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New Energy Times News Alert: STEORN Interview
Posted on Friday, August 25, 2006 @ 22:45:10 UTC by vlad
"I think the point that we're making is that this publicity
stunt, and it is a publicity stunt, has one direct aim, and that is to grab the
attention of the scientific world really to get them angry enough to have to
deal with this. The question we're asking is an honest question to the
world of science: either prove this works or prove it doesn't work - whatever
you find, and to also make absolutely sure the answer is put into the public
domain. As far as we're concerned, we're not asking a question we don't know the
answer to." - Sean McCarthy, Chief Executive Officer of
As far as I know, there is no such thing as free energy, or magnetic motor
energy. Science textbooks make it clear that such talk is nonsense, the
equivalent of perpetual motion. And no inventor has come forward so far to
physically demonstrate to the public that science has been incomplete in its
understanding and explanation of the physical universe. Last week,
principles from Steorn, an Irish technology company posted a full- page ad in
the Economist magazine challenging the world's physicists to a duel: Come test
our machine, and prove us right or wrong.
"Our position on this is that we don't expect anybody in the
general public to believe us at this point," McCarthy said. "We're just asking
people to believe the process [of the audit.] We're saying that at the end of
this process, the answer is going to be published whether we're right or
wrong." They are inviting a panel of scientists to
audit their claims, with virtually no restrictions, except to publicly disclose
their findings once the audit is complete.
Without a doubt, the manner in
which Steorn has proceeded is unconventional. But then, so is its claim: energy
with no apparent material source. Naturally, it makes no sense for them
to proceed in a conventional scientific manner. The peer review process is
grossly incapable of handling unconventional claims and paradigm-challenging
research. Yesterday, I had the opportunity to speak with Sean McCarthy,
Chief Executive Officer of Steorn, and ask every question that I could think of.
My conclusion at the end of our talk is that I have no idea what to make of all
this. However, I can say that McCarthy was very direct and forthcoming with
me. Steorn has issued a bold challenge to the physics establishment, and
this establishment will not acquiesce without a fight. I predict that
none of us will know whether this claim is valid for months, perhaps years. If
the company's panel of experts determines that the claim demonstrates new
science, the remaining question is, Who will pay attention to it and who will
ignore it?
Introduction to the interview and two sound clips
(2:47 minutes) http://newenergytimes.com/Audio/2006Steorn-McCarthyIntro-Aug24.mp3
interview, (51 minutes, includes introduction) http://newenergytimes.com/Audio/2006Steorn-McCarthyFull-Aug24.mp3
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STEORN in the news (Score: 1) by vlad on Friday, August 25, 2006 @ 23:17:45 UTC (User Info | Send a Message) http://www.zpenergy.com |
Extract from: http://www.hindu.com/thehindu/holnus/008200608251921.htm
``Before we went public, we realised
that if we're wrong it could have a very adverse effect on our
business, so we're not doing this lightly,'' says McCarthy. ``We
expected stick, and we're getting it already. We've had a lot of
abusive emails and telephone calls -people telling us to watch our
backs, that sort of thing. Someone even published my home address on a
The conspiracy theorists are, indeed,
having a field day in a forum section set up by the company on its
website, www.steorn.com.
``We've been accused of being a
publicity stunt for the next MicrosoftXbox gaming system because some
of the artwork on our website was similar to theirs,'' says Walshe.
``Some people have said our offices don't exist and one accused us of
simply being a call centre in Australia because one of our telephonists
has an Australian accent. My favourite is the one that says we are a
CIA or oil-industry front intended to discredit research into free and
clean energy. In other words, our claims are deliberately false and
when they are found out to be, it will be a blow for all free and clean
research.'' ...
... The rest of us can only wait and see.
In the meantime, I ask MartinFleischmann, the cold-fusion scientist,
now 79 and retired, what he thought of the Steorn project.
``I am actually a conventional
scientist,'' he says, ``but I do acceptthat the existing [quantum
electro-dynamic] paradigm is not adequate. If what these men are saying
turns out to be true, that would be proof that the paradigm was
inadequate and we would have to come up with some new theory. But I
don't think their claims are credible. No, I cannot see how the
position of magnetic fields allows one to create energy.'' ----------
Possible Scientific Backing for Steorn's Free Energy Challenge A look at some theoretical physics explanations that might support the recent revolutionary announcement of a free energy device by the Irish company Steorn, who claim to have an all-magnet motor.
by New Energy Congress member, Leslie R. Pastor; Aug. 24, 2006
Read the article at peswiki.com: Tom Bearden explains
---------- Free, Clean Energy For All? By JONATHAN SILVERSTEIN (ABC News) .... "This company here does not use fancy superconductors or lasers, it's just a simple magnet machine," [Michio] Kaku giggled. "And so there's usually a slight of hand. Usually, you know, in the back some place energy's coming in but you can't see it and it's energizing their machine."
Kaku said that because these are technology experts and not physicists and that magnetic fields are invisible, Steorn may not have any idea that its machine is a fraud.
But he said the company's challenge to the scientific community is not necessarily the way to prove him wrong.
"Most reputable scientists don't want to be part of something like this because they realize it's a hoax," he explained. "But what happens is, shady scientists, you know, scientists who want to get their names in the paper or get a piece of the action, they sign up for the challenge and there's a lot of hoopla, television cameras come and say, 'Look, here is the scientist.' The scientist says, 'Oh my gosh, this guy's going to revolutionize the energy situation — change the world.' Then they get headlines that way."
McCarthy said that the doubts of Kaku and others in the scientific community are precisely why they had to get their challenge into the public domain. .... Read article at: Free, Clean Energy For All
Re: New Energy Times News Alert: STEORN Interview (Score: 1) by Koen on Saturday, August 26, 2006 @ 02:47:01 UTC (User Info | Send a Message) http://no.nl/tesla | Since I know that steorn will disclose all details of their invention to anyone willing to test it, I am more positive about steorn.
If steorn's claim is correct, then it probably means an experimental disproof of the second law of thermodynamics, and not a violation of the first law of thermodynamics.
I had an email discussion with A. Schneider about the hysteresis of permanent magnets. Schneider wrote me that some PM materials show an inverted hysteresis loop, which simply means that heat is converted into magnetic field energy (just google "inverted hysteresis loop"). An inverse hysteresis loop is already in conflict with the second law of therm.dyn. However, critical comments have been published about the inverted magnetic hysteresis loop of some materials: this characteristic has been shown only on the microscopic level and not yet on the macroscopic level, which is required for a violation of the second law of TD.
Possible tests one could do with Steorn's test rig:
- first study closely the motion (kinetic energy) of the dynamic parts - study the forces and potential energy of the dynamic parts Can you conclude at this point that the potential is conservative or non-conservative? - remove the permanent magnets from the test rig, and study again the kinetic and potential energy of the dynamic parts (does it make a difference? Does the test-rig contain hidden magnets?). - if possible create a test rig with dynamic parts that follow a circular path. If steorn's claim is correct then self-rotation should occur. - If all tests are positive thusfar, then measure closely (for instance by means of an infra-red sensitive camera as suggested by Roel Aarts in previous discussions) the temperature of the test rig during its operation.
More Steorn news (Score: 1) by vlad on Sunday, August 27, 2006 @ 21:02:17 UTC (User Info | Send a Message) http://www.zpenergy.com | From "Free energy" by David Smith/ Sunday August 27, 2006/ The Observer
'We were the number one blogged subject on the internet for three
days,' said Sean McCarthy, chief executive of Steorn. 'We've gone from
total obscurity to 750,000 hits on Google.'
has turned down constant offers from investors and had at least four
bids for the film rights. The story has stoked colossal interest,
cynicism and conspiracy theories. Bloggers have claimed that Steorn's
office does not exist, that the whole thing is a PR stunt for
Microsoft's Xbox or that the company is a front for the CIA or oil
industry. McCarthy has received abusive phone calls and even been
stalked at home.
Source: http://observer.guardian.co.uk/uk_news/story/0,,1859490,00.html
Re: New Energy Times News Alert: STEORN Interview (Score: 1) by malc on Monday, August 28, 2006 @ 01:12:47 UTC (User Info | Send a Message) http://web.ukonline.co.uk/mripley | The laws of thermodynamics are not necessarily being broken. Or rather the first law. The second law is not a law but a principle in that statistically most system tend to behave as described by that law (the word "tend" tends to be omitted by the bible thumping style physicists).
Anyway even physicists don't know where most of the universe is, the so called dark matter. If the dark matter is not clumped together in some as yet undiscovered part of the universe but is everywhere ie it is an attribute of the vacuum of space then this would explain the mass of the universe without being able to identify where it all is! Simple really. Now if any generator (for the want of a better word) taps into this dark energy (vacuum of space) then it is simply converting the energy from a dark form to a visible form (2nd "law" ok) and the mass of the universe remains the same (1st law OK).
So if physicsts agree that dark energy exists they MUST also contend that the ability to generate work by transferring energy from a dark form to visible form also exists.
Oh and lets not forget that physics still cannot adequately describe what magnetism is. |
Re: New Energy Times News Alert: STEORN Interview (Score: 1) by dolfinwriter on Monday, August 28, 2006 @ 22:45:54 UTC (User Info | Send a Message) | I'm not an expert, but my Navy career as an electrician in nuclear power taught me a great deal about thermodynamics and magnetism.
Anti-gravity? Dark matter? Is Stephen Hawking one of those invited to study this? We do understand very well the interaction of magnetic fields inside motors and generators. One concept that I accept as hard fact is that in every motor there is generator action, and in every generator there is motor action.
The latter explains why it takes some kind of prime mover to generate electricity, such as water falling over turbine wheels in a hydroelectric plant, or wind power, or steam over turbine wheels in a coal / oil / nuclear / geothermal steam plant, or a gasoline or diesel internal combustion engine... When it begins to generate electricity, it begins to resist the rotation that created the electricity. A generator doesn't create electricity out of thin air; it converts rotational work to electrical energy.
How can this thing possibly be any different?
This thing is touted as "free" energy, and I'm naturally skeptical.
What is the unseen "prime mover" here? The Earth's magnetic field? The stored energy in the Earth's orbit around the Sun or daily rotation? Radiated energy from the Sun itself?
In every conventional generator, when current is drawn, you see distortion of the fields which generated the electrical energy, directly proportional to the magnitude of the current flow. A wide variety of motor and generator mechanisms have been developed over the years to compensate for these field distortions. So what happens when we start "distorting" the Earth's magnetic field or whatever, on a global scale to power our energy hungry civilization? We apparently don't know.
Someone commented here that out of 200 some known magnetic phenomena, only about 60 or so are understood. Fair enough. My question is, if you don't even really know how this thing works--only that it does--how do you KNOW that it is TRULY "free" energy? How do you KNOW that it doesn't draw on some other limited natural resource whose depletion may have even more disastrous consequences than burning fossil fuels for 150+ years?
I hate to sound like such a tree-hugger (of sorts), but I'm inclined to believe this is going to go the way of cold fusion once the scientific community sinks its teeth into it.
But just to hedge my bets, I will concede that maybe science will determine that it does in reality draw energy from the Earth's magnetic field, but the draw would be infinitesimal, and we would never see any adverse affect. Or maybe it comes from some kind of magnetism generated by Solar wind (and therefore renewable). Tesla believed that if we could harness the magnetism caused by Solar radiation, we would have unlimited energy.
In these cases, it would be a great thing for mankind (ESPECIALLY with regards to the Middle East!), but it is NOT "creating energy from nothing," as is currently being claimed. This energy would have been liberated by the fusion of hydrogen in the Sun. Therefore it would NOT violate the laws of thermodynamics, and while it won't be exhausted in the lifetimes of thousands or even millions of human generations, it is NOT unlimited. We would be just beginning to capture energy radiated from the Sun that has otherwise been going to waste for billions of years. In reality, it would be just another type of solar panel which uses a mechanism other than photovoltaic cells. |