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Ball-Lightning ZPE-Generator
Posted on Friday, August 04, 2006 @ 22:57:52 UTC by vlad

Devices From AmericanAntigravity: Kiril Chukanov TeslaTech 2006 Interview

After working in secret for the last year, Dr. Kiril Chukanov finally joins us to share the details of his latest achievement - a next-generation ZPE Generator that works by harnessing the power of stabilized ball-lightning plasmoids. In this exclusive TeslaTech 2006 interview, we discuss his research, funding, and the progress he's made in perfecting this remarkable new energy technology...

Chukanov's research focuses on harnessing the power of artificially-generated ball-lightning plasmoids for the extraction of zero-point energy, and comes as the result of decades of intense study of this phenomenon by Chukanov, who's authored numerous books describing methods for producing ZPE electrical energy based on a variety of conceptual leaps in Quantum Mechanics.

Source: AmericanAntigravity Chukanov Interview
Video Link: Kiril Chukanov TeslaTech 2006 Interview



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"Ball-Lightning ZPE-Generator" | Login/Create an Account | 2 comments | Search Discussion
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Re: Ball-Lightning ZPE-Generator (Score: 1)
by pulsed_ignition on Sunday, August 06, 2006 @ 05:56:29 UTC
(User Info | Send a Message) http://diamondlube.com
Kiril and I both understand that Plasma CAN radiate electrical energy.

I am happy that Kiril found someone to fund his work, because building on ones IDEAS takes capital, and the inventor can only go so far once he/she has exhausted their total life savings in what they know are new technologies.

Kiril, I believe you and if I may make a suggestion, please use a remote switch on the larger unit.

Best of luck to you my friend.

Chris Arnold

trans alaska pipeline (Score: 1)
by aleatha on Wednesday, August 09, 2006 @ 10:57:16 UTC
(User Info | Send a Message)
remeber how i said the trans alaska pipeline is a great example of a free energy machine as in transduces GICs (a by-product of which is corrsion) well it has been shut down for corrsion repairs by BP. personally i can't help but wonder if they were agravated by people useing ZENER diodes to recharge batteries with the thing. ha! (see ELF rectenna)  for those at home though without access to a man-made GIC converter just try the ocean. the HUGE antenna that moves. setup your own diode system for this one though. two rods. one of rare earth magnets about 12 inches long. the other of iron ferrite of 12 inches long. two wires one for each rod. put them in the sea. now wire a diode and battery in series to this setup. the diffrence in gauss strength of the magnet rods sets up an energy diffrence. and thus energy flow. make the battery yourself and have it open to the air. (think what happens to a sealed lead acid battery plugged into a planet sized antenna!) GICs are the coronnas of radiant energy (tesla style) but even so they have WAY more energy than humans will ever need. part of the problem with this line of work is the names: plasmatic energy,GICs,radiant energy,ionospheric plasmiod waves. they are the same thing. btw for those at BP who object to the name GIC converter for their stupid pipeline i refer you to the mountain of literature on the subject. you freaks at BP are SO STUPID you don't realize your pipeline is worth more EMPTY as a GIC relay.


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