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The Energy of Motion: a New Explanation
Posted on Friday, April 14, 2006 @ 11:43:00 UTC by vlad

Science randy writes:
If we are ever going to harness the limitless energy of the universe, we need to better understand the workings of nature, and especially the atom. Theories and formulas abound about the nature of the universe. Many are complicated and involve extra dimensions and difficult math. Some of these theories come from the most brilliant minds we have on the planet, but are not easily understood. We desperately need a new theory of motion, not to give us the ultimate answer to life, the universe, and everything, but to make us think in simple terms about the complexity of the energy of motion. Energy is sea of motion, but what is it that gives the electron its continuous motion?

A few weeks ago, I wrote the article, "Quantum Tunneling: a New View of the Atom". Although quantum tunneling must be part of the answer, it is not the absolute answer. I believe in my heart and soul that the energy of the atom is due to the effect of atomic polarization of the dielectric field, or capacitance between these poles. The energy of the atom must be a constant charging and discharging of the dielectric sea of energy that is formed by orbiting electrons and the confinement conditions thus created.

I believe that electrons are accelerated and decelerated by the charging and discharging of the dielectric medium between magnetic poles. The magnetic poles of the atom act as magnetic accelerators. So, the atom is a kind of cyclotron. The atom is recycling energy and being supplied with new energy through contact with the Zero Point Electromagnetic Field.

In order to express a simple formula that would describe this energy of electron motion, we will need for the symbols of the formula to have multiple meanings, and to lead us to think ever more deeply about these meanings. I propose that we use the most basic electronic symbols for our formula and attach multiple meanings to these symbols.

When we talk about motion or the energy of electrons we use the terms velocity and voltage or "v". We can use this one symbol to express both these terms.

To express the charging and discharging of the field and the accelerating force of tunneling, we can use the symbol "S". "S" is the symbol most commonly used to express the magnetic field and we can attach to this symbol the meaning "Speed" to express the tunneling or acceleration of the electron.

Finally, There is always a release of energy from the resistance of an electron to being either accelerated or decelerated. Thus, we use the symbol "R".

When an electron is accelerated it emits photons, and when it is then suddenly decelerated, it emits microwave radiation. So our symbol "R" has special significance as different forms of emitted radiation. Again, our symbol has a dual meaning. So, our formula of: v = S + R is simple, and easy. However, we must use our intellect to attach all the nuances and meanings that can come from its consideration.

Our universe if filled with electromagnetic radiation of different frequencies. There are photons, and a lot of microwave radiation. Could it be that this radiation comes from the acceleration and deceleration of electrons in atoms? Perhaps this is so. At any rate, present atomic theory may be completely wrong.

Personally, I do not believe that we need to consider extra dimensions to understand the atom. Except for the principle of quantum tunneling, the physics of the atom may be quite simple and easy for us to understand. Our present atomic theory is admittedly flawed with the use of probability waves as an explanation of electron position. Using the term "probability waves" may describe the position of electrons, but it does not explain the motion of electrons. More likely, electron tunneling is taking place, and we are not aware of the quantum leap that electrons continually take.

I hope that this explanation helps us to make better sense of the atom. For if we can understand the workings of the atom, we can develop more efficient energy systems and solve the energy dilemma. At any rate, the value of any idea is found in the useful devices we make from its understanding. Even if we are wrong, someone else can point out the flaws.

We always learn something from sharing new ideas.

From the desk of Ralph Randolph Sawyer



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"The Energy of Motion: a New Explanation" | Login/Create an Account | 1 comment | Search Discussion
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Re: The Energy of Motion: a New Explanation (Score: 1)
by dfwrunner on Monday, April 17, 2006 @ 11:06:17 UTC
(User Info | Send a Message)
This article seems to be implying that there is some difference (other than frequency) between "photons" and "microwave radiation".  Microwaves are photons too.


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