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More from Genesis World Energy
Posted on Monday, December 23, 2002 @ 23:06:00 UTC by vlad

Devices According to Nejhla Shaw, President of World Energy Management, they will be releasing the license qualifications to manufacture, distribute and market the Edison device in January 2003. Here is some more recent info from them...

Q: Does the Genesis Project technology represent perpetual motion?
A: Absolutely Not. The Genesis gCell technology is based on a chemical reaction that is triggered by exposing chemicals to water and small amounts of electrical voltage and current. All of the chemicals used in the process are contained on a specially coated membrane within the gCell and are consumed over time. Once the chemicals are depleted, the system will not continue to function.

Q: How long will the chemicals in the Genesis gCell last?
A: The Genesis gCell provides a finite amount of energy. As a result, system life is proportional to the amount of energy each consumer uses. Presuming that the water system is serviced properly, the gCells in the Edison Device are projected to provide energy to an average home in the United States for up to twenty years. In a home where energy usage is twice that of the average, the gCells in the Edison device would last approximately ten years. Once depleted, gCells can be replaced by consumers for a fraction of the cost of an entire Edison Device.

Q: How long will the Genesis eCells last? A: Although different than other fuel cells, as is the case with fuel cells produced by other manufacturers, the Genesis eCell also has a limited service life. Fuel cells by nature degrade in performance over time. Because of this, manufacturers traditionally rate maximum electrical output based on how much electricity the fuel cell provides at the end of its service life. Genesis eCells electrical outputs are rated in the same manner. Unlike other fuel cells on the market that use the oxygen contained in ordinary air, the Genesis eCell is designed to operate on pure hydrogen and oxygen gases. As such, Genesis eCells are not subject to damage by environmental contamination and the water created during the process is self-recovering, further extending service life. Therefore, the eCell's projected service life is four to five times longer than ordinary fuel cells. Once the eCells reach the end of their service life, they can be replaced by consumers for a fraction of the cost of an entire Edison Device.
Q: How much water does the Edison Device consume? A: That depends entirely on the type and amount of energy used by individual consumers. An average all electric home located in the United States could consume as little as 30 gallons over the Edison Device's approximately twenty years plus service life. A typical U.S. home that uses both gas and electricity would consume about as much water as a refrigerator icemaker. A large gas heated swimming pool depending on the size and location could consume several gallons of water a month.

Q: When will the public get to see demonstrations of the Edison Device and the Genesis Technology?
A: There have been numerous demonstrations of the technology to the public. In fact, the technology was demonstrated for invited members of the public and a film crew near Boise, Idaho on the 27th of November, 2002, a few days before the Boise press conference. Demonstrations have also taken place on the East and West Coasts of the United States. For security purposes, the dates, times and locations of demonstrations are always kept secret and individuals attending the demonstrations must sign strict confidentiality agreements. Once licensees have been selected and licenses awarded, each licensee will be free to demonstrate the technology for the public at will.
For more Q&A pls see: http://www.genesisworldenergy.com/qa_12_17_02.htm



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"More from Genesis World Energy" | Login/Create an Account | 10 comments | Search Discussion
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Re: More from Genesis World Energy (Score: 1)
by Anonymous on Wednesday, December 25, 2002 @ 08:22:00 UTC
DTB (dtb@yahoo.com) writes: The question still unanswerd is has this device', 'been patented in any country? How do they propose
to protect their investment from copy infringment?


Re: More from Genesis World Energy (Score: 1)
by Anonymous on Wednesday, December 25, 2002 @ 15:56:00 UTC
Bill Smith (billsmith@aol.com) writes: From what I understand, when you patent something every detail of the patented device becomes available to the general public. As a result, it is very easy to knock off just by altering portions of the technology. I have been an investor in this project for nearly two years now and I know they have applied for numerous patents, but have done that in a very secretive and intelligent manner, so as not to publicize or jeopardize the proprietary technology.

Re: More from Genesis World Energy (Score: 1)
by Anonymous on Wednesday, December 25, 2002 @ 21:02:00 UTC
DTB (dtb@yahoo.com) writes: Bill,
There's a half truth in your reference to the patent statement. Reference the Beardon patent.", "There's allusions and missing information.
If it's success is anywhere near the public relations hype put forth I wish them well.

Genesis gCell provides a finite amount of energy. (Score: 1)
by chipotle_pickle on Thursday, January 09, 2003 @ 11:47:06 UTC
(User Info | Send a Message) http://freehydrogen.blogspot.com
So, just how much is "finite" anyway?

The GWE web page is still covered with claims of limitless energy from water. I mean, just look at it. But here Nejhla Shaw clearly state that it's a finite amount of energy stored in the gCell. How are these two claims consistent?

And isn't the big question how much energy is stored in the gCell? "Virtually unlimited"? 20 years? 10 years? 2 days? Was I absent the day that home-years became a standard unit of energy? How many KWH are stored in the thing?


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