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World's Most Valuable Patent Released as Freeware
Posted on Monday, July 24, 2006 @ 22:35:59 UTC by vlad

Devices technophile writes: From: http://www.azom.com/details.asp?newsID=6104

World's Most Valuable Patent Released as Freeware

What has been described as "The missing Tesla Patent" has been posted on the web site. The Fluxite patent has not been filed with any patent office. In general it describes a method and apparatus that wobbles a high strength magnetic field using low voltage Tesla Coils. According to the inventor, a person that has numerous core patent applications both granted and pending, "the United States Patent Office rejects all patents applications that claim to produce excess electricity, thus making its allowance impossible anyway."

Without any doubt, a need exists for such a technology. It is semi-conductor based and therefore has no moving parts. Such a portable, low cost, clean and safe electrical supply system could be used to irrigate crops, purify water supplies, move vehicles, and power all forms of mechanical devices. The purpose of its freeware release is to put it in the hands of the Internet's numerous skilled electronic designers in mass and thereafter spread around the world as a free and peaceful technology.

The Author is not seeking financial gains. No attempt to contact the author of this patent is wanted, nor will any response be given to assist in the development of this technology. Although the use of the Fluxite technology is not dangerous in skilled hands, it could be considered dangerous to commercialize. Further, the Fluxite patent author gives no guarantees as to results anyone else obtains with the building of this technology.




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"World's Most Valuable Patent Released as Freeware" | Login/Create an Account | 2 comments | Search Discussion
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Re: World's Most Valuable Patent Released as Freeware (Score: 1)
by Koen on Tuesday, July 25, 2006 @ 00:42:48 UTC
(User Info | Send a Message) http://no.nl/tesla
To mention this "patent" as Tesla's missing patent, is a deliberate hoax.

Re: World's Most Valuable Patent Released as Freeware (Score: 1)
by Marshall on Tuesday, July 25, 2006 @ 09:19:37 UTC
(User Info | Send a Message)
Unfortunately there are some serious contradictions in this document.  Basically the magnet is 2X2X6 and it calls for the holes to be 7/8 deep (page 4) in one place and 1 7/8 deep (page 6) in another.

It says that the cones are 2 3/8 long with allows 1/2 inch to protrude when inserted.  However if you insert this in a 7/8 inch deep hole,  1 1/2 inches will be protruding, and if the hole is 1 7/8 inch deep which would provide a 1/2 inche protrusion, then the holes will hit each other, whereas it calls for the holes to stop 1/4 inch apart.

Making this using the given dimensions is impossible regardless of which confilicting dimensions are used.

These dimentional errors need to be fixed for anyone to take this seriously.



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