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How Things Move
Posted on Saturday, April 01, 2006 @ 17:20:56 UTC by vlad

Science Dear Vlad,
Attached is an interesting article. The more we understand about energy, the more practical can be our application of it.

Dr. Hait

How Things Move /by Dr. John N. Hait

A century ago, a Swiss patent clerk named Einstein published his first paper on Relativity. Since 1905, many experiments have verified his theory that everything in the universe is made of field-systems of constantly moving energy. However, what he was unable to tell us was: How things made of light-speed moving energy stand still? How they move? Or what is movement? Today, the Resonant Field Theory brings together the pieces of the puzzle to answer many such age-old questions.

The moving energy in atomic structure is resonant. You might say that it moves like a Hawaiian dancer in rhythmic motion, but in a spherical shape. (Atoms dance in a ball.) While her hips go round and round, her whole body stays in one place. And that's how atoms made of light-speed moving energy stand still. They dance in one place.

From light, we learn that whenever individual wavelength portions of two field systems having matching wavelengths (circular or in a straight line,) overlap one wavelength at a time, they will combine by means of constructive interference. That is, the moving energy is redirected within each individual overlapping wavelength, headed in a specific direction determined by the relative timing (phase) of the fields as they encounter each other. The process is extremely precise and repeatable. If they continue to overlap with exactly the same timing, on each revolution around the atom, the energy will be directed to the exact same wavelength locations along the circumference. Thus, the whole light-speed atom stands still.

Now, our dancer pushes forward in small steps. Her high-speed hips move in the direction of her steps, forcing her whole body to follow.

Logically, there are two ways to make things move. Gravity or by pushing (or pulling). When we push on an atom, real energy enters it from the thing pushing it. This additional energy warps the energy-flow pattern, changing its internal phase relationships, causing the energy to show up in a slightly adjacent position in space on each revolution. This forces the whole atom to re-resonate into the new adjacent location. Thus, it transports itself.

Gravity, however, does not add energy to the system, but merely warps the entire flow-pattern by changing its internal phase relationships… causing the object to relocate itself as dictated by the geometry of the gravitational field.

Just as Newton observed, once you impart energy to it, it will keep re-resonating at a pre-determined distance on each revolution. That is, it will move with constant speed in a straight line… until you change its internal flow pattern by adding or taking away energy, or by changing the gravitational geometry.

And that is the machinery, which causes dynamic energy systems, like atoms to stand still, move, or even go in orbit. Simple huh!

You can learn more about resonant fields by attending a Resonant Fields seminar or reading the exciting text, "Resonant Fields: the fundamental mechanism of physics made easy-to-understand." See www.ResonantFieldsInc.com.

Contact Dr. Hait at jhait@rmrc.org




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by vlad on Sunday, April 02, 2006 @ 12:40:12 UTC
(User Info | Send a Message) http://www.zpenergy.com
Dan Winter writes: http://www.soulinvitation.com/rosycross/index.html

exerpt - "Perfected PHASE CONJUGATION (1st animation) (scalar / torsional / implosion / scale invariant / global scaling) - IS- The Rosy Cross..The only cause of gravity (infinite collapse) and LIFE

The REASON to study Global Scaling - is to learn how biologic dialectrics get their PHASE CONJUGATION in 'lock step' to perfect LIFE MAKING charge collapse/fusion/implosion...

The way to measure the success of Global Scaling / biologic materials in fractal symmetry - is the power spectra showing harmonic inclusiveness
-(recursive capacitance incorrectly called 'Orgone'-the very word means only biologic Phase Conjugation) - PROVING that the seed germination improvement (like gravity) is CAUSED by non-destructive charge compression. (ref soulinvitation.com/germination ).

DNA only grows optimally in fractal charge environments! This redefines ALL architecture / agriculture and environmentalism- a correlate to genetic diversity - because this is how genes operate their charge communion PHASE CONJUGATION - the genetic radio mechanism pooling collective survival wisdom / collective unconscious. This information if implemented in time MIGHT save our genepool from the ravages of the political stupids - fearfully now raping our planet.


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