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The Field: The Quest For The Secret Force Of The Universe
Posted on Sunday, December 01, 2002 @ 22:17:00 UTC by vlad

General The subtle side of ZPE (from http://www.wddty.co.uk/thefield/):

The Field has been called "a book that could change the world forever."

The Field tells the story of a group of frontier scientists who discovered that the Zero Point Field - an ocean of subatomic vibrations in the space between things - connects everything in the universe, much like the Force in Star Wars.

The Field offers a radically new view of the way our world and our bodies work. The human mind and body are not distinct and separate from their environment, but a packet of pulsating energy constantly interacting with this vast energy sea.

The Field creates a picture of an interconnected universe and a new scientific theory which makes sense of "supernatural" phenomena.

Above all, The Field is a book of hope and inspiration.

* It replaces the reductive world view of modern man - a life of separation and isolation- with a view of connection.

* It lifts many areas out of the realm of mystery and into the realm of hard science,

* It offers hard evidence for what you may always have understood intuitively but could never explain - about the world, about many unexplained phenomenon, about your own extraordinary experiences.

* It suggests that our human potential can soar far higher than what current science tells us about ourselves.

* It will empower you with a sense that you have the individual ability and with others a great collective power to heal yourself, your loved ones, even your community.

The Field is a science of the miraculous.

"I think this is an important book and should be widely read. It stretches the imagination, making a good case that we are on the verge of another revolution in our understanding of the universe - perhaps even greater than the one that heralded the Atomic Age."

Arthur C Clarke



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"The Field: The Quest For The Secret Force Of The Universe" | Login/Create an Account | 2 comments | Search Discussion
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Re: The Field: The Quest For The Secret Force Of The Universe (Score: 1)
by Anonymous on Monday, December 02, 2002 @ 05:57:00 UTC
DTB (dtb@yahoo.com) writes: Vlad,

I believe this book should be advertised and sold
at Adventures Unlimited.

', 'DTB

Re: The Field: The Quest For The Secret Force Of The Universe (Score: 1)
by Anonymous on Monday, December 02, 2002 @ 09:18:00 UTC
Matty writes: As the description suggests this book is a "bridge" book. I have many bridge books which try to correlate seemingly different ideas like spirit and science.

Established Physics and Established Church Dogma don't like these books because they eliminate the requisite duality to the industry of "answers". When God is The G.U.T. , The Scientist the Priest the corruption can be doubled or the wisdom.

It should be equally easy for either the priest or scientist to integrate the other as the ego and dogma are equal. Those who truly want the truth manage to get past their ego and invested theories and stride forward in confidence even if the answer is ineffable. But who said the God/GUT is solely expressable with words?

Neo Luddites and Debunkers are bottom feeders in the sociopolitics of science.

Neo Luddites think that technology is a sin against the world, that God wants us to adapt with something other than our brains...failing to see that our technology is merely the iteration of the creators creative urge manifesting in us.

When our technology starts to mimic the realms of hyperspace (ex. Twin Photons, NanoBots that are not considered bio or mech, AI, Scalar Interferometry, free energy, energy medicine, AG...) it is only because God allows us the ability to conceive or host memes, nature will find a way. Technology is a gift, what we do with it is our gift back to the creator. Foresight and discretion are the issue not machines.
Debunkers wouldn't even exist if it were not for the mad scientist/inventor! They don't realize that atheism is just another belief system and doubt is just as powerful as faith.", '
Maybe I wouldn't be so uppity about my trip If it were for the fact I know i'm a threat to so many institutions, individuals and industries.
Yes the creator is expressing an aspect of its architecture via my choice to invent via biomimicry as free energy. Even if I don't have an equation to go with it or Blessings from the Pope the living machine speaks for itself in the mesoscopic as it does in the micro and macro...


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