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Posted on Saturday, May 27, 2006 @ 23:46:00 UTC by vlad
Russian scientists have invented a battery that can capture energy not only from
the sun, but also from the stars, the head of a research institute at the Dubna
Nuclear Institute, near Moscow, said.
Full story at http://www.physorg.com/news67796415.html
"The scientists have
successfully created a new substance," Valentin Samoilov announced,
"thanks to which this battery can work on earth, independently of
meteorological conditions, using solar and stellar energy.
"This is a battery like no other," Samoilov, who head's the Institute's
center for applied research, told the Itar-Tass news agency, explaining
that it could function 24 hours a day and was twice as effective as an
ordinary solar panel at converting light into electricity.
Moreover, Samoilov declared, the new battery was cheaper than a solar panel.
© 2006 AFP
More info:
MOSCOW, May 25 (Itar-Tass) - Russian nuclear scientists have devised a storage battery that can convert both solar energy and the energy of stars into electricity.
ceremony to introduce this know-how took place Thursday at the applied
research center (ARC) of the Joint Institute for Nuclear Research at
Dubna outside Moscow.
ARC Director Valentin Samoilov has told
Itar-Tass, "This unique battery, which has no analogues in the world,
can operate for 24 hours a day. Researchers have succeeded in creating
a new substance -- a heteroelectric -- due to which the battery down
here on Earth can be powered by the energy of the sun and stars
irrespective of weather conditions".
This product of development
studies has already proved its high efficiency both in darkness and in
cloudy conditions, the scientist pointed out.
Samoilov said the
stellar energy battery is more efficient than the conventional
solar-cell battery by several fold. "The demonstration specimen
manifested more than twice as high efficiency in the visible-light
spectrum and a 50 percent higher efficiency in the infrared portion of
the spectrum," he emphasised.
"The prime cost of the
heteroelectric photocell is lower than that of the photoconductive
element of the conventional solar-cell battery," Samoilov pointed out. ---------
searching in
"heteroelectric", one can find on page 38:
An exhibition on the 15th anniversary of the JINR Scientific
Centre for Applied Research (SCAR) was held on 15–25 April at the
International Conference Hall. The information stands and samples
represented software
on storage security, control and accounting of nuclear materials which
are introduced at Russian atomic power plants; superpore quartz glass
comparable in strength with the common one; a technique of growing
synthetic hyalites which do not differ from the natural ones in their
physical and chemical properties; projects based on pure (deionized)
water which open up wide opportunities in science and medicine; unique
facilities to study space-frequency characteristics of matter. Among
the patented technical achievements at SCAR are a fundamentally new
substance — heteroelectric
page 39:
and a new type of laser
radiation on whose basis the development of nanolaser is proposed. The
exhibition closed with a press conference for mass media, which was
attended by JINR Vice-Director Professor A. Sissakian, SCAR Director V.
Samoilov and his colleagues from different scientific research centres
of Russia. SCAR Director Doctor of Philosophy and Candidate of
Technical Sciences V. Samoilov was awarded with the highest prize of
the International Informatization Academy (posted by mayallinformationflowfree) --------
The citation the Newspaper of "Izvestiya" from
28.08.03 under heading " We consider ourselves rich because we own
technologies of the third millenium " writes about the developed
scientists of the Centre of science of applied researches of the
Incorporated institute of nuclear researches (NTSePI OIJAI) new
substances - heteroelectric (GE). Director NTSePI OIJAI Valentine
Samoilov both scientific employees Oleg Zajmidoroga and Igor Protsenko
declare, that have approached to opening which will make new technical
revolution in the physicist, to chemistry, electronics, optics and
adjacent with them branches of a national economy. The concept
"heteroelectric" for the first time is entered into the reference and
patented NTSePI OIJAI. Heteroelectric consists of the carrier and
nanoparticals a material which is distinct from a material of the
carrier. The materials received thus, possess the unique properties
imposed by it. So, the photo cells applied in " solar batteries " and
made on technology heteroelectric, can reach EFFICIENCY of 90 % and
besides possess additional unique ability to work at night. Today real
similar parameters of EFFICIENCY in the world - 12-18 %. At entering
superpure rare-earth materials (RZM) in GE there can be the superheat
resisting and extralight metals which are not demanding thermal
protection, to use which it is possible, for example, for the case of
rockets and planes. The glasses made on technology heteroelectric, pass
light in any set spectral interval or at all do not pass light outside
of the given interval (ideal various filters). The "know-how" of
microporous quartz glasses is patented. The technology of reception of
photon crystals developed in laboratory promises unique spheres of
application in optical electronics, laser technics and TV, opens new
opportunities in holography. Now patenting dipol nanolazer (DNL) is
spent. Designing of essentially new devices of processing of the
information - quantum logic cells, optical logic blocks - allows to
create on the basis of technology (posted by Igor...robot translation) -----
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Patent Details of Russian Star Battery (Score: 1) by vlad on Monday, May 29, 2006 @ 07:35:34 UTC (User Info | Send a Message) http://www.zpenergy.com | From KeelyNet News (http://www.keelynet.com/#whatsnew): (Thanks to the ever intrepid Bob Nelson at Rex Research
for the followup on this new Russian Battery technology that relies
ideally on superconducting (tested with gold) nano sized metal
particles dispersed in a polymer matrix to allow plasmon resonance. -
JWD) Patent number: WO2005019324 - HETEROGENIC MATERIALS - Publication
date: 2005-03-03 - Inventor: ZAYMIDOROGA OLEG ANTONOVICH FL (RU);
- Heteroelectric, covered by "umbrella" patent of Russian Federation
N2249277 covering 24 directions of a science and technics, allows to
carry out management of a magnetic field and its transformation with
the purpose of creation of devices and devices with predicted optical,
electric and magnetic properties. For the ways and devices with use
heteroelectric experts JINR Scientific Centre for Applied Research
(SCAR) are received the following patents which are not having
analogues in the world: the Amplifier electric radiation (N 2266596);
the Electric condenser and not hinged elements of integrated schemes
(N2266585); the Mirror (2265870); the Way of generation of coherent
electromagnetic radiation and dipol nanolaser on its basis (N2249278);
Optical glass (N2209785); the Photocathode (N2216815); the
Heterogeneous photo cell (N 2217845); the Photo cell (N2222846). Solar
Cell - proposed photocell depending for its operation on conversion of
electromagnetic light flux energy into electrical energy has operating
efficiency as high as 60 - 70% at resonant frequency maximum due to
introduction of metal nanoparticles measuring 10-30 nm into its
photosensitive layer, concentration of mentioned nanoparticles in
mentioned layer being (1-10)10-2 volume fractions. EFFECT: enhanced
efficiency of photocell. / Photocathode - technical result of invention
lies in increase of quantum yield of photoelectrons to 60- 70% in
maximum in visible region of spectrum. To achieve this technical result
layer of semiconductor with p-n junction deposited on surface of glass
flask of photoelectric multiplier facing vacuum was implanted with
nanoparticles of metal with linear dimensions under 100 nm
homogeneously distributed over its surface with concentration of
mentioned nanoparticles in layer amounting to (1/5)10-2 volume
fractions. EFFECT: increased quantum yield of photoelectrons.
(Interesting that this wide ranging patent cites two US patents that
relate; US2003032709 - Thermoelectric materials, thermoelectric device,
and method for producing thermoelectric materials, US2002145132 -
Composite polymers containing nanometer-sized metal particles and
manufacturing method thereof AND European patent EP0488321 -
Electroconductive polymer coated metal particles and method for
preparing same. |