Conference on Future
Washington, DC, August 29, 2006 -- As the the
threat of global climate change caused by fossil fuels looms on the horizon,
remedies for future energy technologies are being presented by Integrity
Research Institute at a two-day conference to be held September 22-24, 2006 at
the Sheraton College Park just North of the Washington Beltway on I-95 at Exit
29B. The Conference on Future Energy (COFE - pronounced
"Co-fee") is the second in the series, with the first one held in 1999,
originally scheduled for the State Department Secretary's Open
Progressive ideas abound at the second
international future energy conference with presentations by top scientists,
professors, attorneys, entrepreneurs, doctors, engineers and inventors from
three countries. Presenting showcase developments during the
Sessions on Saturday, September 23rd, COFE2 offers an exciting
renewable energy innovation called a "tidal power electric generator" developed
by Blue Energy Canada with Martin Burger,
CEO. One of these 20 MW vertical-axis
Ocean Turbines operates
off the coast of Nova Scotia, with the assistance of the University of British
Dr. George Miley, University of Illinois professor, will be
reviewing his experiments with
Plasma Focus Fusion electric power
generation. This is the fourth type of fusion (also called
"proton-boron" fusion) that was most often disregarded as too difficult to
attain, until Sandia Labs recently broke the billion-degree barrier recently
with their "Z-Pinch" fusion reactor. Now Dense Plasma Focus Fusion, which
has four times the output of conventional magnetic confinement fusion and no
radiation, suddenly has gained more attention, since it has surpassed the same
temperature barrier with a much simpler and more economical
Dennis Bushnell, Chief Scientist at NASA Langley
Research Center, will be presenting on post-petroleum
energetics and also agriculture that can be sustained by seawater
irrigation. James Dunn, from NASA's Center for Technology Commercialization,
will be reviewing fuel cell developments, his own electric
airplane, the first of its kind, as well as many other emerging energy
inventions he has personally investigated. David
Goodwin, from the US Department of Energy, will give a report on the
government's fission and fusion research.
Glen Gordon, MD, will be discussing his discovery
of a
therapeutic electromagnetic pulse
generation for intercellular fluid mobilization and therapy, with
arguments for a future energy medicine transition. Dr. Gordon, aged 69, is
famous for curing himself of congestive heart failure with the that he invented and
then bicycling across the country, while appearing on TV and radio talk shows.
He also worked with Dr. Donald Jaueisen during the development and patenting of
the device, which moves biological fluid congestion through short, powerful
magnetic pulses, with the fastest rise-time in the field.
Dr. Fabrizio Pinto, formerly of the Jet Propulsion
Laboratory, will be the keynote speaker during the award banquet on
Saturday night, followed by a live concert pianist performance by Erika
Monteith. Dr. Pinto's specialty is
nanotechnology utilizing quantum
principles of zero-point energy and the Casimir force, with a number of
patents and journal publications to his credit. He has discovered that
propulsion as well as electricity generation on the quantum scale is
theoretically allowed by the present laws of thermodynamics. Dr. Pinto is the
President and CEO of .
Dr. Thorsten Ludwig, from the German Association for Space Energy, will be
presenting on the European developments in the same area of quantum zero-point
On Sunday, Emerging Sessions
include Dr. Tania Slawecki, on sabbatical from Pennsylvania State University,
will be discussing their work with tests on electromagnetic therapy
devices or energy medicine. She is a Materials Science Research
Professor who has worked with NIST and served as Director of her State's Center
for Sustainability. Presentations on Wankel Motors, Catalytic Energy Science,
Antigravity Development, Intellectual Property Strategy for Emerging Energy, and
Future Energy Technologies are on the list.
A screening of the movie, "Who Killed the
Electric Car?" will be shown on Friday night to open the Conference on
Future Energy, at the Loews AMC Theatre on Powder Mill Road next door to the
Sheraton College Park.
NOTE: Conference attendees are
encouraged to take advantage of the last few days of the very
discounted conference rates available from IRI
202-452-7674 and the Sheraton 301-937-4422,
ending September
1st. Early-bird discount registration for the conference and hotel
conference rates will both expire after September 1st. More information is
available, including a
free copy of
Future Energy magazine, at
and also by calling 202-452-7674 or toll-free 800-295-7674 anytime 24 hours a
day. The Conference on Future Energy is
Metro-accessible to
save energy, from the Greenbelt Metro station, by calling the Sheraton for free
shuttle service. The Sheraton College Park Hotel is located at 4095 Powder Mill
Road, Beltsville, MD 20740 on Rt. 212 off the I-95 interstate expressway
connecting Washington and Baltimore. It is also about 30 minutes from BWI or
Reagan National airports. See the COFE2 poster included below which colorfully
summarizes the event.
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- - Integrity Research Institute is a nonprofit corporation
dedicated to scientific integrity in future energy research - -