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Irish company challenges scientists to test 'free energy' technology
Posted on Friday, August 18, 2006 @ 16:59:28 UTC by vlad
techmac writes: An Irish company threw down the gauntlet on Friday to the worldwide scientific community to test a technology it has developed that it claims produces free energy.
The company, Steorn (http://www.steorn.net), says its discovery is based on the interaction of magnetic fields and allows the production of clean, free and constant energy -- a concept that challenges one of the basic rules of physics.
It claims the technology can be used to supply energy for virtually all devices, from mobile phones to cars.
Steorn issued its challenge through an advertisement in the Economist magazine this week quoting Ireland's Nobel prize-winning author George Bernard Shaw who said that "all great truths begin as blasphemies".
Sean McCarthy, Steorn's chief executive officer, said they had issued the challenge for 12 physicists to rigorously test the technology so it can be developed.
"What we have developed is a way to construct magnetic fields so that when you travel round the magnetic fields, starting and stopping at the same position, you have gained energy," McCarthy said.
"The energy isn't being converted from any other source such as the energy within the magnet. It's literally created. Once the technology operates it provides a constant stream of clean energy," he told Ireland's RTE radio. McCarthy said Steorn had not set out to develop the technology, but "it actually fell out of another project we were working on".
One of the basic principles of physics is that energy can neither be created nor destroyed, it can only change form.
McCarthy said a big obstacle to overcome was the disbelief that what they had developed was even possible.
"For the first six months that we looked at it we literally didn't believe it ourselves. Over the last three years it had been rigorously tested in our own laboratories, in independent laboratories and so on," he said.
"But we have been unable to get significant scientific interest in it. We have had scientists come in, test it and, off the record, they are quite happy to admit that it works.
"But for us to be able to commercialize this and put this into peoples' lives we need credible, academic validation in the public domain and hence the challenge," McCarthy said.
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Re: Irish company challenges scientists to test 'free energy' technology (Score: 1) by bender772 on Saturday, August 19, 2006 @ 04:05:43 UTC (User Info | Send a Message) http://www.suppressedscience.net | This topic is also being discussed on the science blog of the Houston Chronicle,
Currently, the pseudoskeptical voices dominate the debate, and there is much need for some balance. |
Re: Irish company challenges scientists to test 'free energy' technology (Score: 1) by kurt9 on Saturday, August 19, 2006 @ 13:37:16 UTC (User Info | Send a Message) http://www.metatechnica.com | I saw the website. It certainly is skimpy on details of the technology.
Caveat Emptor - Let the buyer beware...
Re: Irish company challenges scientists to test 'free energy' technology (Score: 1) by Koen on Saturday, August 19, 2006 @ 14:28:41 UTC (User Info | Send a Message) http://no.nl/tesla | Steorn claims that their invention was tested by independant scientists, but not a single name of an independent scientist or science lab was mentioned. This is strange. And no technical details on the website, "how mysterious". I think Steorn is fake. Just another 'false science project' operation to steer the 'free energy' minded into a particular direction, or to waste our time.
MPI APPLAUDS IRISH SCIENTIFIC CHALLENGE (Score: 1) by vlad on Saturday, August 19, 2006 @ 22:12:58 UTC (User Info | Send a Message) http://www.zpenergy.com | A Dublin, Ireland based Intellectual Property licensing firm, Steorn, has challenged the scientific community. In an advertisement published in the current issue of “The Economist” the firm calls for twelve skeptical scientists to come forward and test their claim to have achieved more output than input, “Over Unity,” in magnetic machines. Steorn promises to publish the results; whatever the conclusions, in a future issue of the magazine.
Magnetic Power, Inc. (MPI) applauds the challenger! As MPI is also a developer of magnetic devices which deliver electric power without fuel, and without breaking the basic laws of physics. MPI is glad to see that Steorn’s challenge is being taken seriously by the scientific community. “Our own laboratory results confirm what Steorn is saying,” said MPI’s Mark Goldes, Chairman and CEO of the Sebastopol California based company.
Given the urgent need for breakthrough energy systems, Goldes hopes the challenge will, as Steorn says, enable them to take less than the projected “five to seven years for the world to accept the possibility of superseding existing energy technology with magnetic systems.”
On their website: www.steorn.com the company claims that the new technology can eventually power everything from cell phones to automobiles. The site also contains a five minute video that explains why they have published the advertisement. One reason is the apparent violation of Conservation of Energy, a fundamental axiom of physics, which makes it hard for scientists to accept the emerging science of magnetic energy technology.
Goldes’ enthusiasm for his Irish colleagues’ scientific efforts supports his hopes that success by the Irish Group will take the mystery out of fuel-free magnetic systems that can operate around the clock. This will speed the ability of Magnetic Power Modules™ to attract the financial resources needed to commercialize these systems as rapidly as is humanly possible, in order to meet the environmental chaos threatened by global warming.
Magnetic Power Inc. All rights
reserved. 8-19-06
Re: Irish company challenges scientists to test 'free energy' technology (Score: 1) by Sigma on Sunday, August 20, 2006 @ 05:36:37 UTC (User Info | Send a Message) | I have no real opinion on this, however I hope it is true. I guess we will know soon. |
Re: Irish company challenges scientists to test 'free energy' technology (Score: 1) by Sigma on Sunday, August 20, 2006 @ 13:53:53 UTC (User Info | Send a Message) | Either way you slice it, an annoucement of this magnitude will have a long lasting effect on the mainstream regarding "free energy" good or bad. Thats why as members of the ZPE community we need to hope with all of our being that this is true... or it may be another 15-20 years before anyone even considers the possibility of an OU device.
Hilden-Brand High Efficiency Motor (Score: 1) by vlad on Sunday, August 20, 2006 @ 13:55:07 UTC (User Info | Send a Message) http://www.zpenergy.com | From KeelyNet.com: Jerry Decker writes: 08/20/06 - I could be wrong but it looks like Steorn is very close to an invention by Jack Hilden-Brand!!!
Check out this post from 11/14/05. Jack showed his devices, (which I
have personally tested here in Mexico), at a trade fair where many
people and companies saw them. To the best of my understanding, Jack
uses bucking magnetic fields and flux redirection, whereas the Steorn
claim smacks of the Ecklin device that also used a flux redirecting magnetic shield...thus 'prior art' comes into play (and there are other such patents)...
Read more: http://www.keelynet.com/#whatsnew
Re: Irish company challenges scientists to test 'free energy' technology (Score: 1) by iroanium on Monday, August 21, 2006 @ 06:40:10 UTC (User Info | Send a Message) | GWE again???
Re: Irish company challenges scientists to test 'free energy' technology (Score: 1) by Tzigone on Monday, August 21, 2006 @ 11:14:40 UTC (User Info | Send a Message) | Will they narrow it down to 12 people - you know that'll have someone
screaming "bias" no matter which 12 they choose or what method they use
to choose.
How long will that take? How long will the validation procedure
take? How will the results be made public? I assume the
identities and credentials of those on the "jury" will be made
I also wonder what'll happen if they don't all agree, especially if it's evenly split.
Steorn to Push Tipping Point for Magnet Motor Technology (Score: 1) by vlad on Monday, August 21, 2006 @ 19:51:54 UTC (User Info | Send a Message) http://www.zpenergy.com | To solidify the credentials of a radical, new energy approach,
Irish Company intents to select jury of 12 hard-core skeptics with high
academic qualifications to review existing data, then design testing
procedure, test, and publish the results.
PESN Interview with Sean McCarthy, Steorn CEO, Aug. 21, 2006
by Sterling
D. Allan
Pure Energy Systems News (PESN)
Copyright © 2006
DUBLIN, IRELAND -- Irish high-technology firm,
Steorn, has stirred the imagination of the world's scientific community
with their recent posting of an advertisement
in The Economist on Aug. 18 announcing that they have a working
free-energy technology. The full-page ad stated that their
independently-tested technology is capable of providing the world with
"an infinite supply of pure energy," so that the need to
recharge a phone or refuel a car becomes obsolete. The brief
announcement stated that they are seeking a jury of twelve scientists who
are "the most qualified and the most cynical" to test the
technology and publish their findings. Read article: http://pesn.com/2006/08/21/9500298_Steorn_free_energy_gauntlet/
Re: Irish company challenges scientists to test 'free energy' technology (Score: 1) by FDT on Tuesday, August 22, 2006 @ 12:34:30 UTC (User Info | Send a Message) | At the moment we don’t have sufficient information upon which to decide whether or not what Steorn are saying is true or false. But if it should turn out that they have indeed found a way of extracting energy from the so-called vacuum in the magnetized state, then we can be pretty sure that the supply will not be infinite. The energy stored in the so-called vacuum takes the form of kinetic and potential energy associated with a sea of rotating electron positron dipoles. See ‘The Double Helix Theory of the Magnetic Field’, http://www.zpenergy.com/downloads/electricsea.pdf
If energy is somehow extracted from this sea while it is in the magnetized state, then the equilibrium restoring pressure of the arrangement will ensure that the loss will be equally distributed throughout every part of the universe to which this sea extends.
Eventually over a period of time, the energy loss from the electric sea will show up in the form of an altered speed of light, and in many more totally unpredictable manners.
However, the probability is that it would be a very long time before any of the side effects would be noticed. Steorn might have discovered an extremely large supply of energy in the so-called vacuum, but it will most certainly not be infinite.
Yours sincerely, David Tombe
Re: Irish company challenges scientists to test 'free energy' technology (Score: 1) by Rothhaar on Tuesday, August 22, 2006 @ 14:33:20 UTC (User Info | Send a Message) | I've been following free energy claims for a number of years and this is certainly the most interesting one to come along in awhile. It's interesting, not because of the technology itself, which is still a mystery, but because of the high profile, well-funded strategy Steorn is taking. Full page ads in The Economist are not cheap and it's hard to see the advantage in this approach if it is all a con. I've read some of the science-related blogs that are discussing this and while there is plently of the usual rabid, dismissive incredulity, there is also an element of caution amongst the skeptics - a bafflement at the boldness of Steorn's challenge.
Usually, when you take a close look at these claims, it doesn't take long to identify the sleight of hand. With GWE, there was the fact that it was run by some insurance sales persons and was signing up licensees before they'd demonstrated anything. With others, there is the perpetual missed deadlines. Things are always going to happen in the future, sometime in the next year or so when such and such technology will be completed and unveiled, but of course the device and the proof never arrives. Steorn is the first free enegy claim that I can remember to say, "we have it now, come test it."
There are some things about the Steorn claim that make me suspicious - such as the extremely vague description of the technology, and their utterly insane claim of creating energy. One thing I agree with the skeptics about is that it is not possible that their device creates energy. If it is overunity, then some source of energy has been tapped. Perhaps the source cannot easily be identified, but there must be a source. It's foolish for Steorn to make the claim of creating energy when they're trying to achieve credibility. That's like throwing meat to the lions. It would have been much wiser to say that they don't know where the energy comes from and hope the scientific community can supply the answer during the validation process. The claim of energy creation is so ridiculous that it makes me wonder if it is meant as a wink to the knowing.
In my opinion, the Steorn claim is not an attempt to hoodwink people out of money. They've eliminated that possibility for themselves by creating such a high profile. Either they actually have something that works or they have something that they think works. It could also be that this is a disinformation operation. You get lots of people worked up about the possibility of free energy, then when it crashes and burns the entire concept is discredited. Time will tell.
BTW, steorn is Gaelic for to guide or to manage. |
Can You Spell: B..A..L..L..S (Score: 1) by sparks35 on Friday, August 25, 2006 @ 01:07:47 UTC (User Info | Send a Message) | Will the MEN involved here have THE COURAGE to move forward? Names are 'on the table'...Reputations are 'at stake'... A question should be put forth...Does one aspire to 'KNIGHTHOOD' or to 'WHOREDOM'? We journey through our lives on this ONE EARTH. |
Re: Irish company challenges scientists to test 'free energy' technology (Score: 1) by ryandinan on Monday, August 28, 2006 @ 08:10:40 UTC (User Info | Send a Message) | I don't see why it is so "crazy" to say that they are "creating energy". Why can't it be created? Because 'we' have a law that says so? I think the foundations on which the laws of thermodynamics are based, are potentially flawed - meaning, every law derived from it could be wrong. Just because our current technology seems to agree with these laws, does not mean these laws can't be proven false. Look at flying... it was said that heavier-than-air objects couldn't fly (although people could observe birds flying, which were obviously heavier than air). Once that "law" was proven false, airplanes became mainstream in a matter of a few years.
Hey, look at it this way - all the energy we see around us had to be created at some point (otherwise it wouldn't be here now would it?) Why can't more energy be created - or destroyed for that matter? I realize this way of thinking can lead into the philosophical and "religious" realms, but maybe that's where science will end up. ?