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High Heat: The Wave of the Future?
Posted on Wednesday, August 09, 2006 @ 07:52:17 UTC by vlad

General From Sci-Tech Today/Environment/August 4, 2006.

Climate models generally agree that looking ahead to 2100, heat waves will become more frequent. The models very closely reproduce the high temperatures and air pressures that spawn heat waves in real-life weather. In the future, global warming may create stronger and larger high-pressure "domes" of air that will block cool air from entering the regions they cover.

A preview of the future -- much hotter decades on a warming planet -- has been delivered today by the continent-spanning heat wave, climate experts say.

"Heat wave projections all agree. They are going to intensify in length and frequency" in this century, says climate scientist Claudia Tebaldi of the National Center for Atmospheric Research in Boulder, Colo.

Global warming is projected to raise average temperatures worldwide about 3 to 9 degrees in this century, according to a U.N. climate panel. Warmer temperatures load the dice in favor of extreme weather such as heat waves, says climate modeler Gavin Schmidt of the NASA Goddard Institute for Space Studies in New York.

Read the whole story here: Sci-Tech Today: Heat wave



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Climate change threatens Europe's power sector (Score: 1)
by vlad on Saturday, August 12, 2006 @ 19:41:17 UTC
(User Info | Send a Message) http://www.zpenergy.com
By Daniel Fineren

LONDON (Reuters) - Climate change could reshape Europe's energy sector as hotter and drier summers boost electricity demand and place new strains on its power stations.

Power systems which have kept the lights on for decades are under scrutiny after a heatwave last month -- the second in three years -- forced generators to curb output just as demand for air conditioning rose, forcing up energy prices and threatening power cuts.

"As climate change has more of an effect we could see demand patterns change as we have hotter summers and warmer winters," a spokesman for the UK arm of Germany utility E.ON said.

"That's something that we're already looking at because it could well inform future investment decisions and the way we run our business in future decades."

The vulnerability of nuclear power stations to extreme heat became all too clear last month as reactors in France and Germany had to rein-in production because the river water they need to cool down was too warm.

In Spain, more used to the heat than northern Europe, most reactors kept running through July, but the oldest reactor was still forced to stop because of tepid river water.

Europe's gas and coal-fired plants also laboured in the heat and lower river levels.

All these technologies may have to be altered as hotter, drier weather in future looks increasingly probable...

More: Climate change threatens Europe's power sector

by vlad on Saturday, August 12, 2006 @ 22:51:23 UTC
(User Info | Send a Message) http://www.zpenergy.com
A new analysis of data from twin satellites has revealed that the melting of Greenland's ice sheet has increased dramatically in the past few years, with much of the loss occurring primarily along one shoreline potentially affecting weather in Western Europe.

Full story at http://www.physorg.com/news74441716.html


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