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First Aether/Orgone Motor Patent Issued (July 2006)
Posted on Tuesday, August 01, 2006 @ 23:16:01 UTC by vlad

Devices Hal Ade writes: Hello everyone:

I just found out this morning (Tuesday) that U.S. Patent #7,053,576 was issued May 30th for Dr. Paulo and Alexandra Correa's "Aether/Orgone Motor & Converter".

Here's the web-page, which includes a link to the patent:


For those not familiar with some of the technology of alternative energy, this Motor, if produced in quantity, and working as claimed, would go a long way to mitigate the oppressive heat we're now experiencing in the Northern Hemisphere. It takes from an energy source which is non-polluting; that is, no carbon dioxide or other "greenhouse gas" is emitted from it, nor are there any radio-active atomic wastes as a by-product. Most importantly, an ordinary generator can be attached to it to produce electricity.

I believe this was the Correa motor, the operation of which was witnessed by the late Eugene MAllove, D. Sc., and formerly with M.I.T. Dr. MAllove, being an electrical engineer, and wise to any means which could be used to hoax a witness, checked the device for connections to any external source of conventional energy, and found none.


Hal Ade
Gatineau, QC.
Alexander Frolov writes:

Please note that Pulsed Abnormal Glow Discharge (PAGD) by Correa is similar to Self-generating Discharge by Russian discovery by Alexander Chernetsky (you can see his articles in the net, English version also).

Alexander V. Frolov
Faraday Lab Ltd


The abstract reads:

"The present invention is concerned with conversion to conventional electrical energy of the variants of massfree energy radiation considered above, referred to for convenience as Tesla waves, massfree thermal radiation and latent massfree radiation. The first variant of such radiation was recognized, generated and at least partially disclosed by Nikola Tesla about a hundred years ago, although his work has been widely misinterpreted and also confused with his work on the transmission of radio waves. The Tesla coil is a convenient generator of such radiation, and is used as such in many of the embodiments of our invention described below, but it should be clearly understood that our invention in its broadest sense is not restricted to the use of such a coil as a source of mass-free radiation and any natural or artificial source may be utilized.

According to the invention, a device for the conversion of massfree radiation (as herein defined) into electrical or kinetic energy comprises a transmitter of massfree electrical radiation having a damped wave component, a receiver of such radiation tuned to resonance with the damped wave frequency of the transmitter, a co-resonant output circuit coupled into and extracting electrical or kinetic energy from the receiver, and at least one of a transmission cavity between the transmitter and the receiver, a full-wave rectifier in the co-resonant output circuit, and an oscillatory pulsed glow discharge device incorporated in the co-resonant output circuit. The output circuit preferably comprises a full wave rectifier presenting a capacitance to the receiver, or an electric motor, preferably a split phase motor, presenting inductance to the receiver. The transmitter and receiver each preferably comprise a Tesla coil and/or an autogenous pulsed abnormal glow discharge device. The transmission cavity is preferably at least partially evacuated, and comprises spaced plates connected respectively to the distal poles of the secondaries of Tesla coils incorporated in the transmitter and receiver respectively, the plates being parallel or concentric. The split-phase motor is preferably an inertially damped AC drag motor."



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"First Aether/Orgone Motor Patent Issued (July 2006)" | Login/Create an Account | 17 comments | Search Discussion
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Re: First Aether/Orgone Motor Patent Issued (July 2006) (Score: 1)
by Koen on Thursday, August 03, 2006 @ 13:59:13 UTC
(User Info | Send a Message) http://no.nl/tesla
Dr. Correa claims COP >= 9.
Now this is an interesting and exciting patent, and hopefully his claims are correct. Very well done, dr. Correa!

Correa refers to massless electric waves and longitudinal electric fields, to the ZPE field energy that does not consist of electro-magnetic photons, and also to Tesla's experiments. Correa uses Tesla tranformers and his PAGD plasma device and a specially designed motor.

There is a similarity with Edwin Gray's motor, also based on pulsed power and receiving wireless and massless energy.

My physics theory is one of the few theories that defines this massless form of longitudinal electric energy which can be received as wireless waves.

Re: First Aether/Orgone Motor Patent Issued (July 2006) (Score: 1)
by pulsed_ignition on Thursday, August 03, 2006 @ 16:19:00 UTC
(User Info | Send a Message) http://diamondlube.com
The Correa's are using my Pulsed Plasma Patent with Tesla Coil and other complications. While your at it, look at the newest patent reference. The Correa's could not get their PAGD to work so the steal my Pulsed Plasma work and call it their own.

This extremely strange post is from Correa on the Hydrino group in 2003 questioning my character as they are STEALING my Pulsed Plasma discoveries. I contacted them with offers of assistance and they return that with slander, liable and theft of discoveries that sprang from my repeated bursts of inspiration. 

many of you remember the ridicule I have endured because I claimed the extraction of ZPE, transmutation, hydrogen production, atomic fusion and many other effects within my Dense Plasma Focus device. Unlike them, I arrived at my conclusions from direct observations and experimentation, and what are they claiming their copy of my device does, why the same things of course?

I first called them prior to the application date on their patent and then just prior to their post on the hydrino list with the "offer" you can read for yourself. After you read my offer - go back and reread the title of this post.

The Correa's ridiculed myself and my work only to steal it as they question MY integrity? Very Doctorly of you both.

Chris Arnold 

Re: HSG: C. Arnold's inventions and his character (was: I talked to a friend of Hal Puthoff)

Date: Sat, 25 Oct 2003 21:03:29 -0400
From: lambdac@...
To: askanas@...
Subject: C. Arnold's inventions and his character (was Fw: HSG: I talked
to a friend of Hal Puthoff)

Dear Dr. Askanas -

Could you forward this disclaimer to the HSG regarding one Christopher
Arnold and his willful misrepresentations?

"This is a disclaimer regarding one Mr. C. Arnold who stated a plain lie
on the HSG list:

>The talk lasted about an hour and was very interesting. The gentleman
>is a retired Fermilab Physicist and the conversation reminded me of
>the hard nosed but lengthy talks I have had with Dr. Hal Puthoff, Dr.
>Ed Storms, Col. Thomas Bearden, Richard Hull, Mark Goldes, Dr. Mills,
>Dr. Paul Brown, George Miley, the Correas, Eugene Mallove, Stanton
>Friedman and lastly, the first Plasma physicist from Fermilab that I
>personally revealed all device details to in 1999.

Neither one of us has, at any time, talked with this Mr. C. Arnold, let
alone had a lengthy talk with him. Nor have we ever corresponded with
him. Mr. C. Arnold has obviously been carried along by some form of
poetic licence regarding name-dropping, which seems in keeping with his
ridiculous ebay business and his training in extortionary techniques.
To witness, a while back Akronos Publishing forwarded to us the following
email from this very same Hypercon:

>From: Hypercom59@...
>Date: Mon, 30 Jun 2003 23:01:45 EDT
>To: inquiries@...
>Subject: Reichs motor
>Hello Alexandra & Paulo Correa,
>Most recently my attention has been focused on Reich's Motor and his
>other works. I have been getting flashes of inspiration and believe that
>I might be successful at building an orgone (or whatever you wish to
>call it after >payment) motor. What would that be worth to you if I am
>successful? A few months will tell, however - If the world is still not
>interested or ready, I will direct my efforts elsewhere.
>No pre investment is required as I will retrieve the information prior
>to construction of any prototypes. Please give my best wishes to Eugene.
>Warm Regards,
>Chris Arnold
>Pulsed Plasma Energy

The extortionary techniques of Mr. C. Arnold are exemplary, though the
same cannot be said about his abilities as a copy-cat. Maybe he went
off to ebay after seeing that we were not going to pay him off. Or
maybe he has a sponsor he can sucker during those months (!) it will
take him to reinvent our Aether Motor without having to think
functionally - just using his slap-n-dash technique and flashes of
inspiration. Keep inspiring, Mr. Arnold! For anyone trained in plasma
physics, it is easy to see that Mr. Arnold knows next to nothing about
the subject. Or about electromagnetism. Critters like him thrive on
the mindless noise of the web. The harm they do is quite visible - and
so is the intent.

Paulo Correa, MSc, PhD
Alexandra Correa, HBA"

http://www.fastmail.fm - Access your email from home and the web

Re: First Aether/Orgone Motor Patent Issued (July 2006) (Score: 1)
by pulsed_ignition on Thursday, August 03, 2006 @ 17:57:32 UTC
(User Info | Send a Message) http://diamondlube.com
As a postscript to the sad behaviour of the Correa's - the Orgone motor design I offered them was based on visions received after reading many books of Reich's work AND it had nothing whatsoever to do with my "Pulsed Plasma Drive." What I "saw" was not battery powered, and it is definitely NOT what the Correa's patented by copying my patent. BTW, for those with even the slightest understanding of Reich and his work - he never used batteries or Tesla coils to collect Orgone, so the Correa's false claims of creating an Orgone motor are from stupidity, ignorance and, stupidity. If you do not believe me, read up on Dr. Reich yourself.

Do not worry, what I offered the *%$#&@!  )~^*&@! from Canada will never be offered to anyone else and after that distasteful and slanderous post from the Correa's in 2003 - my interest in Reich dwindled.
Also - this NEW Motor could not have been the one witnessed by Eugene Mallove, because he told me personally of his viewing of the Correa motor running on the PAGD tube - which is an old patent based on Igor Alexev's (IEEE) Plasma Discharge Tube that the Correa's so Doctorly copied and called their own - which, BTW did nothing for performance and is the main reason they needed something different that really worked. Anyway, Dr. Mallove did not believe my device could possibly run as patented - and several people directly connected to Eugene know of the conversations I had with him, on fusion, hydrogen production and more. I referenced Correa to my examiner solely to prove how "different" from conventional my Plasma Drive was, and specifically not similar in any way to the use of the Alexev Plasma Discharge Tube.
Why should the Correa's bother with the truth now, besides - it is such a burden.

Re: First Aether/Orgone Motor Patent Issued (July 2006) (Score: 1)
by Cold_Steel on Saturday, August 05, 2006 @ 09:53:16 UTC
(User Info | Send a Message)
Blah blah blah, it's just more noise. I'd bet every cent I have that this thing doesn't do jack. It's just another scam, just like all the other ones. You know why we won't be able to buy a "free" energy machine next year, or 10 years from now? Because they don't work. They've all been scams. Of course, let's have all the conspiracy theorist say that it's a huge government conspiracy. Sure, it must be entirely unreasonable to think these people are just scam artists. It's snake oil, nothing more.


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