stronger attraction than the (-) feels repulsion. Thus the dipole pair as unit (as much as it is still associated) is drawn inward. As much as this is the case, opposite charges will split laterally, supplying the circular current assumed to exist.

As far as this is so we may say there is a dipole rain being attracted to the center. This constitutes a negative pressure which brings the fascinating possibility that the Higgs mechanism is relevant but misplaced! Higgs bosons are not the point here, but one must appreciate a negative pressure term in such a profound manifestation. There is much to be done here in a relativistic rendering of the central singularity, where energy densities are arbitrarily high (see the first paper).


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