The subtle side of ZPE (from
The Field has been called "a book that could change the world forever."
The Field tells the story of a group of frontier scientists who discovered that the Zero Point Field - an ocean of subatomic vibrations in the space between things - connects everything in the universe, much like the Force in Star Wars.
The Field offers a radically new view of the way our world and our bodies work. The human mind and body are not distinct and separate from their environment, but a packet of pulsating energy constantly interacting with this vast energy sea.
The Field creates a picture of an interconnected universe and a new scientific theory which makes sense of "supernatural" phenomena.
Above all, The Field is a book of hope and inspiration.
* It replaces the reductive world view of modern man - a life of separation and isolation- with a view of connection.
* It lifts many areas out of the realm of mystery and into the realm of hard science,
* It offers hard evidence for what you may always have understood intuitively but could never explain - about the world, about many unexplained phenomenon, about your own extraordinary experiences.
* It suggests that our human potential can soar far higher than what current science tells us about ourselves.
* It will empower you with a sense that you have the individual ability and with others a great collective power to heal yourself, your loved ones, even your community.
The Field is a science of the miraculous.
"I think this is an important book and should be widely read. It stretches the imagination, making a good case that we are on the verge of another revolution in our understanding of the universe - perhaps even greater than the one that heralded the Atomic Age."
Arthur C Clarke