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Joe Cell Stretches the Believability Envelope with Working Replications
Posted on Sunday, April 16, 2006 @ 13:01:08 UTC by vlad

Devices Explanation of the highly unusual technology and some of the astonishing claims surrounding it. This fuelless technology could make gasoline and diesel obsolete, while not requiring a change of the engine infrastructure now in existence.

by Sterling D. Allan, with Peter Stevens
Pure Energy Systems News

...Imagine a device about five inches in diameter by ten inches long, with a tube running from it to a bolt on your engine. Your engine is running, but your fuel line is disconnected. Not only does the motor run, but it has far more power than it did when running on gasoline or diesel. And somehow the car responds to the accelerator, even though the fuel line is disconnected. That and other seemingly cognitive attributes of a Joe cell have spurred people to call it a "living cell."

Weird; very weird -- and exciting.

This device, which makes fueling up obsolete, can be built for less than $100 in parts.

According to some proponents, electricity is what is being conveyed here. Others have experimented with the vapour. And others refer to it as a function of frequencies. Others invoke the living energy called Orgone, discovered and named by Wilhelm Reich in the mid-twentieth century.

The extreme shift of thinking required drives some people to the head-in-the-sand, preserve-my-comfortable-conformity statement: "If it sounds too good to be true, then it probably is."

Yet the number of people claiming to have achieved success with this phenomenon is growing. And the instructions of how to do so are becoming more clear, spawning yet more success...

Guidelines for Successful Operation

Peter Stevens, an Australian, has spent about fourteen years pursuing this technology. He installed a Joe cell on his Ford Econovan, with a modified V6 GMH engine. He helped Bill Williams (U.S.) get his truck running on a Joe Cell. Stevens is more than happy to help anyone figure out how to make their Joe cell work, and is glad to share what he knows with the world via the propagation made possible by the Internet.

The Joe Cell basically consists of several equally-spaced, concentric stainless steel cylinders, with water between them. Stevens recommends 3-1-6L, non-magnetic stainless steel. The number of cylinders and particular diameter and length of the cylinders do not seem to be crucial, though the ratios and proportionate spacing may be...

Read the whole article here: http://pesn.com/2006/04/16/9600261_Joe_Cell_instructions/



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"Joe Cell Stretches the Believability Envelope with Working Replications" | Login/Create an Account | 4 comments | Search Discussion
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Joe's Energy Cell (Score: 1)
by vlad on Monday, April 17, 2006 @ 17:04:19 UTC
(User Info | Send a Message) http://www.zpenergy.com
More information: http://freeenergynews.com/Directory/JoeCells/Vesperman_review.htm

In the process of building one. (Score: 1)
by Kadamose on Wednesday, April 19, 2006 @ 11:44:09 UTC
(User Info | Send a Message)
I'm currently in the process of building my own Joe Cell by following the instructions listed on the Joe Cell Down Under website.  I will report my findings here if the results are conclusive. 

Apparantly, the apparatus that houses the Orgone is the most difficult part of the construction of the cell; once that step is completely, hopefully, everything goes smoothly from there.

Joe Cell Assembly Instructions Video, (Score: 1)
by vlad on Sunday, April 23, 2006 @ 19:01:22 UTC
(User Info | Send a Message) http://www.zpenergy.com
From FreeEnergyNews.com: Joe Cell Assembly Instructions Video - Using the kit that Nutech2000 sells, Ringo has filmed every stage from cell assembly, installation, orgone accumulato jacket, figure eight, sea salt skum, alkaline water, press fit cone, blind plug, etc. (Google Video)

The Orgone Accumulator Handbook - 1999 book by James DeMeo teaches hot how to concentrate and work with orgone (life) energy using simple, readily available materials. Includes construction plans, experimental use, and protection regimens against toxic energy.

How to Run Your Engine on Your Joe Cell - Peter Stevens gives Chris step-by-step instructions about how to run his car engine on a fuel cell he made, with fuel line disconnected. (PESWiki; Apr. 22)


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