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MPI - Executive Summary updated
Posted on Wednesday, August 30, 2006 @ 21:45:11 UTC by vlad

Manufacturers Extracts: "MPI’s mission is to supply the world with clean, abundant, and inexpensive electricity.

The company is developing technology it calls Magnetic Power ModulesTM. Based upon breakthrough discoveries in MPI’s labs, Magnetic Power Modules are being designed that operate continuously, without fuel, extracting electricity by converting abundant, renewable, Virtual Photon Flux (VPF), an energy source that exists everywhere in the universe. The process will create no pollution. The cost of electricity is estimated to be significantly less than any competing form of power generation today or in the foreseeable future...

...Following VPF research in several laboratories around the world, and based on recent breakthroughs in MPI laboratories, prototypes are currently being built that the Company expects will soon receive external validation. The first in a substantial series of patent applications was filed in January, 2005 and was published in July, 2006. A plug-in hybrid car may be modified, to become a prototype powered by VPF for local driving, by the close of next year...

...VPF conversion devices have been prototyped in laboratories throughout the world. MPI has a team of outstanding engineers developing pre-commercial generators leading to the development of Demonstration Devices and toys to illustrate the feasibility of practical designs. Prototypes of these could be completed at the end of 2006. One kilowatt Modules aimed at the market for homes and portable generators might be completed in March, 2007. They will be in production by the end of 2007. Modules can be combined for greater power output, in a manner analogous to solar cells. Compact automotive power systems, as well as megawatt modules and small battery replacements, powering cell phone and laptop computers, will follow...

Funding Status

MPI and RTS together have raised a total of more than $7.6 million in capital from private Angel investors. Of this amount, over $4 million was directly, and another $1 million indirectly, invested in RTS. Additional funding has been provided by four completed U.S. government contracts related to Ultraconductors. A $5 million investment and an unrelated $6 million commitment are pending. A Strategic Partner has signed an agreement to provide an additional investment of $5 million to support early, pilot plant, production of Magnetic Power Modules in cooperation with MPI. "

E-Mail: magneticpower@gmail.com

Read the whole document here: http://magneticpowerinc.com/exec.html



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Re: MPI - Executive Summary updated (Score: 1)
by mach946 on Thursday, August 31, 2006 @ 10:22:17 UTC
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Once again there are a lot of coulds and shoulds in thiere article. Bottom line is this: If you have a viable product that you truly believe in, then the word could and should, cant possibly used to say when it is commimg to market. Just do it! I still believe MPI will come up with the same old lame excuses that Thom Bearden came up with regarding his MEG. i.e. "We need more funding" or "We need to study this thing so we can explain the physics" or the " Powers that be have threatened our families, so we are supplying you with the blue prints to carry our gift to humanity" ad infinitum. and the most famous excuse is the perpetual deadline when thes devices should hit the market or production. It's always next year or the end of next year! When will it end?


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