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MPI - A Crystal Ball View of our Initial Product Development Program
Posted on Wednesday, August 16, 2006 @ 19:32:28 UTC by vlad

Testimonials By Mark Goldes, Chairman & CEO

MPI’s pending patent application covers a Solid-State Electric Generator. It can be manufactured in several sizes to suit different applications. Individual units can be connected together for greater electrical output in a manner analogous to solar photovoltaic cells.

Small versions can be developed to power cell phones and other hand held electronic devices. They can also be designed to fit into containers identical in size to conventional AA, C, and D cell batteries. These can be expected to continue to produce power without the need for replacement or recharge.

Larger, more powerful, Modules will be designed to electrically power cars with unlimited range, and with performance matching that of conventional, gasoline or diesel engines, having no need for any type of battery recharge.

Next year, desktop Demonstration Devices will light a few LEDs and spin a small fan. They will serve to prove that these remarkable machines are real.

Later in 2007, in cooperation with licensed manufacturers, larger units are expected to be in production. These will provide 1 kW of useful power. About the size and shape of a microwave oven, the magnetic materials they contain will cause them to weigh somewhat more.

In California, a typical home equipped with solar cells employs less than 4 kW of photovoltaic panels. A package of four Magnetic Power Modules will be able to perform the same function, around the clock, every day of the year. Since rooftop installation is not required, they can be placed in a convenient location.

MPI’s electric generators convert Zero Point Energy, a revolutionary, abundant, renewable, source of power. In magnetic conversion systems, this inexhaustible, fuel-free, energy source is increasingly referred to as Virtual Photon Flux.

Commercial development will proceed as rapidly as resources permit.

© 2006 Magnetic Power Inc. All rights reserved. 8-16-06



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"MPI - A Crystal Ball View of our Initial Product Development Program" | Login/Create an Account | 11 comments | Search Discussion
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Re: MPI - A Crystal Ball View of our Initial Product Development Program (Score: 1)
by bender772 on Thursday, August 17, 2006 @ 09:40:47 UTC
(User Info | Send a Message) http://www.suppressedscience.net
Dear Mr. Goldes,

I think your toy strategy is excellent! A small device with a perpetually spinning fan is a powerful demonstration. Students can show them to their physics teachers or professors, concerned citizens to their representatives and to journalists. It's what people like myself who've been convinced of the reality of free energy for years have been waiting for to shut up the naysayers.

Let's see the usual suspects such as Robert L. Park explain this one away.

I wish you good luck with your patent application.

Re: MPI - A Crystal Ball View of our Initial Product Development Program (Score: 1)
by ryandinan on Thursday, August 17, 2006 @ 14:55:09 UTC
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So... Do you have working models of this machine now?  If so, it is THE most important invention to ever hit the planet... It will be a true turning point for human civilization - which way it will go will totally depend on how we savage humans decide to use the technology (for good or evil).

Just think what unlimited energy means for the average Joe...  and just think what unlimited energy means for the average terrorist.  It could be a very exciting, and yet very scarey situation both at the same time.

If your device can do what you say (and I surely hope it can!), the world will change overnight...
Please, please, please be for real!


Re: MPI - A Crystal Ball View of our Initial Product Development Program (Score: 1)
by mach946 on Friday, August 18, 2006 @ 15:52:26 UTC
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This device will not come to market. It will be just like the MEG by Thom Bearden. By next years time MPI will come up with some of the typical excuses like... "We need more funding to bring it to production" or " We need more time to study how it works, so we can explain it to the physics community" or how about the best one! " The Powers that be will not let us bring it to market, and we have recieved numerous death threats, therfore we have elected to cease all work on the program!" and last but not least " "The Government has issued a patent surpression order on our invention for the Next 50 years". Until these folks go to third world countries that dont have any monetary ties to the conventional energy infrstructure. they will fail! The only thing they seem to excel at is saying how they where thrawted from bringing there invention to humanity. It's always NEXT YEAR,NEXT YEAR NEXT YEAR! just like with the MEG program. It's old hat!


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